Category: GOPocrisy

Republicans can’t tell when they’re losing

Republicans can’t tell when they’re losing

Gerrymandered from reality Everything is working out as well as it possibly could for people like me who wanted to see the Tea Party get the fight over Obamacare they wanted. Speaker John Boehner hoped to focus his caucus on negotiating about over the debt limit, as public overwhelmingly believes that raising it should be tied to spending cuts. Tea […]

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UPDATED – Republicans reject proposal to end healthcare subsidies for government employees because it would affect their staff

UPDATED – Republicans reject proposal to end healthcare subsidies for government employees because it would affect their staff

File this one under “Hypocrisy, blatant” This right here? This tells you everything you need to know about just how hypocritical Republicans in Washington, D.C. are: One other option includes canceling health-insurance subsidies for some government employees, including members of Congress and their staff. But there’s internal resistance to this measure among House Republicans, mainly because low-paid aides would be […]

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Congressional GOP: Are you willing to give up healthcare benefits and salaries?

Congressional GOP: Are you willing to give up healthcare benefits and salaries?

That’s what you’re trying to force millions of Americans to do. I’ll bet you’re not willing to do the same. I’m angry. Plenty of Americans are. Because we’re sick and tired of being held hostage by last-minute threats and brinksmanship that risks the health of millions of citizens and the strength of our economy. But Republican members of Congress who […]

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Why we NEED a GOP government shutdown

Why we NEED a GOP government shutdown

Michigan’s Republicans are STILL trying to take health insurance from 470,000 Michiganders The New Yorker‘s Ryan Lizza has a great piece breaking down “Where the GOP’s Suicide Caucus Lives.” The Suicide Caucus is a convenient monicker for the 80 House Republicans who persuaded  Speaker Boehner pass legislation that adopted Senator Ted Cruz’s defund Obamacare scheme. They are the same House […]

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Conservatives in freak-out mode over Obamacare forms allowing you to register to vote

Conservatives in freak-out mode over Obamacare forms allowing you to register to vote

It’s just like ACORN!!! Anti-Obama(care) types are appoplectic about the fact that the forms that people fill out to sign up for health insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act will also allow you to register to vote. “We all knew that it was transparent that Obamacare was just another vehicle to recruit the next generation of Democrats. Now that […]

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House Republicans: “We won’t crash the economy if you give us EVERYTHING!!!”

House Republicans: “We won’t crash the economy if you give us EVERYTHING!!!”

“The House GOP’s debt limit bill isn’t a serious governing document…It’s a cry for help.” House Republicans are pretty clear what they want in exchange for not crashing the U.S. economy and maybe even the global economy by not extending the national debt limit: everything. Via Ezra Klein at the Wonkblog: The House GOP’s debt limit bill — obtained by […]

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All Ted Cruz did was make it harder for House Republicans to keep the government open

All Ted Cruz did was make it harder for House Republicans to keep the government open

If Ted Cruz is really against things that kill American jobs, I can see why he’s trying to destroy the Republican Party. Last week, House Republicans erupted after Ted Cruz for indicating that he might not fight to pass the continuing resolution that defunded Obamacare he bullied them into passing. On Tuesday night, Cruz went out to the Senate floor […]

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What are these people celebrating?

What are these people celebrating?

If only we could have a big election or something to decide if we wanted Obamacare. On Friday, House Republicans voted to embrace a strategy that ties “defunding Obamacare” to keeping the government open, a position embraced by about 27 percent of the population. They’re denying it publicly but what’s obvious is that for the strategy the GOP is embracing […]

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GOP Obamacare ‘replacement’ shows conservatives have lost the health care battle

GOP Obamacare ‘replacement’ shows conservatives have lost the health care battle

The GOP: Willing to risk your job and your retirement to make sure you don’t get health insurance. First of all, let’s be honest about what the “Defund Obamacare” wing of the GOP is doing. They lost the 2012 election, which was in large part part about Obamacare, and in protest of that election they’re threatening a depression if the […]

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REMINDER: Nothing the GOP is proposing will cut the debt as much as immigration reform

REMINDER: Nothing the GOP is proposing will cut the debt as much as immigration reform

Or, GOP threatens shutdown/default if we don’t increase the deficit As the Tea Party faction of the House of Representatives tries to create another completely unnecessary budget crisis that could end up wounding their brand almost as much as it would sabotage the economy, here are a few things to keep in mind: 1. The deficit is shrinking rapidly, probably […]

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Florida finds a new way to screw the poor, bans Affordable Care Act “Navigators” from state health facilities

Florida finds a new way to screw the poor, bans Affordable Care Act “Navigators” from state health facilities

“Compassionate conservatism” my ass As Republicans in Congress waste valuable time and money trying to gut the Affordable Care Act (ACA), even as our country is about to default on its debts, Florida has found a new way to screw poor people without health care insurance. The federal government is funding groups called “Navigators” to help guide people through the […]

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