Category: GOPocrisy

A small win in the war to shrink the middle class

A small win in the war to shrink the middle class

Those who depend on the kindness of corporations are the truly dependent As news broke that the United Auto Workers’ effort to organize its first plant run by a foreign automaker in the South failed by 87 votes, conservatives celebrated. They were celebrating how the scare tactics of Senator Bob Corker, who likely violated the Wagner Act, and other local […]

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Michigan’s GOP is moving to the right of Vladimir Putin on LGBT rights

Michigan’s GOP is moving to the right of Vladimir Putin on LGBT rights

Michigan RNC candidate calls for the ‘purging’ of gays from the GOP First, we had a a Republican National Committee member from Michigan saying that Vladimir Putin’s anti-gay propaganda laws were “common sense.” When Dave Agema paired that insight with an anti-Muslim post, his colleagues stopped cheering him on and realized that he could blow the millions the Kochs are […]

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The Keystone XL pipeline debate isn’t about increased CO2 emissions and Ed Schultz & Brian Schweitzer are dead WRONG

The Keystone XL pipeline debate isn’t about increased CO2 emissions and Ed Schultz & Brian Schweitzer are dead WRONG

This past week a federal report came out saying the carbon emissions will not be increased by allowing the Keystone XL pipeline to run through the USA. This will rejuvenate efforts by the Big Oil proponents of the pipeline to keep up their political pressure. But this argument has, in my opinion, never been about increased carbon emissions. It’s about […]

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Where did anyone get the wildly insulting idea that Americans don’t work enough?

Where did anyone get the wildly insulting idea that Americans don’t work enough?

FACT: Obamacare only gives subsidies to families that are WORKING. When the sober, affable E.J. Dionne complains that our health care debate is “stupid,” you know things gotten silly. The right’s fear-mongering of a totalitarian takeover of the 2009-2010 gave way to the theoretical job-killing of 2011-2013. When Obamacare’s open enrollment arrived with the best job growth in half a […]

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Gov. Snyder’s Superbowl ad: perpetuating the myth that he’s made us the ‘comeback state’, facts be damned

Gov. Snyder’s Superbowl ad: perpetuating the myth that he’s made us the ‘comeback state’, facts be damned

“Comeback Kid”? How about “Kid Crock”? During the Superbowl tonight, viewers in Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Lansing, and Traverse City will see an ad that will launch the reelection campaign of Governor Rick Snyder. The ad is estimated to cost almost $1 million to produce and air. This is in addition to the nearly $700,000 he spent on a similar […]

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It’s time to force the GOP to help the long-term unemployed

It’s time to force the GOP to help the long-term unemployed

The GOP defeated Ted Cruz — now will anything good come of it? If you’ve been paying attention to Washington DC lately, you’ve been enjoying how no one is listening to Ted Cruz. — except to laugh at him when he says he didn’t want a government shutdown. Again and again, the Club for Growth and Freedomworks come out against […]

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The media refuses to acknowledge how horrendously out of touch the GOP has become

The media refuses to acknowledge how horrendously out of touch the GOP has become

You wouldn’t know it by watching or listening to most pundits, but the Republican Party is more unpopular today than at the lowest points of George W. Bush’s presidency. And they’re far less popular than they were when they won 1.3 million fewer votes than Democratic House candidates. On the day of the president’s State of the Union, the House […]

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Why the GOP finally called on Dave Agema to resign, and why nothing would change if he did

Why the GOP finally called on Dave Agema to resign, and why nothing would change if he did

The RNC committeeman committed the one GOP unforgivable sin: He was alienating donors Renowned anti-gay, anti-Muslim activist, Dave Agema announced Friday night that he will not resign from the Republican National Committee even after nearly everyone in his party had called on him to do so — except Governor Snyder, who is too busy telling Congress how to budget to […]

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Terri Lynn Land bravely calls for Agema’s resignation after everyone else in the party already has

Terri Lynn Land bravely calls for Agema’s resignation after everyone else in the party already has

Profiles in courage… As of lunchtime today, pretty much every Republican and his brother or sister had issued a statement calling for Dave Agema’s resignation from the RNC. Fred Upton, Justin Amash, Betsy DeVos, Michigan GOP chair Bobby Schostak, RNC chair Reince Priebus. The list is long and very few but the most extreme ultra-conservatives is on it. Two name […]

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Betsy DeVos decries Dave Agema’s hate speech despite a family history of funding bigoted initiatives

Betsy DeVos decries Dave Agema’s hate speech despite a family history of funding bigoted initiatives

Got hypocrisy? Dave Agema recently wrote these hateful words on his Facebook page: Have you seen Muslims shaking hands with a Muslim Girl Scouts? Have you seen a Muslim Candy Striper? Have you ever seen a Muslim do anything that contributes positively to the American way of life? After remaining quiet for months as Agema spewed bigoted hate speech on […]

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If you’re going to run on Democratic successes, why wouldn’t we vote for the Democrat?

If you’re going to run on Democratic successes, why wouldn’t we vote for the Democrat?

If you’re wondering about the State of the State of Michigan, you were wise to skip Governor Rick Snyder’s speech on Thursday. The governor bragged about the state’s job growth but that’s just a tribute to the national economy when even the state with the third worst unemployment rate in the nation is adding jobs. As far as the real […]

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