Category: GOPocrisy

GUEST POST: Shari Pollesch, Dem candidate for Michigan’s 22nd Senate District on the hypocrisy of Joe Hune

GUEST POST: Shari Pollesch, Dem candidate for Michigan’s 22nd Senate District on the hypocrisy of Joe Hune

As I have written about in the past, thanks to Republican redistricting after the 2010 midterm, I am going from having one of the most progressive state senators, Rebekah Warren, to one of the most regressive tea party type senators you could imagine: Joe Hune. Hune has been rated as the most conservative member of the Michigan Senate. Joe Hune’s […]

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BREAKING: The NERD Fund is back – Snyder administration faces charges of nepotism and corruption

BREAKING: The NERD Fund is back – Snyder administration faces charges of nepotism and corruption

“We are on it…” This morning the Michigan Democratic Party released emails obtained through a FOIA request suggesting that Richard Baird, Governor Rick Snyder’s “Transformation Manager” who was once paid from the New Energy to Reinvent and Diversify (NERD) Fund, intervened on behalf of Governor Snyder’s cousin George Snyder to ensure he was protected from budget cuts in 2011. The […]

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In a post-Citizens United world, the Kochs may own the midterms

In a post-Citizens United world, the Kochs may own the midterms

The one word Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren and President Obama all need to say: Volunteer Democrats didn’t randomly pick the Kochs from a lineup of anonymous right-wing billionaires. They’re not just the perfect example of a plutocrats subverting the electoral system to improve their bottom line. The brothers’ network is outspending Democrats ten-to-one as they spread their anti-community ideology with […]

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Chris Christie brings the stink of his scandals to Rick Snyder and Terri Lynn Land

Chris Christie brings the stink of his scandals to Rick Snyder and Terri Lynn Land

Yes, this is the best Republicans have to offer Chris Christie’s Bridgegate scandal has not been shut down and it’s only getting closer to the governor. Questions about his administration’s willingness to inflict traffic on taxpayers and a tangled web of conflicts of interest involving the governor’s associates at the Port Authority remain unanswered. Now, reporting by The Nation‘s Lee […]

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How to enjoy Ted Cruz and Rand Paul destroying each other

How to enjoy Ted Cruz and Rand Paul destroying each other

If 2012 was the year of the “clown car,” the 2016 GOP presidential primary will be Reservoir Dogs. And the dogs have already started circling, as two savvy yet vicious politicians recognize the Tea Party is only big enough for one filibusterer. For the past few years, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul pretended to be friends and kept their divisions […]

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BREAKING: Americans love the government

BREAKING: Americans love the government

Sorry, foreign aid only makes up 1 percent of our budget Republicans and people obsessed with tax breaks for the rich know that Americans hate “government spending” and “deficits.” This hatred of Washington DC’s largess isn’t built on actual animosity for what government does; Americans actually love specific government services and have no desire to cut them in any significant […]

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Michigan House Republican Tom McMillin to host fundraiser with fake historian & Christianist revisionist David Barton (UPDATED)

Michigan House Republican Tom McMillin to host fundraiser with fake historian & Christianist revisionist David Barton (UPDATED)

David Barton calls himself an historian though he has no credentials as an historian and is far more accurately described as an historical revisionist. The Southern Poverty Law Center, watchdog for hate mongers in America, has an entire page on Barton and it’s worth reading only so that you can see what a jaw-dropping charlatan he is. Here are some […]

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How many millions of Obamacare success stories are there?

How many millions of Obamacare success stories are there?

Millions and millions of Americans have gained health insurance in the last five months, if you’re wondering why Republicans are so pissed According to political lore, Lyndon Johnson spread a rumor during a congressional campaign that his opponent was pig-f*cker. When his campaign manager asked him why he was spreading such a vile falsehood, Johnson allegedly said, “I just want […]

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Why the GOP’s new, anti-gay ‘Southern Strategy’ won’t work

Why the GOP’s new, anti-gay ‘Southern Strategy’ won’t work

There’s no freedom greater than my freedom from your religion In 1968, the year after the Supreme Court ended all bans on interracial marriage, 72 percent of Americans were still opposed to so-called “mixed marriages.” Richard Nixon ran for president campaigning on “states rights” and “law and order.”  It worked. He was easily elected then re-elected in a landslide. Nixon […]

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The Koch Brothers present another Obamacare success story

The Koch Brothers present another Obamacare success story

If Republican Terri Lynn Land wants to repeal coverage for more than half a million Michiganders, she better start giving some answers The Koch brothers’ most visible political operation Americans for Prosperity has already sunk millions into Michigan’s U.S. Senate race to prop up Republican Terri Lynn Land, an intentionally vague candidate whose tenure as Secretary of State was marked […]

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Why Rick Snyder is worse for Michigan than ‘out’ homophobe Dave Agema

Why Rick Snyder is worse for Michigan than ‘out’ homophobe Dave Agema

Pandering to the far right is bad for Michigan’s economy and our families Governor Rick Snyder refused to join the chorus who called for Michigan Republican National Committeeman Dave Agema to resign after the former member of Michigan’s House of Representatives. The party’s leadership was okay with a year of anti-gay comments but an especially vile anti-Muslim post made them […]

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