Category: GOPocrisy

If PR folks and reality stars want to get away with saying awful things, they should become a GOP party official

If PR folks and reality stars want to get away with saying awful things, they should become a GOP party official

You know that Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson has been suspended by A&E from his reality show for saying that homosexuality leads to bestiality. In the same interview he also said black people were happier during segregation. (And what evidence do we have that they weren’t? Except the civil rights movement.) Right wingers are ignoring the comments about Jim Crow […]

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How does the GOP punish homophobes? Partial Standing Ovations

How does the GOP punish homophobes?
Partial Standing Ovations

Earlier this year GOP national committeeman Dave Agema posted a vile commentary on gays and lesbians authored by a known white supremacist. How did the Republican National Committee punish him for such an egregious example of hate as they were gearing up for a season of outreach? They passed Agema’s resolution denouncing same-sex marriage. Take that! Obviously, Agema learned his […]

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Michigan Republicans pass “Plan Ahead for Your Abortion” law

Michigan Republicans pass “Plan Ahead for Your Abortion” law

Michigan Republicans: Drunk with power, anti-women As Amy and I have been writing about for quite some time now, Michigan Right to Life was able to gather enough signatures representing just 4.2% of Michigan voters to put a bill before the state legislature to force women to buy a special rider on their health insurance to cover abortions. They did […]

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Rand Paul begins GOP outreach to African Americans by declaring unemployment benefits “a disservice” to the unemployed

Rand Paul begins GOP outreach to African Americans by declaring unemployment benefits “a disservice” to the unemployed

Rand Paul is a disservice to the GOP’s African American outreach Photo credit: Anne C. Savage, special to Eclectablog The day after he presided over the opening of the Michigan Republican Party’s office for African American outreach, Rand Paul told Fox News that extending unemployment benefits for workers unable to find work for as long as 99 weeks was doing […]

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PHOTOS, AUDIO, & VIDEO: White Libertarian Rand Paul from Kentucky opens Republican black outreach office in Detroit

PHOTOS, AUDIO, & VIDEO: White Libertarian Rand Paul from Kentucky opens Republican black outreach office in Detroit

The GOP believes they simply need to talk about issues that African Americans care about, not actually do anything about them Kentucky Senator Rand Paul came to Michigan today to be part of the opening of the Republican’s Detroit “African American Engagement Office”. No, seriously. Before the Republicans got their day started, Democrats had a press conference nearby where they […]

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How do Republicans solve the problem of poor people w/o health care? Give retired nurses the “freedom to volunteer”!

How do Republicans solve the problem of poor people w/o health care? Give retired nurses the “freedom to volunteer”!

Oh, this is rich The Michigan Republicans have found a way to solve the problem of “indigent and needy individuals or individuals in medically underserved areas of the State”. Is it by offering financial assistance to people without health care? – NO Is it by creating new programs to serve people without health care? – NO Is it by expanding […]

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Michigan Republicans continue with GOP effort to rebrand themselves as the party of choice for African Americans

Michigan Republicans continue with GOP effort to rebrand themselves as the party of choice for African Americans

I hate to tell you this, but it’s not going to work The Republican party is in desperation mode trying to ingratiate themselves with the African American community. Having spent the last several decades using race-baiting techniques to drum up support with southern whites, they’ve suddenly seen the light and know that, unless they can begin appealing to the black […]

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The Texas GOP’s goal? Creating more uninsured Texans

The Texas GOP’s goal? Creating more uninsured Texans

You’ve probably heard that since Obamacare launched red state Kentucky has reduced its uninsured population by 9%. If Texas did that, 561,141 people would be insured and hell would have frozen over. In 2010, 6,234,900 Texans lacked health insurance and Republicans apparently decided that their biggest problem was that they weren’t producing enough uninsured people to keep that number growing. […]

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Impending “Plan Ahead for Your Abortion” law initiated by just 4.2% of Michigan voters is opposed by most Michigan voters

Impending “Plan Ahead for Your Abortion” law initiated by just 4.2% of Michigan voters is opposed by most Michigan voters

Sorta like gerrymandering, when you think of it As I wrote about in my now-viral piece “Michigan about to require women to buy “rape insurance” based on petition signed by 4.2% of voters”, a new law will likely go into effect in the near future in Michigan that will require women to plan ahead for their abortions — even if […]

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Michigan about to require women to buy “rape insurance” based on petition signed by 4.2% of voters

Michigan about to require women to buy “rape insurance” based on petition signed by 4.2% of voters

The War on Women continues… Graphic by Anne C. Savage, special to Eclectablog. NOTE: this post has been corrected as noted below. There is also an update with a link to Planned Parenthood’s petition. Thanks to a petition drive that resulted in 4.2% of Michiganders voicing their minority opinion, Michigan is about to become a place where women have to […]

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Michigan government investment experts now earn more money than the governor after 80+% pay raise – UPDATED

Michigan government investment experts now earn more money than the governor after 80+% pay raise – UPDATED

It’s a good gig if you can get it See updates below. The Snyder administration recently gave three of its investment experts massive pay raises, making them some of the highest paid members of his administration. One of them, chief investment officer, Jon Braeutigam, makes more than the Governor and the Lt. Governor combined! The State of Michigan quietly increased […]

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