Category: GOPocrisy

5 Things Republicans Won’t Tell You About Obamacare Rates

5 Things Republicans Won’t Tell You About Obamacare Rates

The biggest problem Democrats have  had in selling the Affordable Care Act is about to become its greatest strength. Approximately 85% of American adults are insured through their employer or the government. The vast majority of the insured will barely notice when Obamacare goes into effect in January of 2014. That doesn’t mean they won’t benefit from the law. Obamacare […]

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The most pressing threat to our liberty is the continuing loss of our economic freedom

The most pressing threat to our liberty is the continuing loss of our economic freedom

Those who would give up essential liberty to give corporations more ‘freedom’ deserve aren’t that interested in freedom Three months after Senator Rand Paul’s super-important, epoch-changing 13-hour drone filibuster, more than 90% of House Republicans voted to continue the policy of indefinite detention and to keep the Guantanamo Bay prison open. But a small group of Republicans actually joined the […]

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Snyder aide denied use of executive privilege, judge laughs at use of Nixon precedent, Schauer calls for release of NERD donors

Snyder aide denied use of executive privilege, judge laughs at use of Nixon precedent, Schauer calls for release of NERD donors

Wow, they are getting seriously desperate As I have written about before, Governor Rick Snyder has a pal of his working in the office next to his. Rich Baird is not paid by the taxpayers of Michigan. He’s paid out of Governor Snyder’s New Energy to Reinvent and Diversify Fund (NERD). This slush fund is financed by undisclosed corporate donors, […]

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Senate votes to kill 56,243 jobs with $4.1 billion in cuts to food stamps, House GOP would like to cut $135 billion

Senate votes to kill 56,243 jobs with $4.1 billion in cuts to food stamps, House GOP would like to cut $135 billion

Austerity is supposed to be dead but Tuesday night the Senate voted to cut $4.1 billion from the “Heat and Eat” programs that supplement food assistance for seniors and those with disabilities. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) offered legislation last month that would block any cuts to the SNAP program. It was soundly defeated after Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), chair of […]

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UPDATED: New Michigan Republican legislation would prohibit wind farms on the Great Lakes

UPDATED: New Michigan Republican legislation would prohibit wind farms on the Great Lakes

Who knew we had six wind energy scientists in the state legislature? Six Michigan Republicans have decided that Michigan shall not have wind energy installations on the Great Lakes. Why? Not, supposedly, because they are against renewable, clean wind energy. No, it’s because they have decided that (a) it’s not feasible and (b) we should never conduct studies to determine […]

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What do you get when you vote Republican? In Michigan, you get 150,000 fewer people with health care

What do you get when you vote Republican? In Michigan, you get 150,000 fewer people with health care

For the last three decades Republicans have bet on a proposition that has mostly paid off: Poor people don’t vote. As a result, they’ve championed an unprecedented transfer of wealth from workers to those who possess capital. And though they’ve lost 5 out of the 6 popular votes in presidential elections, they were able to use dark money and a […]

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GOP: Obamacare is evil. Except when it makes me look very, very good.

GOP: Obamacare is evil. Except when it makes me look very, very good.

GOPocrisy at it finest

Lee Fang has a great piece up at The Nation this week detailing new evidence of the unrelenting hypocrisy of Republican legislators on the Affordable Care Act. After spending four years demonizing it, many of them continue reap the political gains from the benefits it brings to their communities.

Click through for more.

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Karl Rove’s ‘social welfare’ legacy in purple states

Karl Rove’s ‘social welfare’ legacy in purple states

How Bush’s brain used the financial crisis Bush left us with and shady tax laws to engineer a decade of dominance for right wing extremists in swing states. There’s nothing that highlights the insanity of the IRS scandal than Karl Rove’s crocodile tears about the IRS even daring to investigate his humble little 501(c)(4) Crossroads GPS. “The group Rove helped […]

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2 new studies prove conservative policies are destroying the middle class

2 new studies prove conservative policies are destroying the middle class

Class War – n. the only war George W. Bush ever won Why are only the rich getting richer? Why — as Maryland’s governor Martin O’Malley asks — hasn’t the middle class had a raise in 13 years? Why are corporate profits at an all-time high but wages at an all-time low as a share of GDP? We can blame […]

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Until we restore Glass-Steagall, more big bank bailouts are inevitable

Until we restore Glass-Steagall, more big bank bailouts are inevitable

Either we break up the big banks or the big banks break us Attorney General Eric Holder made actual some news this week amid the GOP’s scandal frenzy: he told the House Judiciary committee that big banks are not too big too jail. He was willing to criminally prosecute the nation’s largest banks, though he hasn’t done so since the […]

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The State of Michigan steps in to save Buena Vista schools. Oh, wait. No they didn’t.

The State of Michigan steps in to save Buena Vista schools. Oh, wait. No they didn’t.

We regret the error

While the State of Michigan has stepped in to save the failing Pontiac schools from closing its doors due to lack of funding, they have NOT done this for Buena Vista schools. Rather, the federal government has, albeit in an absurdly lame fashion. The school is closed for the remainder of the school year but the feds are providing money for a voluntary “enhanced skills camp”.

Much more including video of Congressman Dan Kildee speaking about this issue on last night’s All In With Chris Hayes on MSNBC.

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