Category: GOPocrisy

Michigan Senator Rick Jones demonstrates blatant hypocrisy in favor of Big Oil

Michigan Senator Rick Jones demonstrates blatant hypocrisy in favor of Big Oil

The GOPocrisy, it burns Back in 2011 when subsidies for the filmmaking industry in Michigan were being debated, state Senator Rick Jones said, “The government is not qualified to pick winners and losers. That’s a case of the government being short-sighted.” Pretty standard, boilerplate rhetoric from so-call small-government Republicans. They hate subsidizing industries with tax payer money. Until they don’t. […]

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Want to reduce abortions? Stop electing Republicans

Want to reduce abortions? Stop electing Republicans

We all make a choice at the ballot Unless you’re going to lock pregnant women up like a calf doomed-to-become-veal and investigate every miscarriage as a murder, abortions will always happen — and probably even then. The fact is: even making abortion illegal won’t make it go away. At least one study has shown abortion rates are higher in countries […]

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The deficit is falling! The deficit is falling!

The deficit is falling! The deficit is falling!

Somebody tell America The day President Obama stepped into office he inherited a record projected $1.2 trillion deficit that turned out to be $1.4 trillion by the end of fiscal year 2009. This year the projected deficit is $759 billion, down from a projected $973 billion. That means the deficit of the president’s first year of his second term is […]

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What do the corporate capture of America, voter suppression and NSA spying have in common?

What do the corporate capture of America, voter suppression and NSA spying have in common?

Chief Justice John Roberts, the man who appointed ALL of the judges to the FISA court Even before this session the Supreme Court, the Roberts “Citizens United” Court had already demonstrated an frightening willingness to rule on the behalf of corporations whenever possible. Senator Elizabeth Warren recently noted the 70% win rate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce — America’s […]

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If you want to know what actual tyranny looks like, ask poor women in Texas

If you want to know what actual tyranny looks like, ask poor women in Texas

As some debate whether this country has become more like George Orwell’s 1984 or Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, keep in mind that for millions of Americans who have no time to debate such a lofty question, actual oppression exists. This oppression isn’t a overwhelming fear of the Thought Police or even a steady drugging that manufactures consent. It isn’t […]

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Why Chris Christie is just about as extreme and even more dangerous than Rick Perry and Scott Walker

Why Chris Christie is just about as extreme and even more dangerous than Rick Perry and Scott Walker

If you’re a worker, a gay or lesbian couple, a teacher or a woman, Christie isn’t your boyfriend Charisma is a powerful thing, especially in politics. It can give you the appearance that you’re always trying to do the right thing, even when you’re just trying to save your ass or do your donors’ bidding. Governors Scott Walker and Rick […]

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Pennsylvania lawmaker: Gays don’t have free speech rights

Pennsylvania lawmaker: Gays don’t have free speech rights

First amendment, schmirst amendment…

Philadelphia Republican Daryl Metcalfe is a deeply religious man. So deeply religious that he believes his God hates gays and so deeply religious that he believes his version of God’s Word allows him to prevent gay people from exercising the right to free speech.

Yesterday, during a state House session, Democrat Brian Sims, an openly gay man, rose to give comments on the floor of the House regarding the Supreme Court’s rulings striking down the Defense of Marriage Act and California’s anti-gay Prop 8. Metcalfe used a parliamentary procedure to prevent him from speaking. Why? Because “there’s no free speech on the floor”. Not for gays anyway.

Click through for more.

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ECLECTAGRAPHIC: Texas hypocrisy

ECLECTAGRAPHIC: Texas hypocrisy

GOPocrisy in its purest form

Busy day in Texas yesterday and Governor Rick Perry’s unadulterated hypocrisy was in full display.

A larger version suitable for pinning and sharing awaits you after the jump.

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When Republicans say they don’t trust ‘government,’ they mean women — and voters

When Republicans say they don’t trust ‘government,’ they mean women — and voters

By ‘small’ government, we mean ‘ruthless and petty’ The “people’s filibuster” that has — at least temporarily — blocked Texas Republicans from closing nearly every women’s health clinic in the state has crucial connection to another big story from Tuesday. State Senator Wendy Davis, the woman who spoke for more than ten hours to block the bill from passing before […]

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NSA revelations haven’t slowed the House GOP’s attacks on civil liberties

NSA revelations haven’t slowed the House GOP’s attacks on civil liberties

They can’t pass a farm bill but they can pass indefinite detention In the weeks since Edward Snowden released classified details about the NSA’s programs, the House GOP has reaffirmed the indefinite detention of American citizens, blocked the president’s plan to close Guantanamo Bay prison and held a hearing to defend the NSA. Meanwhile, Speaker Boehner joined Dick Cheney and […]

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Senate Republicans fail Michigan by not voting on Medicaid expansion

They didn’t just fail to vote. They failed the people they were elected to represent. I’m sick, absolutely sick to my stomach that Republicans in the Michigan Senate refused to hold an up or down vote on Medicaid expansion before adjourning for a two-month recess. Good thing I’m not one of the hundreds of thousands of residents who were counting […]

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