Category: Michigan Republicans

Michigan Republicans advance bill to eliminate straight-ticket voting because making voting harder is what they do

Michigan Republicans advance bill to eliminate straight-ticket voting because making voting harder is what they do

This morning the Michigan Senate Elections Committee voted to advance a Republican-sponsored bill – S.B. 13 – that will eliminate straight-ticket voting in our state. If it becomes law, you will no longer have the convenience of simply pulling one lever, filling in one oval, or punching one chad to vote for all the candidates in your preferred party. The […]

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The road “plan” passed by Michigan Republicans is actually worse than you thought

The road “plan” passed by Michigan Republicans is actually worse than you thought

The road repair “plan” passed by the Michigan legislature this week has been touted as raising $452 million in the first year with the full $1.2 billion not kicking in until 2021. However, that “first year” is actually not until 2017. And, according to some great reporting by Chad Livengood at The Detroit News, we now know that, as soon […]

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NOW will Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat go away? Sadly, probably not.

NOW will Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat go away? Sadly, probably not.

It is finished! “It is finished!” That was the title of a recent video posted to Facebook by Todd Courser. Michigan’s most notorious theocratic hypocrite used the final words of Jesus on the cross to make his final pitch to regain the House seat he fled just a couple of months ago. It’s a perfect encapsulation of a self-absorbed megalomaniac […]

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Michigan Republicans pass road bill that punishes the non-wealthy while not actually fixing our roads any time soon

Michigan Republicans pass road bill that punishes the non-wealthy while not actually fixing our roads any time soon

House Speaker Kevin Cotter took to the House floor last night to tell us all that they have kicked the can down the road too far on road funding and, by golly, it’s time to get this done. Then he said something that is the most blatant exhibition Orwellian Newspeak that I’ve seen in some time: This is a plan […]

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VIDEO: Michigan is the laughing stock of The Rachel Maddow Show (again) thanks to Todd Courser & Cindy Gamrat

VIDEO: Michigan is the laughing stock of The Rachel Maddow Show (again) thanks to Todd Courser & Cindy Gamrat

Wouldn’t it be nice if Michigan got mentioned on The Rachel Maddow Show just once for some cool thing that’s happening here? Sadly, once again it’s because of the complete Fail Whale that is the Michigan Republican Party and the clowns who inhabit it. Yup, Rachel Maddow finally picked up the Courser/Gamrate debacle. Ugh:

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Trott & Trott, Matty Moroun, and GOP Congressman Mike Bishop’s legacy of cashing in on his elected position

Trott & Trott, Matty Moroun, and GOP Congressman Mike Bishop’s legacy of cashing in on his elected position

It’s no secret that Republican Congressman Mike Bishop (MI-08) has been in the pocket of Michigan billionaire Matty Moroun for years. In 2010, Bishop was the State Senate Majority leader and promised to hold a vote on a new bridge crossing from Michigan into Canada. However, he ended up blocking the vote, something Matty Moroun liked very much, indeed, since […]

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The epic failure of Michigan Republicans on road funding in 101 news headlines

The epic failure of Michigan Republicans on road funding in 101 news headlines

The picture above is a screenshot of a Detroit Free Press article published yesterday. In the article, Gov. Snyder paints on an optimistic smile and says he’s confident that there is “strong momentum” for something getting done on road funding, despite a half decade of failed efforts on his part and on the part of his Republican colleagues in the […]

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Short-sighted Schuette wastes millions fighting the future

Short-sighted Schuette wastes millions fighting the future

The unbearable costs of Republican politicians pandering to their base Michigan’s Attorney General Bill Schuette is wasting taxpayer agenda to join another partisan lawsuit designed to stifle the agenda of a president his state overwhelmingly supported twice. The Detroit News reports: Led by West Virginia, the states are asking the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit […]

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UPDATED x2: Michigan House Republicans pass budget-busting road funding bill that ends up lowering taxes mostly on the wealthy

UPDATED x2: Michigan House Republicans pass budget-busting road funding bill that ends up lowering taxes mostly on the wealthy

“Only the Michigan GOP could look at crumbling roads, underfunded schools and struggling communities and think, ‘You know what? We need LESS revenue’.” That quote from Progress Michigan executive director Lonnie Scott sums up what happened last night in the state legislature perfectly. After more than two and a half years of wrangling to find $1.2 billion annually that experts […]

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Michigan voters strongly support Safe Patient Care Act to ensure safer nurse staffing levels

Michigan voters strongly support Safe Patient Care Act to ensure safer nurse staffing levels

Bipartisan legislation would require hospitals to staff enough nurses to care for patients. This is something you’d think everyone could agree on: There should be enough nurses on a hospital’s staff to give patients the quality care they need. But if you’ve ever been in the hospital, you know that’s not always the case. And it’s downright dangerous. Numerous studies […]

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This week’s glimpse into Cindy Gamrat & Todd Courser Bizarro Land

This week’s glimpse into Cindy Gamrat & Todd Courser Bizarro Land

It’s a been a while since we checked in on Michigan’s two most “special” political candidates (and by political candidates, I mean disgraced former state legislators trying like hell to get their jobs back at a place where almost nobody wants them) so I thought we would check in. First up, we have Cindy Gamrat holding a fundraiser last night. […]

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