Category: Labor

A tale of two political parties in Michigan – a study in contrasts

A tale of two political parties in Michigan – a study in contrasts

If you want to get a clear picture of the differences in between the two main political parties, you need look no further than Michigan this week. The differences between the parties could not be clearer … or starker. This week Democrats called for a state constitutional amendment that would guarantee workers the right bargain collectively. Private AND public workers. […]

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RALLY PHOTOS – Michigan GOP pulling a Stealth-Walker move to damage unions

RALLY PHOTOS – Michigan GOP pulling a Stealth-Walker move to damage unions

Last night on the Rachel Maddow Show where Rachel did a fine job outlining what’s going on in Michigan right now. Check it out: Basically, GOP members of Congress in Michigan are pushing through legislation that would allow the governor to declare a financial emergency in any given town, village, city or township and immediately put that municipality under the […]

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Rally Tuesday at Michigan State Capitol with the AFL-CIO

The AFL-CIO is hosting another rally at the Michigan Capitol building this Tuesday, March 8th. RALLY TO PROTEST EMERGENCY MANAGER BILLS The Michigan AFL-CIO will be holding a rally to protest the ‘Emergency Manager’ bills package that is currently in the State Senate. There will be a vote on the Senate floor on Tuesday, March 8th, and we will be […]

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The police state at the Wisconsin Capitol continues, tea party rally a joke

As I wrote about last week, Wisconsin State Representative Nick Milroy was tackled when he tried to enter the Capitol Building on Thursday night. Here’s the video: This police state environment at the Wisconsin Capitol continues this week. Talking Points Memo is reporting that the key cards of staff AND LEGISLATORS have been turned off, denying them direct entrance to […]

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Firefighters were denied access to Wisc. Capitol; live ammo found outside

Last night a judge ordered the Wisconsin Capitol building closed during non-work hours creating an exodus as protesters left the building, ending a 17-day occupation. Governor Scott Walker has instituted draconian security checkpoints that were detailed in great detail HERE. [T]oday when I went to the capitol to visit my representative, Janis Ringhand, and discuss my concerns about the governor’s […]

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