Category: Michigan Republicans

What Goes Around Comes Around…WAY Around!

What Goes Around Comes Around…WAY Around!

A few weeks back, in what I knew would be a predictable response to my support for Proposal 1, MANY of you took me to task for my “fascist” and anti-Democratic reasoning to why I supported Proposal 1 (which you can read here). You have that right, I have that right, and we now find ourselves approximately eight weeks away […]

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Michigan GOP moves to fill budget crater from corporate tax breaks by robbing a quarter billion dollars from schools

Michigan GOP moves to fill budget crater from corporate tax breaks by robbing a quarter billion dollars from schools

To hear Michigan Republicans tell the story, they are all about the importance of education in Michigan. Get them in front of a microphone, camera, or a reporter and they will tell you it’s one of their highest priorities. Their hypocrisy on this issue is in clear display this week as they passed to bills, H.B. 4110 and H.B. 4112, […]

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GUEST POST: We Need Paid Sick Leave Because Workers Are Humans First

GUEST POST: We Need Paid Sick Leave Because Workers Are Humans First

The following post was originally posted at Ramona’s Voices. Note that there is an ask at the end of this post: several groups are looking for stories from workers both who have and don’t have paid sick leave with their jobs. Please check out the links and share your stories. There’s a fuss going on in Michigan over whether the […]

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Michigan GOP caucus won’t support sales tax hike proposal to repair our roads that THEY passed in 2014

Michigan GOP caucus won’t support sales tax hike proposal to repair our roads that THEY passed in 2014

Last fall, Michigan Republicans, aided by some Democrats who effectively negotiated for some very good things for Michigan schools and working people, passed a package of bills to fix our crumbling transportation infrastructure and soon-to-be-rubble roadways. The entire thing is predicated on the passage of an increase to our sales tax which voters must approve in May. Given that they […]

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Freshman Michigan tea party legislator Todd Courser whines about seating assignments on House floor

Freshman Michigan tea party legislator Todd Courser whines about seating assignments on House floor

Tea party Republican Todd Courser is the comical gift that keeps on giving. His latest social media missive is titled “What about the seats?” and is over 2,000 whining words about the tyranny of the state House seating chart. Srsly. It’s hard at times to know what should and should not be shared with people about the mechanical processes of […]

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Extremist Michigan theocrats Cindy Gamrat and Todd Courser issue bizarre “Liberty Response” to the State of the State Address

Extremist Michigan theocrats Cindy Gamrat and Todd Courser issue bizarre “Liberty Response” to the State of the State Address

Last night during his State of the State Address, Gov. Rick Snyder broke very little new ground. Many of us were happy to hear him support further investments in education and to call for an expansion of civil rights for the LGBT community. One glaring point for me was that Gov. Snyder never once mentioned K-12 education in the part […]

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BREAKING: Dave Agema posts Facebook post re: corrosive impacts of bigotry on our democracy with the comment “Educational!”

BREAKING: Dave Agema posts Facebook post re: corrosive impacts of bigotry on our democracy with the comment “Educational!”

Today Dave Agema posted a piece to his Facebook page describing the corrosive impacts of bigotry, racism, and intolerance on our American democracy with the comment, “Educational!”.

“This article is making me rethink my position on the inferiority of anyone who isn’t white, male, straight, Christian, or American,” wrote Agema. “Our republic is damaged when people denigrate any of our citizens.” …

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Republicans around the country call for Dave Agema’s removal – but not Gov. Rick Snyder or Lt. Gov. Brian Calley

Republicans around the country call for Dave Agema’s removal – but not Gov. Rick Snyder or Lt. Gov. Brian Calley

Republicans in Michigan and around the country are lining up to reject the notorious bigot Dave Agema. Here in our state, multiple Republican elected officials have called for his removal from the Republican National Committee: Oakland County Sens. Mike Kowall and Jim Marleau and Rep. Jim Tedder sent the 168-member Republican Party governing board a letter Tuesday pleading that it […]

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Michigan Lt. Gov. Calley attends Todd Courser & Cindy Gamrat’s tea party Bigotfest 2015

Michigan Lt. Gov. Calley attends Todd Courser & Cindy Gamrat’s tea party Bigotfest 2015

This past weekend, newly-elected extremist tea partiers Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat held “The Powwow”, a gathering of tea partiers with the subtitle, “Going on the Offense”. Given the line-up, “offense” (as in “offensive”) was the operative word in the title, of course. Courser and Gamrat, who recently released their Manifesto designed to turn Michigan into a theocracy, invited notorious […]

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Michigan Republican Party: Saving the auto industry didn’t help Michigan’s economy

Michigan Republican Party: Saving the auto industry didn’t help Michigan’s economy

The Michigan Republican Party has continued Gov. Rick Snyder’s efforts to take credit for the economic improvements that have benefited the entire country, including our state. Here in Michigan, nothing has helped fuel economic growth like the resurgence of the vehicle manufacturing sector. Upwards of 60% of Michganders work in jobs that are impacted by vehicle manufacturing and, had our […]

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The Republican Party’s “Dave Agema Problem”

The Republican Party’s “Dave Agema Problem”

In order for Dave Agema to be removed from his position as a member the Republican National Committee (RNC), he must be convicted of a felony. The RNC’s rules don’t have any other escape hatch to remove toxic cancers like Dave Agema. A dog can sometimes shake off fleas but Dave Agema, a profoundly racist, homophobic, xenophobic bigot is more […]

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