Category: Michigan Republicans

Guess which Michigan candidates had 6,000+ people rally for them yesterday. HINT: it wasn’t the Republicans.

Guess which Michigan candidates had 6,000+ people rally for them yesterday. HINT: it wasn’t the Republicans.

While Michigan Republican Party chair Bobby Schostak, the man behind “The Worst Campaign Ad That Human Beings Actually Paid for This Year”, tells anyone who will listen that President Obama’s visit to Michigan yesterday is going to harm the election chances of Mark Schauer, Gary Peters, and all of our Democratic candidates, over 6,000 people showed up to see him […]

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BREAKING: Snyder administration officials illegally destroyed documents sought in Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request

BREAKING: Snyder administration officials illegally destroyed documents sought in Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request

Progress Michigan has been doing yeomans work holding the Snyder administration accountable for corrupt actitivies, shining the sanitizing sunshine needed to ensure that transparency isn’t just a catch phrase used by our Governor. In response to an August request for documents from the Michigan Department of Community Health, Progress Michigan was told in September that no such documents existed. Then, […]

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Republican Mike Bishop, candidate in MI-08, has had a VERY bad couple of weeks

Republican Mike Bishop, candidate in MI-08, has had a VERY bad couple of weeks

Mike Bishop: the male version of Terri Lynn what’s-her-name Mike Bishop, the man endorsed by outgoing MI-08 Congressman Mike Rogers because he’s someone who “won’t embarrass the district”, has had a truly bad couple of weeks, lately. First, commentator Jack Lessenberry took Bishop to task for being the bought-and-paid-for stooge of millionaire Matty Moroun in a piece titled “Mike Bishop […]

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Michigan Republican Arlan Meekhof calls security on reporters asking about his support of dark money in politics

Michigan Republican Arlan Meekhof calls security on reporters asking about his support of dark money in politics

There’s little doubt that Republicans love mo’ money, mo’ money, mo’ money in our political process and elections. And it’s no wonder. They benefit more from the increased limits on political donations more than Democrats. Considerably more. What they especially love is money where the donors can be kept secret. That way, the donors don’t have to answer to anyone […]

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Lt. Gov. Brian Calley takes one day off each week to fly to Harvard for classes

Lt. Gov. Brian Calley takes one day off each week to fly to Harvard for classes

The Detroit Free Press is reporting that Lt. Gov. Brian Calley has been taking off every Wednesday to hop a flight to Cambridge, Massachusetts to attend classes at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government in order to get a master’s degree in public administration. Calley defends this paid time off to go to school, saying, “I’ve got no scholarships or help […]

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And now we know why the GOP hates Obamacare: they’re simply too stupid to understand it

And now we know why the GOP hates Obamacare: they’re simply too stupid to understand it

I’ve never fully understood the loathing that the GOP feels for Obamacare. After all, it was essentially their idea to begin with and it was proven to work by their very own presidential candidate in 2012, Mitt Romney, when he implemented it in Massachusetts. But now I have figured it out. I realized the true answer after I saw this […]

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Michigan House & Senate Republican Campaign Committees funded largely by the DeVos family – 34% and 41% respectively

Michigan House & Senate Republican Campaign Committees funded largely by the DeVos family – 34% and 41% respectively

The best democracy money can buy As we get into the final week of the campaign season before next Tuesday’s election, there is a massive amount of money being spent, mainly on television ads and mailings, trying to sway voters. On the Republican side in Michigan, it’s no secret that one family, the massively wealthy DeVos family, is dominating the […]

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Another Michigan Republican busted for lying on MLive’s candidate questionnaire

Another Michigan Republican busted for lying on MLive’s candidate questionnaire

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about Republican Brandt Iden who is running for office in Michigan’s 61st House district and who lied on a candidate questionnaire about having been convicted of a crime. Today another GOP liar has been busted. This time it’s Republican state Rep. Kevin Cotter who is running for reelection in Michigan’s 99th state House […]

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INTERVIEW: Bobby McKenzie has the juice to turn a Red district Blue with your help

INTERVIEW: Bobby McKenzie has the juice to turn a Red district Blue with your help

For Democratic candidate for the United States Congress in Michigan’s 11th Congressional District, Bobby McKenzie, life these days is filled with events, rallies, door knocking and money raising, something that is true for most candidates. What is setting Bobby McKenzie apart from most other campaigns is that he is running against a multi-millionaire by the name of David Trott, also […]

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American Democracy Legal Fund formally requests investigation into illegal activities & ethics violations by Fred Upton

American Democracy Legal Fund formally requests investigation into illegal activities & ethics violations by Fred Upton

Ruh roh, Raggy Things have started to heat up for Republican Congressman Fred Upton on the heels of revelations that he and a top staffer for his House committee made harrassing calls to funders of the MaydayPAC that is supporting his opponent Democrat Paul Clements. The American Democracy Legal Fund is has now formally called for an investigation into possible […]

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Rick Snyder & Joe Hune are for reducing regulatory burdens on businesses except when it benefits their corporate pals not to

Rick Snyder & Joe Hune are for reducing regulatory burdens on businesses except when it benefits their corporate pals not to

I have been following Tesla Motors for many years. They are one of the most exciting companies to start up in the past decade, producing all-electric vehicles that are attractive, powerful, and that represent a true breakthrough in technology, especially from the battery side. And they have done it largely without government assistance, to boot. No government body has had […]

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