Category: GOPocrisy

10 ideas Republicans loved until Barack Obama became President

10 ideas Republicans loved until Barack Obama became President

It’s not the ideas they hate, is it? Republican obstructionism isn’t exactly new in Washington, D.C. It’s been all the rage since Barack Obama was elected President. Since then, a majority of Republicans have gone to great lengths in an attempt to torpedo his Presidency. The twisted irony is this: Many of the ideas President Obama and the Democrats have […]

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Michigan state Treasurer Andy Dillon can’t account for $100K in missing campaign funds

Michigan state Treasurer Andy Dillon can’t account for $100K in missing campaign funds

Rising to the level of his incompetence, maybe? Michigan state Treasurer Andy Dillon, the man in charge of assigning and overseeing not only Michigan’s finances but all of the state’s many Emergency Managers, is attempting to close his 2010 gubernatorial campaign committee. However, there is over $100,000 not accounted for so the elections division will not allow him to close […]

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Republican bill would repeal state income tax & blow an $8.3 billion hole in the state budget

Republican bill would repeal state income tax & blow an $8.3 billion hole in the state budget

Wait. What??? As I wrote about a month ago, Republican House Representative Bob Genetski has a solution to Michigan’s budget problems: blow an $8.3 billion hole in it by repealing the state income tax. Well, the bill has been introduced: House Bill 4898. Here is the part that eliminates the tax: HOUSE BILL No. 4898 July 18, 2013, Introduced by […]

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Why is our 1% so much richer than everywhere else? Because poor people don’t vote

Why is our 1% so much richer than everywhere else? Because poor people don’t vote

Let me ask you a stupid question. Would Republican governors and legislatures in more than two dozen states be about to turn down fully subsidized health insurance for millions of Americans if the Americans who were about to get this fully subsidized insurance weren’t poor? Before we pretend that this is a serious question, keep in mind that the Americans […]

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Detroit News prints Koch brothers-funded Franklin Center anti-union op-ed about Netroots Nation coming to Detroit

Detroit News prints Koch brothers-funded Franklin Center anti-union op-ed about Netroots Nation coming to Detroit

Rewriting history to blame unions for Detroit’s crisis is offensive and ludicrous

As I announced earlier this year at the Netroots Nation conference in San Jose, California, in 2013 the conference will be held at the Cobo Center in downtown Detroit. This will be an incredible shot in the arm for the city as thousands of progressive organizers and organizations come to Detroit for several days to share ideas and strengthen their relationships. It will also be a tremendously energizing moment for the many Democratic campaigns that will be in full swing next summer as we head into the final months of the 2014 election cycle.

This clearly has corporatist, Republican-supporting groups freaked out. They want to keep Michigan in the hands of their well-funded Republican legislators for as long as possible and the thought of losing the House or, even worse, having corporatist poster child Rick Snyder removed from office must give them cold sweats at night.

As part of their response, the Virginia-based Koch brothers front group the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity wrote an opinion piece for the Detroit News titled “Netroots nation comes home to the unions’ roost”.

Click through where I unpack the myriad lies and the blatant anti-union propaganda in this offensive op-ed.

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What the GOP isn’t willing to change

What the GOP isn’t willing to change

If it’s not truly busted, why are you trying to fix it? Republicans have been having an interesting debate over how their party should change — interesting, because even Republicans now recognize that Republicans need to change. Like any discourse that threatens existing power, the conflict is primarily between the establishment — represented by Karl Rove — and various insurgencies […]

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What conservatives talk about when they talk about Detroit

What conservatives talk about when they talk about Detroit

We Hope For Better Things; It Shall Rise From the Ashes If you’re a self-hating masochist like me, you’ve probably noticed this headline on the Drudge Report: If you click the headline, it leads to a story about a new Quinnipiac University poll that shows a majority of Democrats support a federal bailout of Detroit while Republicans and independents really, […]

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America is about to change drastically — and it’s tearing the GOP apart

America is about to change drastically — and it’s tearing the GOP apart

The quest to become a more perfect union always upsets the less perfect As the son of the first parents in my subdivision to divorce, I recognized all the less-than-subtle signs of a family falling apart. Doors slamming, people staring at their toes as they grab the mail, days when it seemed as if the house was empty — yet […]

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Protest singing and WATCHING singing in the Wisconsin state Capitol now arrestable offenses

Protest singing and WATCHING singing in the Wisconsin state Capitol now arrestable offenses

Scott Walker has eradicated freedom of expression, free speech, and freedom to assemble in Wisconsin [Photo credit: Anne Savage, special to Eclectablog] This is shocking and can’t help but lead to lawsuits. Singers singing protest songs in the Wisconsin state Capitol building have been getting arrested in large numbers this week. Great coverage of this at Daily Kos by “Giles […]

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There’s only one ‘problem’ voter ID solves: Non-Republicans voting.

There’s only one ‘problem’ voter ID solves: Non-Republicans voting.

If you have to stop people from voting to win, your ideas suck As North Carolina passes the most offensive set of voter suppression laws in the nation, you have to hand it to Republicans. Pursuing voter ID is a poll-tested strategy: consistent majorities support these laws under the guise that they’re protecting the integrity of elections. The only problem […]

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A government shutdown only the rich could love

A government shutdown only the rich could love

It’s hostage season There is a growing movement coming of the Tea Partiers in the Senate and the House to shut down the government unless the president agrees to defund or, at least, delay Obamacare — something the president will never, ever, never do. As the begin this silly charade, here are a few things to keep in mind: 1. […]

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