Category: Lies

It is a myth that most small businesses would be hurt by ending the Bush tax cuts

It is a myth that most small businesses would be hurt by ending the Bush tax cuts

A successful myth, of course, but a myth nonetheless

A study by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities released last week shows that the claim by Republicans that allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire on the wealthiest among would harm small businesses is a myth. In fact, only 2.5% of small business owners are in the top two tax rates and only 0.5% of them are millionaires.

Ammunition to fight back against these lies after the jump.

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Republicans are “the party that wants to help the poor”? Oh, puh-LEASE!

Republicans are “the party that wants to help the poor”? Oh, puh-LEASE!

Swing and a miss, Mitt

Mitt Romney attended a high dollar fundraiser at a country club recently and said this:

We’re accused, by the way — in our party — of being the party of the rich. And it’s an awful moniker, because that’s just not true. We’re the party of people who want to get rich. And we’re also the party of people who want to care to help people from getting poor. We want to help the poor.

Can we just back up a minute and take a look at what Republicans really stand for?

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#retroactively is the new Etch-A-Sketch – the Romney campaign takes flip-flopping to a new place

#retroactively is the new Etch-A-Sketch – the Romney campaign takes flip-flopping to a new place

I will gladly change my position Tuesday on an opinion I have today

Back in March, Romney adviser Eric Fehrnstrom made it clear that Mitt Romney was willing to reset his position at any given time, just like shaking an Etch-A-Sketch.

Over the weekend, another Romney adviser made it even more clear that this concept also goes for anything at all that Mitt Romney has ever done, including when he retired from Bain Capital.

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Romney campaign tries to bully the Boston Globe, Globe tells them to pound sand

Romney campaign tries to bully the Boston Globe, Globe tells them to pound sand

Well, that didn’t go as planned…

The Romney campaign, smarting from a devastating piece by the Boston Globe this week, decided to pushback and sent them a letter demanding a retraction.

The Globe told them to stuff it.

The emails from the Romney campaign and the Globe after the jump.

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Another bad news cycle for Mitt Romney, even Republicans want him to come clean

Another bad news cycle for Mitt Romney, even Republicans want him to come clean

When was the last time a presidential candidacy imploded this early in the campaign???

If Wednesday was a bad day for Mitt Romney’s campaign (and it was), and if yesterday was an even worse day for Mitt Romney’s campaign (and it was), today isn’t going to be a whole hell of a lot better.

Much more after the jump.

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The web of Romney lies continues to unravel – he was at Bain Capital long after he said he left

The web of Romney lies continues to unravel – he was at Bain Capital long after he said he left

Did you think we wouldn’t find out or what, Mitt???

There is more evidence out today showing that Mitt Romney has been lying for years about his position at Bain Capital. As I wrote about earlier this week (“Mitt Romney is lying repeatedly to hide his past as a job-killing tax cheat”), Romney’s claims that he left Bain Capital in 1999, before much of the outsourcing and company bankrupting took place, have proven to be false.

Today, the Boston Globe has a devastating new piece out titled “Mitt Romney stayed at Bain 3 years longer than he stated”. In it, they reveal an additional NINE SEC filings

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Romney’s NAACP speech was a set-up – he intended to get booed

Romney’s NAACP speech was a set-up – he intended to get booed

Mitt Romney: plumbing new depths in cynical pandering

Earlier today, I wrote about Mitt Romney getting booed during his appearance at the NAACP annual meeting in Houston. In a update, I referenced Steve Benen’s suggestion that he was intentionally provocative.

As it turns out, Benen was right. Proof after the jump.

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Mitt Romney is lying repeatedly to hide his past as a job-killing tax cheat – UPDATED w/video

Mitt Romney is lying repeatedly to hide his past as a job-killing tax cheat – UPDATED w/video

I need a graphic of a Pinocchio nose with on-fire pants hanging from it…

It may be true that all politicians lie at one time or another, or at least exaggerate their points a bit. But things are starting to crash down all around Mitt Romney. I’m not talking about the constantly changing positions depending on the weather, the audience, sunspot cycles, etc.

I’m talking about him lying over and over again to hide his past as a job-killing tax cheat.

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This is the type of mindless ignorance we’re up against in this year’s election

This is the type of mindless ignorance we’re up against in this year’s election

Too stupid to vote???

Despite the fact that most Americans want Republicans to move on (pdf) and quit fighting a battle they’ve already lost, House Republicans spent the day debating the repeal the Affordable Care Act, a waste of time and taxpayer money given that it’ll never get out of the Senate much less be signed into law by President Obama. The vote tomorrow will be 31st time they’ve done this. In light of that, it’s worth having a look at what Obama-haters in the hinterlands are saying and thinking.

I was perusing the Letters to the Editor page at the Livingston County Press and Argus today and came across this letter, written by a person so detached from facts and reality that it’s almost insulting that they printed it.

This letter shows just exactly what we’re up against heading into the November election.

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GOPocrisy ALERT: Romney spokesperson whines about Obama going negative when that’s ALL their campaign does

GOPocrisy ALERT: Romney spokesperson whines about Obama going negative when that’s ALL their campaign does

Oh, THAT’S rich

Today, the Obama campaign did a full-court press on Romney’s offshore tax havens where he hides money to reduce his taxes significantly. We’ll have more to say about that in upcoming posts but, in an act of utter GOPocrisy, Romney campaign spokesperson Andrea Saul went on a whining spree about the Obama campaign going negative.

This, from a campaign that has done NOTHING but negative attacks on the president.

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UPDATED: The Roy Schmidt saga continues – collusion and fraud in the Michigan Republican Party

UPDATED: The Roy Schmidt saga continues – collusion and fraud in the Michigan Republican Party

Oh, how subtle…

Following up on a story I wrote about yesterday (“‘Democrat’ Roy Schmidt pulls ultimate dick move, jumps to GOP too late for another Dem to run”), we now learn there is much more to this story and House Speaker Jase Bolger is implicated.

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