Category: Michigan Democrats

More on the Michigan Republican Party’s harassment of elderly woman under hospice care

More on the Michigan Republican Party’s harassment of elderly woman under hospice care

My reporting on the Michigan Republican Party’s odious mailer encouraging people to call the phone of the ailing mother of Democratic candidate for Michigan’s 61st House district John Fisher has gotten LOTS of attention. It’s had thousands and thousands of views and the cross-posted version at Daily Kos has given it national exposure. It’s been picked up by other sites, […]

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MI-08 GOP candidate Mike Bishop wants young people to gamble with their retirement

MI-08 GOP candidate Mike Bishop wants young people to gamble with their retirement

Mike Bishop, the Republican candidate in Michigan’s 8th Congressional District, has a long history of gambling with people’s livelihoods. He was the Senate Majority Leader when the legislature shut down the state government twice, once in 2007 and again 2009. These two shutdowns wreaked havoc on our state’s economy. Now that Bishop is running for the U.S. Congress, he wants […]

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Mark Totten confronts Bill Schuette’s lies about his background in powerful new ad

Mark Totten confronts Bill Schuette’s lies about his background in powerful new ad

Now that Republican extremist Bill Schuette is tied in the polls with Democrat Mark Totten in Michigan’s Attorney General race, he’s getting desperate. His latest gambit it to suggest that Totten, a former federal prosecutor, doesn’t have any convictions under his belt. Totten defeats that lie with this powerful new ad called “Keyboard”: Schuette, Michigan’s version of Virginia’s extremist […]

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INTERVIEW: 8th District candidate Eric Schertzing – “For me, public service is an opportunity to improve folks’ lives”

INTERVIEW: 8th District candidate Eric Schertzing – “For me, public service is an opportunity to improve folks’ lives”

In late March, seven-term incumbent Mike Rogers decided at the last minute not to run for reelection in Michigan’s 8th District with runs from Ingham County east through Livingston County all the way to Oakland County. It was a jerk move because, when he announced his decision to cash in and become a conservative radio host on Cumulus Radio, there […]

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Gov. Snyder evades one tough question, smacks seven slow softballs during town hall rally while race tightens

Gov. Snyder evades one tough question, smacks seven slow softballs during town hall rally while race tightens

Last night, Gov. Rick Snyder held what was billed as a “public town hall” but was, in actuality a campaign rally given that the host and emcee were unabashed Snyder supporters and seven out of the eight questions he answered were softballs pitched by supporters. The room was less than half full despite Snyder’s press flacks claiming they had turned […]

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DONATE: Josh Derke, the Michigan Dem who epically smacked down homophobic, anti-gay group now has a fundraising page

DONATE: Josh Derke, the Michigan Dem who epically smacked down homophobic, anti-gay group now has a fundraising page

A couple of days ago I wrote about the letter Josh Derke, candidate for Michigan’s 93rd House District sent to the anti-gay, ragingly homophobic leader of the group “Public Advocate of the United States”. It was an epic, eloquent smack down and the piece has gone viral getting over 11,500 hits as of this morning. The cross-posted version at Daily […]

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EVENT/ACTION: Michigan United’s “Capitol Day” and “Billionaire’s Ball” – Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2014 (UPDATED)

EVENT/ACTION: Michigan United’s “Capitol Day” and “Billionaire’s Ball” – Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2014 (UPDATED)

Michigan United is a broad coalition of grassroots faith, labor, and other organizations that are “fighting for the dignity and potential of every person.” As they say in their “About” page, they “are committed to a participatory democracy at every level, an economy that works for the many, and a society that dismantles racism while uplifting our common humanity. To […]

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UPDATED: Dem candidate for Michigan’s 93rd House District sends epic response to anti-gay hate group

UPDATED: Dem candidate for Michigan’s 93rd House District sends epic response to anti-gay hate group

UPDATE: Josh Derke now has a fundraising page up at Please support this incredible Democrat. You’ve probably heard of the Westboro Baptist Church and their hideously offensive protests. You may not have heard, however, of the Public Advocate of the United States. Public Advocate has been rightfully designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center and […]

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AFTERNOON GRAB BAG: You can have access to the Governor’s office (but it’ll cost ya), MEDC official: Loss of Cadillac “not a big deal”

AFTERNOON GRAB BAG: You can have access to the Governor’s office (but it’ll cost ya), MEDC official: Loss of Cadillac “not a big deal”

ACCESS TO GOVERNOR’S CHIEF OF STAFF SOLD AT RECENT REPUBLICAN CONFERENCE An exposé by the New York Times shows that access to officials in the administrations of a number of Republican governors can be had by corporate America as long as they were willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars: [A]n error by the Republican Governors Association recently resulted […]

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INTERVIEW: Democratic candidate for Attorney General Mark Totten – “I will be the ‘People’s Lawyer'”

INTERVIEW: Democratic candidate for Attorney General Mark Totten – “I will be the ‘People’s Lawyer'”

We’ve covered the Attorney General race in Michigan fairly extensively here at Eclectablog. In addition to reporting on the candidacy of Democrat Mark Totten, a former prosecutor for the Department of Justice and law professor at Michigan State University, I have written extensively about the extremism of our current AG, Republican Bill Schuette. As I have demonstrated quite vividly before, […]

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Michigan Democrats introduce bills to improve women’s access to healthcare

Michigan Democrats introduce bills to improve women’s access to healthcare

Bills would require insurers to offer the abortion rider women must purchase separately to have coverage under state law. If Michigan is going to force women to buy a separate abortion insurance rider in case they’re ever raped or must have an abortion to protect their health — or simply to exercise their constitutional right to choose — the least […]

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