Category: GOPocrisy

Will the Michigan GOP sacrifice LGBT civil rights on the altar of “deeply held religious beliefs”?

Will the Michigan GOP sacrifice LGBT civil rights on the altar of “deeply held religious beliefs”?

Last week, Governor Snyder pretended that he’s suddenly concerned with adding protections for LGBT folks to our state’s civil rights law, the Elliott-Larsen Act. As I have already said, this is a sham. Governor Snyder’s own words show how squishy his “support” is: “I’m encouraging them to say there’s been a lot of dialog and discussion on this. It’s been […]

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The GOP’s new lie: If you like your Obamacare, you can keep it after we repeal it

The GOP’s new lie: If you like your Obamacare, you can keep it after we repeal it

Without Obamacare, the KyNect exchange is just website that lets people know they can’t afford health insurance When Republicans lie about Obamacare, it’s hardly news. But the lies coming out Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul in Kentucky show what a bind the party is in now that the Affordable Care Act has truly began to take hold and work as […]

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Gov. Rick Snyder’s new-found concern for LGBT civil rights is a sham

Gov. Rick Snyder’s new-found concern for LGBT civil rights is a sham

Yesterday at the Mackinac Policy Conference on Mackinac Island, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder did an about-face on his position regarding civil rights for members of the LGBT community. His actions or, rather, lack of actions on behalf of the LGBT community are well-known so the abrupt change is cause for considerable skepticism. Snyder spelled out his new-found interest in LGBT […]

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Rick Snyder’s slow transformation into Mark Schauer: Now supports LGBT civil rights just in time for the election!

Rick Snyder’s slow transformation into Mark Schauer: Now supports LGBT civil rights just in time for the election!

There’s something going on that is truly amazing: Rick Snyder is slowly transforming into his Democratic opponent Mark Schauer on major issues voters are concerned about right now. First it was raising the minimum wage. One day he’s saying it would harm the economy and wasn’t important to him. The next day he’s signing legislation into law that is almost […]

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The Kochs can’t seem to buy a Senate seat in Michigan

The Kochs can’t seem to buy a Senate seat in Michigan

Koch tested. Right to Life approved. Democrat Gary Peters continues to lead his likely Republican opponent for the U.S. Senate Terri Lynn Land. Meanwhile, Republican hopes of a wave that could help them take over the Senate should be waning, if Republicans actually paid attention to polls they don’t like. The Washington Post‘s Greg Sargent notes: A pair of new […]

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UPDATED: Michigan Lt. Gov. Brian Calley believes President Obama does not support our military men & women

UPDATED: Michigan Lt. Gov. Brian Calley believes President Obama does not support our military men & women

If you want to know just how extreme Republicans in Jackson, Michigan are, the fact that they chose Allen B. West as the keynote speaker for Lincoln Day fundraising dinner last week tells you pretty much everything you need to know. Besides being one of the most intentionally outrageous tea partiers in the country, West recently attacked the patriotism of […]

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Republicans need to explain what happens to the 17.2+ million Americans whose health insurance they want to cancel

Republicans need to explain what happens to the 17.2+ million Americans whose health insurance they want to cancel

So what happens to the 259,000 Michiganders whose insurance you want to void, Terri Lynn Land? The GOP Obamacare repeal fantasy is falling apart and the media seems content to let Republicans pretend it still exists. Marking the the four-anniversary of the Affordable Care Act becoming law in March, GOP candidate for U.S. Senate in Michigan reiterated her pledge to […]

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More than 300 veterans may die this year because Republicans won’t expand Medicaid

More than 300 veterans may die this year because Republicans won’t expand Medicaid

Always nice to see Republicans take a break from voting against veterans funding to criticize the VA There’s no doubt that reports that veterans are dying while waiting for adequate care from VA hospitals is a genuine scandal. But it’s a complex scandal that’s decades in the making. It’s a scandal in which Republican rhetoric doesn’t match their voting record. […]

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Why same-sex marriage and religious liberty are kicking ass

Why same-sex marriage and religious liberty are kicking ass

This family is brought to you by Loving v. Virginia, Windsor v. United States & now Whitewood v. Wood #DecisionDayPA — Sarah A. Newman (@westenismydog) May 20, 2014 In their decisions striking down same-sex marriage bans, judges have been trying to outdo each other with definitive statements calling the injustice that has been done LGBT couples, and America’s sense […]

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Republican election-year popularity at its lowest point since 1998

Republican election-year popularity at its lowest point since 1998

The only thing less popular than a Republican is a Tea Partier Pundits want to remind you again and again that Democrats should get pounded this year. That’s what tends to happen in a president’s party after six years of holding the White House. President Obama’s approval is below 50 percent and Republicans have a chance to pick up seven […]

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Michigan GOP effort to stop raising minimum wage proves democracy is only for the rich & well-connected, not you

Michigan GOP effort to stop raising minimum wage proves democracy is only for the rich & well-connected, not you

As I have written about before, Republicans are petrified of a drive to put raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour on the ballot in November. It’s such a winning issue for Democrats that Republicans know that they simply must kill it or risk losing big on election day as more Democrats than usual turn out to vote in […]

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