Category: Michigan Republicans

Michigan GOP House Speaker Cotter absolves himself while Todd Courser goes deeper into BizzaroLand

Michigan GOP House Speaker Cotter absolves himself while Todd Courser goes deeper into BizzaroLand

One of the worst parts about my chronicling of the Gamrat/Courser fiasco is that, as much as I’m sick of it and want to stop, I’m now all but obligated to continue writing about it as things continue to unfold unravel. Today is no exception. We now have the House Business Office (HBO) “Report on the Investigation of Alleged Misconduct […]

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The Detroit News concern trolls Medicaid expansion in Michigan, ignores glaring Republican failure to invest savings

The Detroit News concern trolls Medicaid expansion in Michigan, ignores glaring Republican failure to invest savings

“Obamacare savings may be short-lived”! shouts the headline of an editorial in today’s edition of The Detroit News. They are referring to Medicaid expansion in our state, a program that is fully funded by the federal government until 2017 and funded at a level of 90% after that, all while giving an additional 600,000 working poor Michiganders health care coverage […]

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More champagne bubbles from Gov. Snyder’s office

More champagne bubbles from Gov. Snyder’s office

Governor Snyder persists in his feelgood announcements about Michigan job growth, but he does hedge his enthusiasm because too many of us observe the realities of what is now passing as “job growth.” Yes, reality rains on Snyder’s parade every time. Most of those non-automotive jobs are low paying part time jobs that keep people zigzagging back and forth across […]

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Michigan Republicans show an abject failure of leadership and why a recall of Courser & Gamrat is better for Democrats

Michigan Republicans show an abject failure of leadership and why a recall of Courser & Gamrat is better for Democrats

The summer of 2015 will go down in the annals of Michigan history as a time when the Republican in our state displayed an complete and utter lack of leadership. Don’t forget that the GOP controls literally every level of government of significance – and have for the past five years – so this abject failure is theirs and theirs […]

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Welcome back, Mr. Cotter!

Welcome back, Mr. Cotter!

Michigan House speaker Kevin Cotter (R) Mt. Pleasant is a real piece of work. Bear with me here. The amount of time the Republican-controlled State House has spent this summer working on issues that matter to most taxpayers has been scant with relatively little to show for it, and it has happened without direction and leadership. Cotter’s regrettable remark about […]

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Michigan GOP continues to do the bidding of major utility companies, may slash tax credit for home solar installations

Michigan GOP continues to do the bidding of major utility companies, may slash tax credit for home solar installations

Michigan Republicans have long been known for as being ultra-friendly to our major utility companies. The most recent evidence of that comes from legislation that will end what’s known as “net metering”. With net metering, homeowners who install solar installations that produce more energy than they use can send the bonus electricity back to the grid and receive a credit […]

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Todd Courser has determined that it is time to move on, will not discuss his affair, will not resign

Todd Courser has determined that it is time to move on, will not discuss his affair, will not resign

Todd Courser finally spoke to reporters today when he attended a House session where road funding was being debated. Most of the time he sat in the gallery, quite unlike Cindy Gamrat who actually had the courage to go directly to the House floor where she gave a written apology to Democratic House Leader Tim Greimel to read to his […]

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Todd Courser throws chaff into the air hoping the shiny things will make us forget his scandals

Todd Courser throws chaff into the air hoping the shiny things will make us forget his scandals

Last night Todd Courser posted a cryptic “I’ll be posting a statement int he morning” on his Facebook page. As the world waited impatiently for his latest word salad, some begged and pleaded with him to issue a resignation statement. That was not to be the case (though if Courser ever does decide to resign, my money is on him […]

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Mike Bishop blows off paying staffer’s rent with tax dollars, says its “fully allowed”

Mike Bishop blows off paying staffer’s rent with tax dollars, says its “fully allowed”

Last month, I wrote about 8th District Congressman Mike Bishop spending money for “lodging” for his Chief of Staff Allan Filip. They spent $1,800 in the first two months of 2015 with a firm headed up by Michigan Republican and Bishop supporter (and donor) Ron Weiser. The Detroit News is reporting that Bishop’s office confirmed that the expense lodging for […]

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UPDATED: Todd Courser continues his slide into Bizzaro World, loses the thread while supporters threaten recall

UPDATED: Todd Courser continues his slide into Bizzaro World, loses the thread while supporters threaten recall

Over the past couple of days, Todd Courser has been releasing screenshots on his Facebook page of the texts he’s gotten from “the blackmailer” who has been threatening to expose him if he doesn’t resign. You can view the texts HERE and HERE, as well. This morning at 1 a.m., Courser took to Facebook againwith a bizarre, disjointed statement saying […]

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Courser/Gamrat: The Truth Will/Should/Maybe Set You Free

Courser/Gamrat: The Truth Will/Should/Maybe Set You Free

I wrote the following on my Facebook page yesterday: “This is more than just an outrage. It is more than just two tea party zealots forcing their ill-conceived and obsessive behavior and “ideas” upon the unwashed and uneducated who have followed them with gusto and hearty resolve. This is more than just about hypocrisy and plain stupidity. “What it is […]

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