Category: Michigan Republicans

VIDEO: MI-01 Congressman Dan Benishek refuses to say if he’ll pledge not to vote to shutdown the government while aide tries to grab camera

VIDEO: MI-01 Congressman Dan Benishek refuses to say if he’ll pledge not to vote to shutdown the government while aide tries to grab camera

It’s tough being a member of Congress. Your constituents are always up in your grill, holding you accountable for your votes, and wanting answers. “Do you support this bill?” “Why did you vote this way?” “Why did you vote that way?” “Will you try to shut down the government of the United States of America to prove a political point […]

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Rick Snyder claims he didn’t cut taxes on “Big Business” and revises history multiple times during call-in show

Rick Snyder claims he didn’t cut taxes on “Big Business” and revises history multiple times during call-in show

Yesterday, Gov. Rick Snyder participated in a one-hour call-in show on Michigan Radio. The show was hosted by the incomparable Rick Pluta who did an excellent job of selecting questions from the Michigan Radio Facebook page, Twitter, emails, and actual phone calls. When Gov. Snyder tried to weasel out of answering a question, Pluta did a good job of pushing […]

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Michigan Democrats unanimously pass resolution condemning David Trott’s unethical foreclosure practices

Michigan Democrats unanimously pass resolution condemning David Trott’s unethical foreclosure practices

At the Michigan Democratic Party’s Nominating Convention this past weekend, Democrats passed an important resolution condemning the unethical and damaging foreclosure practices of Republican Congressional candidate David Trott and demanding a repeal of a law that allows vulture foreclosure firms like Trott & Trott, P.C. to immediately foreclose on homeowners. The resolution outlines a loophole that was passed by the […]

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National environmental group lists Walberg and Upton in Top 20 #DirtyDenier$

National environmental group lists Walberg and Upton in Top 20 #DirtyDenier$

NRDC Action Fund, the 401(c)(4) arm of one of the largest environmental organizations in the country, has selected the Top 20 #DirtyDenier$ and are rolling them out over Congress’s summer break. The #DirtyDenier$ are chosen because of they “allow polluters to foul our air by casting dirty votes and accept dirty money.” In the Top 20 are two Michigan Congressmen: […]

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Patriarchal Michigan Republicans decide democracy is not for YOU, quash yet another ballot initiative

Patriarchal Michigan Republicans decide democracy is not for YOU, quash yet another ballot initiative

Democracy, deschmocracy First it was citizens overturning the majority vote of Michigan citizens to overturn our state’s anti-democratic Emergency Manager law. Then it was rape insurance. Then it was a drive to ban wolf hunting. Then it was the effort to raise Michigan’s minimum wage. In each instance, Republicans in the Michigan legislature decided that it wasn’t appropriate for us […]

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MI GOP candidates flat-out lie about the ACA

MI GOP candidates flat-out lie about the ACA

Yes, I realize that’s about the least-shocking headline of the day, but it’s still appalling just how casually Republican candidates in Michigan are spreading misinformation about the Affordable Care Act. First up is everyone’s favorite foreclosure attorney and MI-11 Congressional candidate David Trott (best known for kicking old ladies out of their homes), who gave a newspaper interview recently which was jaw-droppingly […]

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Cue GOP call for more business tax cuts: Michigan unemployment rate ticks up to 7.7%, still nation’s third highest

Cue GOP call for more business tax cuts: Michigan unemployment rate ticks up to 7.7%, still nation’s third highest

If you go to Rick Snyder’s Facebook page, you’ll see a picture of him smiling smugly under the banner “Michigan’s Comeback Kid”. Putting aside the fact that “comeback kid” actually refers to a person who has come back from some personal trauma, something our Governor has not done, the suggestion that Michigan is somehow roaring back to economic prosperity under […]

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VIDEO: Mark Totten launches general election campaign against AG Bill Schuette, Michigan’s version of Ken Cuccinelli

VIDEO: Mark Totten launches general election campaign against AG Bill Schuette, Michigan’s version of Ken Cuccinelli

Michigan Democratic Attorney General candidate Mark Totten Mark Totten started his campaign to be Michigan’s next Attorney General in 2013. He’s been one of the hardest working candidates I’ve seen in this election cycle, consistently making the case that our current AG, Bill Schuette, is an extremist that is hurting our state and, through a variety of actions taken on […]

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MI-07 residents deliver 7 rubber ducks to Tim Walberg’s office asking him to stop ducking the issues

MI-07 residents deliver 7 rubber ducks to Tim Walberg’s office asking him to stop ducking the issues

Yesterday, residents from Michigan’s 7th District delivered seven rubber ducks to the District office of Republican Tim “the Original Tea Partier” Walberg, asking him to stop ducking the important issues that concern his constituents and to agree to a series of debates with his Democratic opponent and former state House Speaker Pro Tempore Pam Byrnes. Byrnes has put together a […]

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Following revelations of improper use of tax dollars, a third Snyder administration official resigns in disgrace, many calls for wider investigation

Following revelations of improper use of tax dollars, a third Snyder administration official resigns in disgrace, many calls for wider investigation

First it was Michigan State Treasurer Andy Dillon. Then it was Education Achievement Authority John Covington. Now a third Snyder administration official is resigning in disgrace. This time it’s Scott Woosley, head of the Michigan State Housing Development Authority after revelations of misuse of tax dollars for extravagant travel and dining expenses on the public’s dime. This afternoon, MSHDA official […]

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Proof of Terri Lynn Land’s lies about the source of her wealth continue to roll out

Proof of Terri Lynn Land’s lies about the source of her wealth continue to roll out

Chad Selweski of the Macomb Daily News has more revelations regarding Terri Lynn Land’s lies about the source of her immense wealth that has allowed her to dump millions of dollars of her own money into her increasingly failed campaign: Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land’s claim that she is a small business owner, not part of the lucrative Land & […]

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