Category: Michigan Republicans

UPDATED: More Snyder administration officials living high on the hog at taxpayers’ expense

UPDATED: More Snyder administration officials living high on the hog at taxpayers’ expense

This is getting ridiculous NOTE: See update below. An explosive report by the Detroit Free Press shows that Scott Woosley, head of the Michigan State Housing Development Authority, along with other staffers has racked up huge bills, all paid for by Michigan taxpayers. Travel in stretch limos, $500-a-night hotel accomodations, $40,000 on international trips, all-alcohol “dinners”, and sumptious feasts were […]

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Koch brothers-backed candidate in Michigan loses (or is that “didn’t succeed enough”?)

Koch brothers-backed candidate in Michigan loses (or is that “didn’t succeed enough”?)

In Livingston County, one of the most conservative places in mid-Michigan, the Koch brothers’ front group Americans for Prosperity backed GOP House candidate Wendy Day, putting up billboards to support her bid for the nomination in the 47th House District Day is notorious for her time on a local school board (while she home-schooled her own kids) and for blogging […]

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One more reason to vote NO on Michigan’s Prop 1: GOP threats to screw over municipalities

One more reason to vote NO on Michigan’s Prop 1: GOP threats to screw over municipalities

I’ve already detailed my reasons for voting NO on Michigan’s Proposal 1 which would eliminate the Personal Property Tax HERE. But there is another reason, in my opinion: Republican threats to screw over municipalities if voters turn it down: The GOP-led Legislature could eliminate the personal property tax with no revenue-replacement plan for local governments, [Truscott Rossman’s Kelly Rossman-McKinney] said. […]

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Koch family (not just the brothers) max out on contributions to Terri Lynn Land

Koch family (not just the brothers) max out on contributions to Terri Lynn Land

There’s no question that Terri Lynn Land is getting a big, wet money kiss from David and Charles Koch, the infamous “Koch brothers”. Through their corporatist front groups Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, the two billionaires have spent nearly $5 million attacking Land’s Democratic opponent Gary Peters. Some have suggested it’s payback for Peters having the […]

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The MI-11 Congressional race is one of the most interesting in the country

The MI-11 Congressional race is one of the most interesting in the country

The race for Michigan’s comically gerrymandered 11th district is one of the most interesting in the country. The story really started two years ago when Thad McCotter botched his reelection campaign by hiring some idiots who photocopied signatures for his nominating petitions and then proceeded to get busted by elections officials. If McCotter himself wasn’t a big enough oddball, his […]

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Paul Clements, a real threat to the incumbency of Fred Upton, releases first ad

Paul Clements, a real threat to the incumbency of Fred Upton, releases first ad

There are few Republicans who have so poorly represented the issues and concerns of Michiganders than Fred Upton in the 6th Congressional District. He has repeatedly supported the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, spurring an op-ed by the Kalamazoo Gazette asking him to “Knock it off!”. In a district which has Lake Michigan as one of its borders, Upton […]

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Michigan GOP’s “spy glasses” effort hits paydirt and it’s (predictably) hilarious

Michigan GOP’s “spy glasses” effort hits paydirt and it’s (predictably) hilarious

Facing withering national ridicule for their botched Party-wide effort to spy on Democrats with super-secret spy glasses and create “gotcha!” moments in the campaign, the Michigan Republican Party released a video showing the Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mark Schauer advising people not to cross over to vote in GOP primaries after he himself voted in the 2012 GOP primary. The Detroit […]

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Michigan Dems call for two investigations into Terri Lynn Land’s violation of federal & state campaign finance laws

Michigan Dems call for two investigations into Terri Lynn Land’s violation of federal & state campaign finance laws

Pressure is mounting for Terri Lynn Land to come clean about her potential violations of federal and state campaign finance laws. Land is one of the top self-funded politicians in the country — she has dumped nearly $3 million of her own money into her campaign coffers — yet she has not reported assets in financial disclosure statements that indicate […]

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Terri Lynn Land to file amended financial disclosure statement after “forgetting” a bank account with millions of dollars in it

Terri Lynn Land to file amended financial disclosure statement after “forgetting” a bank account with millions of dollars in it

Really, Terri??? [This post has been updated HERE.] A week after the Detroit Free Press reported that Terri Lynn Land has made nearly $3 million worth of donations to her own campaign while filing tax returns that show no such funds available, Land is finally getting around to saying that she’s finally going to get around to obeying federal election […]

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VIDEOS: Michigan Republican “super secret spy glasses” FAIL now a national news story

VIDEOS: Michigan Republican “super secret spy glasses” FAIL now a national news story

How can we lose to these idiots? After the Michigan Republican Party was busted earlier this month for using “super secret spy glasses” to surreptitiously videotape Democratic candidates, the story has gotten legs. Yesterday, Steve Benen at The Maddow Blog posted additional exclusive video taken from the memory card found at a Democratic event at a union hall after Republican […]

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Michigan unemployment rate up, now 3rd highest in the country

Michigan unemployment rate up, now 3rd highest in the country

NOW can we ask, “Where are the jobs”??? Back in February, Michigan had the 4th highest unemployment rate in the country. Today, we have the 3rd highest at 7.5%. That’s up from last month, by the way. In fact, only Mississippi and Rhode Island – who are tied for last place – and Nevada are higher. 46 states and the […]

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