Category: GOPocrisy

Republicans can stop denying 5 million working Americans health insurance any time they want

Republicans can stop denying 5 million working Americans health insurance any time they want

A confederacy of cruelty This map should break your heart. In white are the 24 Republican-led states that have refused to expand Medicaid as part of the Affordable Care Act. One state — Scott Walker’s Wisconsin — actually used expansion to kick some of its residents off Medicaid. The results of this act of “spite,” as President Obama called it, […]

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What has the least productive House of Representatives in history actually done?

What has the least productive House of Representatives in history actually done?

Someone needs to learn the ‘culture of work’ President Obama pointed out last week that the 113th Congress will be the least productive in recorded history. MaddowBlog‘s Steve Benen made this chart to show just how true this claim was: However, it’s worth pointing out that while this House of Representatives will go down in history for accomplishing less than […]

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On Tax Day, it’s worth looking at how the Michigan GOP has shifted the tax burden to the poor & middle class

On Tax Day, it’s worth looking at how the Michigan GOP has shifted the tax burden to the poor & middle class

MORE THAN HALF OF US NOW PAY HIGHER TAXES THANKS TO THE GOP AND YES I’M SHOUTING! A little over two years ago, I wrote a cautionary post titled “The tax timebomb that explodes in Michigan in 2012 is MUCH worse than you thought”. In it, I explained how the Republican budget passed in the first year after the 2010 […]

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85,761 Michiganders have signed up for Medicaid expansion in 9 days

85,761 Michiganders have signed up for Medicaid expansion in 9 days

And the GOP plan is still repeal After a three month delay that cost Michigan’s taxpayers $630 million, Healthy Michigan has enrolled 85,761 people since April 1, according to Charles Gaba’s The program is expected to cover about 500,000 Michiganders. Governor Rick Snyder recognized that turning down health insurance for a half million people that the state would pay […]

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DCCC targets Michigan Republicans for support of Paul Ryan’s “screw the poor, enrich the rich” budget

DCCC targets Michigan Republicans for support of Paul Ryan’s “screw the poor, enrich the rich” budget

Republicans know who butters their bread and it ain’t YOU! Paul Ryan introduced a new budget bill recently that is basically a rehash of his previous budgets. As LOLGOP put it, “In Ryan’s Randian hellscape, everything must be done to tame the debt in the next ten years, except anything that could hurt the GOP immediately with seniors, though huge […]

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Republican Gov. Snyder lies about $22.2 million increase in cousin’s state contract at public event

Republican Gov. Snyder lies about $22.2 million increase in cousin’s state contract at public event

Pesky, pesky facts Meme courtesy of the Michigan Democratic Party At a public breakfast forum this week, Republican Governor Rick Snyder was challenged by Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lon Johnson over the more than doubling of the state contract held by Snyder’s cousin George Snyder. Johnson asked Snyder, “How can you justify cutting education and raising (taxes on the) senior […]

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Forget debt, the real crisis for Paul Ryan is the that rich aren’t rich enough

Forget debt, the real crisis for Paul Ryan is the that rich aren’t rich enough

Paul Ryan’s latest budget has the same goal as his last three budgets: It slashes taxes for the rich while slashing pretty much everything for everyone else. The biggest benefit will go to the richest .01 percent — who have seen their share of income quintuple in the last forty years. Those who earn over $1,000,000 a year would see […]

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Paul Ryan just made sure health care won’t be a winning issue for the GOP in 2014

Paul Ryan just made sure health care won’t be a winning issue for the GOP in 2014

Are you running against Obamacare or for turning Medicare into Obamacare? History may remember April 1, 2014 as the day that Obamacare’s health exchange enrollment number passed 7 million. But if Democrats are wise, they’ll make sure voters remember it as the day Paul Ryan released his latest budget proposal. Again, with slight variations, the congressman from Wisconsin proposes to […]

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Michigan Republicans withhold road repair funds from Democratic districts to punish Democrats

Michigan Republicans withhold road repair funds from Democratic districts to punish Democrats

This is referred to as “pulling a Chris Christie” Crains Detroit Business has a bombshell story out this week detailing how Republicans in the state legislature are withholding road repair funds for districts with Democratic representation. You would think that decisions about road repair would be made by the engineers and other experts at the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) […]

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GOP activist in Koch-funded ad attacking Obamacare costs turned down cheaper coverage

GOP activist in Koch-funded ad attacking Obamacare costs turned down cheaper coverage

The real Obamacare horror story for the GOP? It helps the people it’s supposed to help A new ad featuring a Grand Rapids resident complaining that her new health insurance plan is “not affordable” due to Obamacare leaves out an important fact. Shannon Wendt turned down Medicaid coverage for family, according to posts she made on her Facebook wall. The […]

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The conspiracy to pretend tens of millions of people aren’t being helped by Obamacare

The conspiracy to pretend tens of millions of people aren’t being helped by Obamacare

How Republicans keep making the argument for single-payer The White House announced on Thursday that six million people had picked a health insurance plan through an Obamacare exchange and Republicans said all at once, as they’ve been training each other to do, “BUT HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE PAID?” “How many people have paid?” is a great argument against Obamacare, if […]

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