Category: Michigan Republicans

10 Republicans running against Todd Courser, 7 against Cindy Gamrat in GOP primary

10 Republicans running against Todd Courser, 7 against Cindy Gamrat in GOP primary

In the 82nd House District Republican primary election to replace Todd Courser, Courser himself is running and no fewer than ten others are, as well, along with three Democrats. In the 80th District, Cindy Gamrat is running to replace herself along with seven other Republicans and one Democrat. While primaries are not infrequently crowded, this is a nearly unprecedented number […]

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GOP strategist thinks a woman is nothing more than an “emasculated person”, calls Obama “first female president”

GOP strategist thinks a woman is nothing more than an “emasculated person”, calls Obama “first female president”

As Republicans gather on Mackinac Island this weekend for their annual Leadership Conference, it concentrates GOP leaders into a small area and whenever that happens, things get weird. I don’t know if they emit some strange GOP-only pheromones or what but whenever they gather together like this, they say things in their out-loud voices that they would never, ever, ever, […]

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#Facepalm: Philandering, lying tea partier Todd Courser to run for seat he quit seven days ago

#Facepalm: Philandering, lying tea partier Todd Courser to run for seat he quit seven days ago

On the heels of Republican Cindy Gamrat filing to run for the House seat her colleagues threw her out of in the wee hours of the morning last Friday, her beau former colleague, Todd Courser, today announced that he, too, will run in the Republican primary for the seat he quit just seven days ago. He made the announcement today […]

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Message not received: Cindy Gamrat files to run for the open seat she was tossed out of

Message not received: Cindy Gamrat files to run for the open seat she was tossed out of

After being tossed out of her seat due to a sex scandal and cover up, verbally abused by constituents at a recent “meet and greet” event in her district, and openly mocked by people across the globe, the now-infamous Cindy Gamrat has decided that she wants to give voters one last chance to throw mud at her and has filed […]

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Allegan County tea party chair triples down on “Michigan Republicans are far worse than Islamic terrorists” insanity

Allegan County tea party chair triples down on “Michigan Republicans are far worse than Islamic terrorists” insanity

A few days ago I wrote about Stephen Young, the chair of the Allegan County Tea Party. Allegan County is the home base for former State House Rep. (I love saying that) Cindy Gamrat and Young has been Gamrat’s staunchest and most vocal supporter. Young was so outraged at Gamrat being thrown out of the legislature that he went on […]

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BREAKING: MI-01 Republican Congressman Dan Benishek drops out of 2016 re-election race

BREAKING: MI-01 Republican Congressman Dan Benishek drops out of 2016 re-election race

In a move I think it’s safe to say nobody saw coming, Republican Congressman Dan Benishek has dropped out of the 2016 race for Michigan’s 1st Congressional District. This comes after he hypocritically said he would NOT drop out so that he could focus on veterans’ issues, something he has paid scant attention to since he became a member of […]

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Courser resigns, Gamrat ousted, and Dems score a huge victory on behalf of transparency, integrity, & accountability

Courser resigns, Gamrat ousted, and Dems score a huge victory on behalf of transparency, integrity, & accountability

In what can only be described as a dramatic day in Michigan politics, House legislators convened for over 14 hours yesterday to consider the matter of expelling philandering liars Cindy Gamrat and Todd Courser from their institution. The first two rounds of votes failed to oust the two as Democrats held their position, many refusing to cast a vote, in […]

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That time when Eclectablog was mentioned at the Courser/Gamrat expulsion hearing (and more)

That time when Eclectablog was mentioned at the Courser/Gamrat expulsion hearing (and more)

As anyone who reads this blog knows, I have been following the ongoing saga & scandal of Cindy Gamrat and Todd Courser since even before they were actually elected to the House of Representatives. However, since I began writing about them, this week was the first time that this site became part of the story, albeit in a small way. […]

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Disciplinary committee votes to recommend expulsion of both Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat

Disciplinary committee votes to recommend expulsion of both Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat

After several days of testimony, the “Select Committee to Examine the Qualifications of Representatives Cindy Gamrat and Todd Courser” voted to expel both Cindy Gamrat and Todd Courser. The two Democrats on the Committee voted “pass” since they wished to hear additional testimony in an effort to establish whether or not House Republican leadership knew about the wrongdoing by the […]

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SHOCKER! Cindy Gamrat’s husband planted listening devices (+ more on the ongoing Courser/Gamrat scandal)

SHOCKER! Cindy Gamrat’s husband planted listening devices (+ more on the ongoing Courser/Gamrat scandal)

NOTE: This post has been updated HERE. The Courser/Gamrat scandal continues to unfold unravel this week, sucking all of the oxygen out of Lansing and ensuring that our Do-Nothing Republican-led legislature continues to get nothing done. The hearings being held by the “Select Committee to Examine the Qualifications of Representatives Cindy Gamrat and Todd Courser” continued this week with both […]

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Bill Schuette: Not a Constitutional Scholar – Part 9,346

Bill Schuette: Not a Constitutional Scholar – Part 9,346

MLive reports that earlier today that Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette sent a letter to the governors of all 50 states suggesting that they take it upon themselves to enact their own economic sanctions against Iran. He suggests (1) ensuring that state agencies (particularly pension funds) are not engaged in any business or investment in Iran, and (2) asking state […]

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