Category: Michigan Democrats

VIDEOS: Pam Byrnes releases two new ads slamming Tim Walberg for his perks & pay, calls for accountability

VIDEOS: Pam Byrnes releases two new ads slamming Tim Walberg for his perks & pay, calls for accountability

Tim Walberg is one of the most hypocritical politicians I’ve ever had the displeasure to have met. This guy, who claims he “was a tea partier before there was a tea party”, talks a lot about reining in government waste and holding elected officials accountable. Yet he himself is a big part of the problem. He has helped lead the […]

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Michigan Dems make major move to increase Michiganders’ access to the ballot through online absentee ballot application

Michigan Dems make major move to increase Michiganders’ access to the ballot through online absentee ballot application

As Republicans around the country work hard to restrict voter access, Democrats are doing the opposite. On the same day a federal judge forced Ohio to reopen early voting for its residents, the Michigan Democratic Party announced an important and major step forward in helping Michiganders access the ballot by apply for them online using a mobile device (smartphone or […]

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Bobby McKenzie in statistical dead heat with millionaire Foreclosure King David Trott in MI-11

Bobby McKenzie in statistical dead heat with millionaire Foreclosure King David Trott in MI-11

After winning a hard-fought primary against two opponents, Bobby McKenzie now faces millionaire foreclosure attorney David Trott in the general election in Michigan’s 11th Congressional District. Trott poured millions of dollars of his own money into his primary campaign to defeat Kerry Bentivolio who essentially did not campaign and has received donations from other über-wealthy corporatists like Mitt Romney and […]

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Michigan Democrats unanimously pass resolution condemning David Trott’s unethical foreclosure practices

Michigan Democrats unanimously pass resolution condemning David Trott’s unethical foreclosure practices

At the Michigan Democratic Party’s Nominating Convention this past weekend, Democrats passed an important resolution condemning the unethical and damaging foreclosure practices of Republican Congressional candidate David Trott and demanding a repeal of a law that allows vulture foreclosure firms like Trott & Trott, P.C. to immediately foreclose on homeowners. The resolution outlines a loophole that was passed by the […]

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Patriarchal Michigan Republicans decide democracy is not for YOU, quash yet another ballot initiative

Patriarchal Michigan Republicans decide democracy is not for YOU, quash yet another ballot initiative

Democracy, deschmocracy First it was citizens overturning the majority vote of Michigan citizens to overturn our state’s anti-democratic Emergency Manager law. Then it was rape insurance. Then it was a drive to ban wolf hunting. Then it was the effort to raise Michigan’s minimum wage. In each instance, Republicans in the Michigan legislature decided that it wasn’t appropriate for us […]

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Personal experience fuels Michigan Senate candidate Deb Havens’ healthcare advocacy

Personal experience fuels Michigan Senate candidate Deb Havens’ healthcare advocacy

This Democrat knows first-hand that getting the right care at the right time can be life-saving. When Deb Havens entered the race in Michigan’s 28th State Senate District, healthcare access wasn’t at the top of her issues list. The former educator was heavily focused on safeguarding the public school system and everything that once made Michigan the envy of other […]

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VIDEO: Mark Totten launches general election campaign against AG Bill Schuette, Michigan’s version of Ken Cuccinelli

VIDEO: Mark Totten launches general election campaign against AG Bill Schuette, Michigan’s version of Ken Cuccinelli

Michigan Democratic Attorney General candidate Mark Totten Mark Totten started his campaign to be Michigan’s next Attorney General in 2013. He’s been one of the hardest working candidates I’ve seen in this election cycle, consistently making the case that our current AG, Bill Schuette, is an extremist that is hurting our state and, through a variety of actions taken on […]

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MI-07 residents deliver 7 rubber ducks to Tim Walberg’s office asking him to stop ducking the issues

MI-07 residents deliver 7 rubber ducks to Tim Walberg’s office asking him to stop ducking the issues

Yesterday, residents from Michigan’s 7th District delivered seven rubber ducks to the District office of Republican Tim “the Original Tea Partier” Walberg, asking him to stop ducking the important issues that concern his constituents and to agree to a series of debates with his Democratic opponent and former state House Speaker Pro Tempore Pam Byrnes. Byrnes has put together a […]

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UPDATED: Michigan Democrats announce Detroit civil rights attorney Godfrey Dillard as candidate for Secretary of State

UPDATED: Michigan Democrats announce Detroit civil rights attorney Godfrey Dillard as candidate for Secretary of State

In preparation for the Michigan Democratic Party statewide nominating convention on Saturday, August 23rd, the MDP will announce announced today (see update below) that Detroit civil rights attorney and Wayne State adjunct law professor Godfrey Dillard will be the Democratic candidate for Secretary of State. Dillard had planned to run for Attorney General along with Mark Totten who has been […]

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The MI-11 Congressional race is one of the most interesting in the country

The MI-11 Congressional race is one of the most interesting in the country

The race for Michigan’s comically gerrymandered 11th district is one of the most interesting in the country. The story really started two years ago when Thad McCotter botched his reelection campaign by hiring some idiots who photocopied signatures for his nominating petitions and then proceeded to get busted by elections officials. If McCotter himself wasn’t a big enough oddball, his […]

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Paul Clements, a real threat to the incumbency of Fred Upton, releases first ad

Paul Clements, a real threat to the incumbency of Fred Upton, releases first ad

There are few Republicans who have so poorly represented the issues and concerns of Michiganders than Fred Upton in the 6th Congressional District. He has repeatedly supported the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, spurring an op-ed by the Kalamazoo Gazette asking him to “Knock it off!”. In a district which has Lake Michigan as one of its borders, Upton […]

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