Category: Michigan Republicans

Detroit Free Press: “We won’t acquiesce to this sort of blackmailing” by Terri Lynn Land (and other Land news)

Detroit Free Press: “We won’t acquiesce to this sort of blackmailing” by Terri Lynn Land (and other Land news)

Terri Lynn “mom with two kids” Land, the Michigan Embarrassment™, has taken on a new role: blackmailer. And the Detroit Free Press is having none of it: [Terri Lynn Land’s] GOP Senate candidate’s campaign is refusing to attend an endorsement meeting with the Free Press editorial board unless the newspaper changes an Oct 4. op-ed by columnist Brian Dickerson, which […]

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The laughable GOPfail of the Michigan Republican Party

The laughable GOPfail of the Michigan Republican Party

Last week, I pointed out how the Michigan Republican Party had posted this insulting graphic on their Facebook page which quickly led to a particulary racist comment that has since been removed: Gary Peters and Mark Schauer with the very dark and scary President Obama At the time, despite the Michigan GOP’s claim otherwise, there were rumors that President Obama […]

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VIDEO: Dem candidate for Attorney General Mark Totten releases 2nd ad highlighting Bill Schuette’s extremist record

VIDEO: Dem candidate for Attorney General Mark Totten releases 2nd ad highlighting Bill Schuette’s extremist record

Mark Totten, the Democratic candidate for Michigan Attorney General, has released his second television ad of the election cycle. Titled “One Thing”, it goes after Republican Bill Schuette for his crusade to push his ultra-right wing, partisan agenda: The ad focuses on three specific things Schuette has done: As the first attorney general to join Hobby Lobby v. Sebelius, […]

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Republican Tim Walberg introduced bill to make top government positions subject to partisan politics

Republican Tim Walberg introduced bill to make top government positions subject to partisan politics

The Senior Executive Service (SES) is made up of the men and women who lead most of the major government agencies in the USA. According to the Office of Management and Budget, “Members of the SES serve in the key positions just below the top Presidential appointees. SES members are the major link between these appointees and the rest of […]

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UPDATED: Are Michigan Republicans so flush with money they don’t have to target mailings? Or are they just dumb?

UPDATED: Are Michigan Republicans so flush with money they don’t have to target mailings? Or are they just dumb?

Yesterday I got a full-size, thick paper glossy mailing from Terri Lynn Land’s campaign. I also got TWO from Bill Schuette’s campaign, both different. Now, most Eclectablog readers know what my political leaners are and that they are decidedly NOT leaning in the direction of the GOP. In fact, I am an elected Precinct Delegate and on the Executive Board […]

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BREAKING: More cronyism in the Snyder administration: Bill Schuette has given his former law firm nearly $2 million in state business

BREAKING: More cronyism in the Snyder administration: Bill Schuette has given his former law firm nearly $2 million in state business

The Snyder administration is well known for rewarding its friends and business partners with lucrative, sometimes unchallenged government contracts. Something that has gone largely unnoticed are the contracts that Bill Schuette’s Attorney General’s office awarded to his former employer Warner Norcross & Judd LLP which amount to nearly $2 million since he took office. Schuette joined Warner Norcross & Judd […]

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Strange bedfellows: Republican Rick Snyder endorsed by anti-gun Michael Bloomberg AND the NRA

Strange bedfellows: Republican Rick Snyder endorsed by anti-gun Michael Bloomberg AND the NRA

In what was a surprise to pretty much nobody, former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg endorsed Republican Rick Snyder this past week. He’s also spending $2 million on pro-Snyder ads. I say it’s unsurprising because (a) Bloomberg held a mega-fundraiser for Snyder back in June in the midst of the road funding battle in the Michigan legislature that ended […]

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Climate change denier and “scientist” GOP Congressman Dan Benishek: “I haven’t SEEN the science that proves it”

Climate change denier and “scientist” GOP Congressman Dan Benishek: “I haven’t SEEN the science that proves it”

“I can’t SEEE-EEE you…” In a recent interview with ABC10, Republican Dan Benishek was questioned about his views on global climate change. He responded, “The climate may be changing, but I don’t think man is contributing to it.” Pushed further, he had this to say: “I’m not sure there’s any evidence to prove that there’s man-made catastrophic global warming…there’s no […]

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Michigan Republican Party inaccurately claims Michigan Dems won’t campaign with Pres. Obama, then comes the racism

Michigan Republican Party inaccurately claims Michigan Dems won’t campaign with Pres. Obama, then comes the racism

The Michigan Republican Party is a well-known source of comical fail. Between sending out hapless technicians with super-secret spy glasses to being completely unable to field a credible candidate for the U.S. Senate, they are a constant source of hilarity. Today, they posted a meme claiming that Gary Peters and Mark Schauer are embarrassed to campaign with President Obama and […]

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BREAKING: Crowd-funded SuperPAC to spend $1.5 million to help Paul Clements unseat Fred Upton

BREAKING: Crowd-funded SuperPAC to spend $1.5 million to help Paul Clements unseat Fred Upton

The MaydayPAC SuperPAC is a SuperPAC like no other. It is crowdfunded with a single-minded goal of enacting “fundamental reform in the way elections are funded.” Between May 1 and July 4 of this year they raised over $6 million using a Kickstarter-style fundraising approach. This election cycle, MaydayPAC is testing their belief that they can have an impact on […]

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National Dems and GOP pulling ad money out of Michigan

National Dems and GOP pulling ad money out of Michigan

In the past couple of days both the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and the Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee (RSCC) have pulled campaign ad buys out of Michigan. The RSCC, seeing the handwriting on the wall regarding Terri Lynn Land’s “circling the drain” campaign, pulled out of their support of her: The National Republican Senatorial Committee has cut the remaining […]

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