Category: Michigan Republicans

Democratic State House Rep. Jeff Irwin explains Gov. Snyder’s cuts to education on Let It Rip

Democratic State House Rep. Jeff Irwin explains Gov. Snyder’s cuts to education on Let It Rip

This past weekend, Democratic State House Rep. Jeff Irwin from Ann Arbor debated Governor Snyder’s $1 billion in cuts to education funding with Republican Pete Lund on Fox News’ Let It Rip program. Lund used the argument that shoring up the teachers pension fund is “education funding”. Irwin pointed to the diversion of money from classrooms and teaching and higher […]

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More on the Michigan Republican Party’s harassment of elderly woman under hospice care

More on the Michigan Republican Party’s harassment of elderly woman under hospice care

My reporting on the Michigan Republican Party’s odious mailer encouraging people to call the phone of the ailing mother of Democratic candidate for Michigan’s 61st House district John Fisher has gotten LOTS of attention. It’s had thousands and thousands of views and the cross-posted version at Daily Kos has given it national exposure. It’s been picked up by other sites, […]

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Michigan Republicans boot American Bridge tracker from “open to the public” rally with Terri Lynn Land & Mitt Romney

Michigan Republicans boot American Bridge tracker from “open to the public” rally with Terri Lynn Land & Mitt Romney

American Bridge, a group dedicated to holding Republicans accountable for what they say and do, sends trackers to various events around the country to make sure they’re being kept honest. Yesterday, when multi-millionaire Mitt Romney was in Michigan to promote the Senate candidacy of multi-millionaire Terri Lynn Land, an American Bridge tracker was there with a ticket in hand. He […]

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Michigan GOP goes to the gutter, sends mailer asking people to call Dem candidate’s mother who is in hospice care (UPDATED)

Michigan GOP goes to the gutter, sends mailer asking people to call Dem candidate’s mother who is in hospice care (UPDATED)

This story has been updated HERE. This story is beyond disgusting. The Michigan Republican Party has mailed out a hit piece on John Fisher the Democratic candidate for Michigan’s 61st House district. The mailer asks the recipient to call a phone number to complain about Fisher’s support of the Affordable Care Act. The number they give rings at the bedside […]

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MI-08 GOP candidate Mike Bishop wants young people to gamble with their retirement

MI-08 GOP candidate Mike Bishop wants young people to gamble with their retirement

Mike Bishop, the Republican candidate in Michigan’s 8th Congressional District, has a long history of gambling with people’s livelihoods. He was the Senate Majority Leader when the legislature shut down the state government twice, once in 2007 and again 2009. These two shutdowns wreaked havoc on our state’s economy. Now that Bishop is running for the U.S. Congress, he wants […]

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The anti-women strategies the Michigan GOP didn’t want you to hear

The anti-women strategies the Michigan GOP didn’t want you to hear

The War on Women is alive and well in Michigan. Don’t let Republicans try to tell you otherwise. Hot on the heels of the successful pro-women V to Shining V event in Detroit, the Michigan Democratic Party has released shocking recordings of Michigan Republicans saying what they really think about women. Well, it’s honestly not all that shocking. But the […]

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EVENT/ACTION: Michigan United’s “Capitol Day” and “Billionaire’s Ball” – Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2014 (UPDATED)

EVENT/ACTION: Michigan United’s “Capitol Day” and “Billionaire’s Ball” – Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2014 (UPDATED)

Michigan United is a broad coalition of grassroots faith, labor, and other organizations that are “fighting for the dignity and potential of every person.” As they say in their “About” page, they “are committed to a participatory democracy at every level, an economy that works for the many, and a society that dismantles racism while uplifting our common humanity. To […]

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AFTERNOON GRAB BAG: You can have access to the Governor’s office (but it’ll cost ya), MEDC official: Loss of Cadillac “not a big deal”

AFTERNOON GRAB BAG: You can have access to the Governor’s office (but it’ll cost ya), MEDC official: Loss of Cadillac “not a big deal”

ACCESS TO GOVERNOR’S CHIEF OF STAFF SOLD AT RECENT REPUBLICAN CONFERENCE An exposé by the New York Times shows that access to officials in the administrations of a number of Republican governors can be had by corporate America as long as they were willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars: [A]n error by the Republican Governors Association recently resulted […]

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AFTERNOON GRAB BAG: Eric Schertzing making it competitive in MI-08, DGA releases new ad going after Rick Snyder

AFTERNOON GRAB BAG: Eric Schertzing making it competitive in MI-08, DGA releases new ad going after Rick Snyder

Ingham County Treasurer Eric Schertzing released an internal poll today showing him within striking distance of Republican Mike Bishop. Schertzing is down just 5 points, 42-37, in a poll with a 4.9 point margin of error. In the same poll, when respondents were read “a balanced series of positive messages about both candidates”, the two are tied at 43-43. This […]

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BREAKING: Legendary Attorney General Frank Kelley endorses Mark Totten for AG

BREAKING: Legendary Attorney General Frank Kelley endorses Mark Totten for AG

Former Michigan Attorney General Frank J. Kelley has formally endorsed Mark Totten for Attorney General. Kelley is legendary in Michigan. He was our Attorney General for 37 years, the longest-serving Attorney General in US history. During that time he set the records for being both the youngest and oldest Michigan Attorney General. Many of his proteges, such as Jennifer Granholm […]

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Michigan led the country in job losses in August, tied for 5th highest unemployment rate

Michigan led the country in job losses in August, tied for 5th highest unemployment rate

When Rick Snyder came into office, Michigan had the nation’s 5th highest unemployment rate. After nearly four years of his relentless positive Republican action, guess where we’re ranked now? Yup: 5th. That number doesn’t tell the full story either. The only reason we’re ranked 5th instead of 4th or less is because so many Michiganders have left the job market. […]

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