Category: Michigan Republicans

VIDEO: Democrat Bobby McKenzie in MI-11 releases first ad slamming Foreclosure Vulture David Trott

VIDEO: Democrat Bobby McKenzie in MI-11 releases first ad slamming Foreclosure Vulture David Trott

Bobby McKenzie, the Democratic candidate for Congress in Michigan’s 11th District is up with his first ad this cycle and it’s a doozy. It is a hard-hitting ad that shows what it looks like when Republican David Trott evicts people, in this case an elderly woman, from their home: Here’s a statement from the McKenzie campaign released with the video: […]

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Federal judge slams Republican AG Bill Schuette for absence in child slavery case

Federal judge slams Republican AG Bill Schuette for absence in child slavery case

A federal child slavery case against a West African man working as a janitor for the University of Michigan fell apart this week with the man getting only 21 months in jail. During the sentencing, U.S. District Judge Arthur Tarnow slammed Republican Attorney Bill Schuette for his absence in the case: During the sentencing hearing, Tarnow took a shot at […]

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Republican Congressional candidate Mike Bishop refutes Gov. Snyder’s “Comeback” rhetoric

Republican Congressional candidate Mike Bishop refutes Gov. Snyder’s “Comeback” rhetoric

With all of Gov. Snyder’s “Comeback Kid” and “Road to Recovery” rhetoric, you’d think Republican candidates in Michigan would be piling on to support the idea that Michigan is on the rebound. Not so with Republican candidate Mike Bishop who is running in Michigan’s 8th Congressional district to replace Mike Rogers. He had this to say recently: Bishop, 47, is […]

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UPDATED: Fred Upton is panicking, threatens donors to crowd-funded MaydayPAC

UPDATED: Fred Upton is panicking, threatens donors to crowd-funded MaydayPAC

This post has been updated with comments from Democratic candidate Paul Clements. After the crowd-funded MaydayPAC announced they’d be spending $1.5 million to defeat Republican Fred Upton in MI-06, he turned to social media to decry what he called the “shadowy” group started by “Harvard millionaire” Lawrence Lessig (who is not a millionaire, by the way.) But he didn’t stop […]

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BREAKING: More corruption in the Snyder administration: $26.4 million in no-bid contracts awarded to campaign donor (UPDATED)

BREAKING: More corruption in the Snyder administration: $26.4 million in no-bid contracts awarded to campaign donor (UPDATED)

The Michigan Democratic Party released bombshell news today that the Snyder administration awarded $26.4 million in no-bid contracts to a high-dollar donor to the Snyder reelection campaign. On June 9, 2014, the owners of J&B Medical Supply, which supplies diapers and other incontinence products to Department of Community Health, hosted a lavish fundraiser for Rick Snyder in Bloomfield Hills which […]

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GUEST POST: Ann Arbor super activist Michael Rains explains why he is Getting Out the Vote and how YOU can, too!

GUEST POST: Ann Arbor super activist Michael Rains explains why he is Getting Out the Vote and how YOU can, too!

I first encountered my dear friend Michael Rains on the streets of Ann Arbor. He had a cart he has dubbed “the Democracy Machine” and there was a crowd of people around him, waiting to sign petitions to recall Governor Snyder and to repeal Michigan’s anti-democratic Emergency Manager law. If there is a crowd of people in Ann Arbor – […]

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And the award for the most moronic political ad this season goes to…

And the award for the most moronic political ad this season goes to…

There is a school of thought (apparently) that outlandish, even stupidly dumb ads are good because they get you to watch, sort of like a high-speed train derailing in front of you. I get that. I don’t necessarily agree with it, but I get it. So, there’s stupidly dumb and then there’s this hot mess of moronic childishness from the […]

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Republican state House candidate says lying on MLive’s Voter Guide questionnaire was “unfortunate”, a “distraction”

Republican state House candidate says lying on MLive’s Voter Guide questionnaire was “unfortunate”, a “distraction”

Republican Brandt Iden who is running for office in Michigan’s 61st House district was sent a questionnaire by MLive for their 2014 Voters Guide. In the questionnaire were these two questions: Have you ever been arrested? (Please detail date, location) Ever been convicted of or pleaded no contest to a crime? Iden answered “no” to both questions. Problem is he […]

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David Trott pours another $1 million made from Michigan foreclosures into his campaign to buy a Congressional seat

David Trott pours another $1 million made from Michigan foreclosures into his campaign to buy a Congressional seat

Since the middle of July, David Trott, Michigan’s most infamous Foreclosure Vulture, has raised nearly $200,000 from a wide array of bankers, Trott & Trott employees, real estate investors, attorneys, and various PACs like the NRA, GM, Ford, DTE Energy, Quicken Loans, and Koch Industries. But, during that same time, he racked up donations of $1,190,174.33. Where did the other […]

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UPDATED: MaydayPAC’s involvement in MI-06 race has Fred Upton freaking out

UPDATED: MaydayPAC’s involvement in MI-06 race has Fred Upton freaking out

When Fred Upton learned that MaydayPAC was planning to spend $1.5 million to unseat him, he went into freak-out mode. He quickly put out a defensive and poorly-done video on Facebook where he describes MaydayPAC as a “shadowy Massachusetts ‘SuperPAC’” and MaydayPAC founder, Harvard law professor Lawrence Lessig, as a “Harvard billionaire”. Of course, MaydayPAC is far from “shadowy”. They […]

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Livingston County Dems launch website to highlight how out of touch Joe Hune is with his constituents

Livingston County Dems launch website to highlight how out of touch Joe Hune is with his constituents

The Livingston County Democratic Party has done an amazing job of finding candidates to run for seats across the county that often see no Democratic challenger. One of these candidates is Shari Pollesch, a Brighton attorney who is challenging ultra-conservative Joe Hune for the newly-drawn 22nd state Senate district. Although Hune has enjoyed widespread support in this oh so conservative […]

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