Category: Michigan Republicans

AFTERNOON GRAB BAG: Snyder has lost the media, Land’s family are Islamophobes

AFTERNOON GRAB BAG: Snyder has lost the media, Land’s family are Islamophobes

NOTE: With the impending election, trying to keep up with all of the news is like drinking from a firehose and, with a day job and other activities I’m involved in, I simply don’t have time to do an individual blog post for everything that is going on. I’m considering doing a “grab bag” like this one every day or […]

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Progressive groups call on Congressman Fred Upton to return campaign donations from Big Oil interests

Progressive groups call on Congressman Fred Upton to return campaign donations from Big Oil interests

At around 2:00 a.m. this past Tuesday, residents in Berrien County on the west side of the state were awaken by the sound of a 24-30 inch natural gas pipeline rupturing. The noise was tremendous and some area folks said it “felt like the earth was shaking a little bit.” Vic Rogers, a farmer that lives just a quarter mile […]

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Terri Lynn Land’s hypocrisy on road repair funding: She lobbied to divert road funding to her department as Secretary of State

Terri Lynn Land’s hypocrisy on road repair funding: She lobbied to divert road funding to her department as Secretary of State

In her seemingly endless quest to find something, anything, that will change the fail-trajectory of her downward spiraling poll numbers, one of the things Terri Lynn Land has tried is to recycle a Congressional tea party idea and take it as her own. Land has attempted to co-opt the “Transportation Empowerment Act” (TEA) or, as I like to call it, […]

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BREAKING: Kerry Bentivolio “seriously considering” running as a write-in candidate in MI-11

BREAKING: Kerry Bentivolio “seriously considering” running as a write-in candidate in MI-11

During an interview with MIRS news service yesterday, Kerry Bentivolio said he is “seriously considering” a run as a write-in candidate in the November General Election to be reelected as the Congressman for Michigan’s 11th District: Rep. Kerry Bentivolio (R), one of four sitting members of Congress to lose in a primary this year, says he is “seriously considering” waging […]

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VIDEO: Michigan GOP Chair Bobby Schostak: “The debates are gonna happen” & “Gov. Milliken is irrelevant”

VIDEO: Michigan GOP Chair Bobby Schostak: “The debates are gonna happen” & “Gov. Milliken is irrelevant”

This past weekend, the Chairs of both the Michigan Republican Party, Bobby Schostak, and the Michigan Democratic Party, Lon Johnson appeared on Fox 2’s “Let it Rip!” program to discuss the upcoming election. Schostak showed up without a tie, carrying an aloof and almost derisive attitude. He struggled to defend his candidates time and again. In contrast, Johnson was well-dressed, […]

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VIDEO: David Trott’s profiteering on “human misery” is starting to get national attention

VIDEO: David Trott’s profiteering on “human misery” is starting to get national attention

This past week, David Dayen wrote a tremendous piece for the New Republic titled, “Michigan’s ‘Foreclosure King’ Is Trying to Win a Seat in Congress”. It’s a remarkable piece particularly because he takes what is an incredibly complex and inscrutable process – home foreclosures – and does a Clintonesque explainer on it. In the process, he details just how unethical, […]

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Third poll this week has outstanding news for Michigan Democrats, Schauer up by 2.2 points over Snyder

Third poll this week has outstanding news for Michigan Democrats, Schauer up by 2.2 points over Snyder

It’s been a terrific week of polling for Michigan Democrats. I’ve written about two polls (HERE and HERE) that statistical ties for Mark Schauer and Mark Totten with Gary Peters pulling away from Terri Lynn Land. Yesterday, a USA Today poll conducted by Suffolk University gives even better news. Here’s the synopsis: Mark Schauer leads Rick Snyder for Governor by […]

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Rick Snyder continues to rewrite history so he can take credit for things he had nothing to do with

Rick Snyder continues to rewrite history so he can take credit for things he had nothing to do with

Governor Snyder has a new ad out this week called “Generations”. Like his previous ad, his voice has been altered to sound lower in pitch than his actual voice, a manipulation that is the perfect metaphor for the way he manipulates the facts in order to take credit for things that either didn’t happen or for which he had no […]

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NEW POLL: After 30 years in office Schuette’s favorable rating only 17.2% and other good news for Michigan Dems

NEW POLL: After 30 years in office Schuette’s favorable rating only 17.2% and other good news for Michigan Dems

Mark Totten, photo by Anne C. Savage, special to Eclectablog Yesterday I reported on new polling numbers show great gains by Michigan Democrats. Another new poll out this morning by Detroit News-WDIV (Local 4) confirms those numbers. (Cross-tabs are HERE.) The race for Attorney General continues to be surprisingly competitive and shows how weak a candidate Bill Schuette is. Schuette […]

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The Michigan Republican Party is looking for a few good young men and women to exploit and take one for the team!

The Michigan Republican Party is looking for a few good young men and women to exploit and take one for the team!

Do you enjoy wearing super-secret spy glasses to secretly record Democrats being Democrats? Do you have mad skillz posing as a CNN reporter? Can you pull off pretending to be a Schauer supporter and offering to volunteer for a statewide Democratic gubernatorial campaign? Are you willing to be thrown under the bus by the Michigan Republican Party if you get […]

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VIDEOS: Pam Byrnes releases two new ads slamming Tim Walberg for his perks & pay, calls for accountability

VIDEOS: Pam Byrnes releases two new ads slamming Tim Walberg for his perks & pay, calls for accountability

Tim Walberg is one of the most hypocritical politicians I’ve ever had the displeasure to have met. This guy, who claims he “was a tea partier before there was a tea party”, talks a lot about reining in government waste and holding elected officials accountable. Yet he himself is a big part of the problem. He has helped lead the […]

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