Category: GOPocrisy

Florida Rep. Trey Radel, stepping down due to cocaine use, donated to Dan Benishek’s Congressional campaign in 2012.

Florida Rep. Trey Radel, stepping down due to cocaine use, donated to Dan Benishek’s Congressional campaign in 2012.

You will know them by the friends they keep Florida Congressman Trey Radel announced yesterday that he’s “taking a leave of absence” after being busted earlier in the week for buying cocaine from undercover police officers. Radel is a supreme hypocrite. Earlier this year he voted for legislation that would require anyone receiving food stamps to be drug tested. No […]

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5 reasons you should let Republicans believe Obamacare repeal is still an option

5 reasons you should let Republicans believe Obamacare repeal is still an option

As a perpetual optimist, I’m pretty sure this is the low point for what I consider to be the greatest victory for the middle class since Medicare/Medicaid — the Affordable Care Act. Approval of President Obama and the law are at new lows. Still, as The Washington Post‘s Greg Sargent keeps pointing out, support for repeal is still a minority […]

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UPDATED: Michigan Republicans want you to know if Obamacare raised your rates but not if it’s helped you

UPDATED: Michigan Republicans want you to know if Obamacare raised your rates but not if it’s helped you

GOPocrisy, pure and simple Michigan Republicans are still working to demonize the Affordable Care Act in any way they can. The most recent example is a bill reported out of the House Subcommittee on Insurance last week, H.B. 4816, which was introduced by Rep. Mike Shirkey. The bill, which you can read HERE (pdf), requires health insurers to report to […]

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The Obamacare enrollment number Republicans hate most: 444,000

The Obamacare enrollment number Republicans hate most: 444,000

The most progressive part of the Affordable Care Act is working the best. There’s no doubt that the craptacular launch of will go down in history with the vice-presidential nomination of Sarah Palin as one of the early 21st century’s great unforced errors. Calling it Obama’s Katrina is absurd, but we can’t ignore the fact that people will die […]

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REMINDER: Republicans do not care about about the uninsured

REMINDER: Republicans do not care about about the uninsured

Something very dangerous is going on in America: People are taking Republicans’ concern trolling about health care seriously. Of course, I have a lot of sympathy for people who are finding that their health insurance plans are cancelled and they’ll have to pay more to get the coverage they have. But I have no sympathy for those who are pretending […]

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Republicans have now entered the Hypocrisy Zone on Obamacare

Republicans have now entered the Hypocrisy Zone on Obamacare

You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That’s the signpost up ahead— your next stop, the Hypocrisy Zone! Things have really gotten hypocritically bizarre in Republican attempts to undermine the Affordable Care Act. Pundits across the country are outwardly […]

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Republican Tom McMillin introduces legislation that even I can support – making CEOs pee in a cup

Republican Tom McMillin introduces legislation that even I can support – making CEOs pee in a cup

Never gonna happen… Michigan Republican House member Tom McMillin who is on the House Education, Financial Liability Reform and Regulatory Reform committees is someone with whom I rarely agree. His attacks on education, in particular, make him one of the most reviled Republicans in the House. However, he has introduced legislation in this session and in the last session that […]

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The more the GOP opposes something, the more popular it becomes

The more the GOP opposes something, the more popular it becomes

You’ve probably seen the new Gallup numbers that show that for the first time a majority of Americans want to legalize marijuana: With 58% of Americans supporting legalization, that makes it even more popular than the now very popular institution of same-sex marriage: Both are far more popular than the now unprecedentedly unpopular Republican Party, which is almost as unpopular […]

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VIDEO: GOP candidate David Trott endorsed subprime mortgages at the height of the subprime meltdown

VIDEO: GOP candidate David Trott endorsed subprime mortgages at the height of the subprime meltdown

That advice wasn’t good for consumers. But it sure must have been good for Trott’s business handling foreclosures.

David Trott, chairman and CEO of one of the country’s largest law firms specializing in foreclosure services for the mortgage industry — and a Republican candidate running in Michigan’s 11th Congressional District — has got some explaining to do.

In September 2007, subprime mortgage firms were declaring bankruptcy, other financial institutions were refusing to take on more subprime loans and millions of Americans were at risk of losing their homes. At that same time, Trott appeared on the Michigan TV program “Due Process” and called subprime mortgages “a perfectly appropriate product.”

Yes, David Trott defended subprime mortgages even as the subprime mortgage market was collapsing. That collapse contributed significantly to the larger financial crisis that wreaked havoc on the global economy.

Trott’s statements on “Due Process” make it clear he didn’t see anything wrong with endorsing a product he knew very well would result in even more foreclosures — risking the homes of average Americans while driving more business to his law firm.

Click through for video and more.

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Why progressives should love and possibly donate large amounts of money to Ted Cruz’s 2016 campaign

Why progressives should love and possibly donate large amounts of money to Ted Cruz’s 2016 campaign

I understand the anger at Senator Ted Cruz. The junior senator from Texas — enabled by a feckless Speaker Boehner — has led an effort that has cost the economy at least $24 billion, putting Americans out of work while millions are still in need of jobs. Enabled by a vast network of right wingers funded by billionaires terrified by […]

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GOP outraged that program they worked so hard to destroy isn’t working perfectly

GOP outraged that program they worked so hard to destroy isn’t working perfectly

Burning stupid hypocrisy Now that they have performed a near-perfect National Faceplant with the Great Hostage Taking of 2013, the Republican Party has decided to wave the white flag and return to actually helping move the country forward in a spirit of bipartisanship. Hah! Just kidding. In reality, after spending the past three years trying to destroy the Affordable Care […]

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