Category: Michigan Republicans

Michigan Republicans propose fetal heartbeat bill to ban abortions at 8 weeks—or earlier

Michigan Republicans propose fetal heartbeat bill to ban abortions at 8 weeks—or earlier

If the legislation passes, many women won’t even know they’re pregnant before it’s too late to get a legal abortion. On the same day conservative Rep. Eric Cantor was primaried by his Tea Party candidate for being too liberal, Michigan Republicans proved just how far they’re willing to go to satisfy their extremist supporters. Rep. Tom Hooker and 16 co-sponsors […]

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New EAA expansion bill being rushed through Michigan Senate, vote may come TODAY

New EAA expansion bill being rushed through Michigan Senate, vote may come TODAY

I’ve received word that a substitute bill to expand the EAA in Michigan is being rushed through the state Senate with a vote to come as early as today. The bill is, according to my sources, being championed by Republican Senator Bruce Caswell with the goal of getting it passed quickly before the Senate goes on it summer break in […]

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Mitt Romney endorses David Trott while Trott runs against health insurance reforms pioneered by Romney

Mitt Romney endorses David Trott while Trott runs against health insurance reforms pioneered by Romney

When the choice is between an incumbent tea partier whose own brother calls “mentally unbalanced” with “serious mental issues” and a corporatist foreclosure specialist, the choice was easy for Mitt Romney. He went for the corporatist leech on the jugular vein of society and predatory vulture banker, David Trott: “As someone who grew up in Michigan and has family currently […]

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Mich GOP so overconfident that they’re now openly mocking women on the House floor while Dems get organized

Mich GOP so overconfident that they’re now openly mocking women on the House floor while Dems get organized

The recent kerfuffle in the Michigan House of Representatives with three state Republican legislators posing with women’s fashion mags to show they “understand women” is generating the requisite amount of outcry and outrage from around the state. Having them openly mocking women in an election year is a display of such chutzpah that even Republican House Speaker Jase Bolger was […]

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Terri Lynn Land has got nothing, other than money from the Koch brothers

Terri Lynn Land has got nothing, other than money from the Koch brothers

For Land, saying nothing is probably good campaign strategy — but it’s a very bad thing for Michigan voters. If you don’t stand for something you’ll fall for anything. Republican U.S. Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land has clearly fallen hook, line and sinker for the Koch brothers, who are pouring big bucks into her campaign. But what exactly are the […]

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Michigan Republicans can’t justify mocking women from the House floor

Michigan Republicans can’t justify mocking women from the House floor

Unsurprisingly, they failed to offer a suitable explanation. The apology women deserve does not seem to be forthcoming. After posing for a photo holding fashion magazines and insisting that they understand women, three Michigan Republicans have made no attempt to apologize for their insulting behavior. Of course, they tried to make excuses, but I don’t buy it. No one should. […]

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No, Michigan GOP, you really don’t understand women

No, Michigan GOP, you really don’t understand women

When you vote against women and then openly mock them on the House floor, you can’t pretend you’re not waging a War on Women. Do they not have actual work to do? Michigan Republicans Peter Pettalia, Roger Victory and Ben Glardon posed for a photo today on the House floor with women’s fashion magazines. The photo was tweeted out by […]

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You can have democracy in the Daddy State of Michigan when patriarchal Republicans say you can

You can have democracy in the Daddy State of Michigan when patriarchal Republicans say you can

This week Michigan legislators passed a package of bills dubbed “The Grand Bargain” that will help our state’s largest city, Detroit, get back on its feet. Missing from that package was a bill that would have prevented regional municipalities from renewing the existing voter-approved 10-year millage or the levying a new millage to fund the Detroit Institute of Arts. (Details […]

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Gov. Rick Snyder’s new-found concern for LGBT civil rights is a sham

Gov. Rick Snyder’s new-found concern for LGBT civil rights is a sham

Yesterday at the Mackinac Policy Conference on Mackinac Island, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder did an about-face on his position regarding civil rights for members of the LGBT community. His actions or, rather, lack of actions on behalf of the LGBT community are well-known so the abrupt change is cause for considerable skepticism. Snyder spelled out his new-found interest in LGBT […]

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Terri Lynn Land faces reporters for the first time and earns the title of “The Michigan Embarrassment”

Terri Lynn Land faces reporters for the first time and earns the title of “The Michigan Embarrassment”

Terri Lynn Land in front of reporters makes deer in headlights look calm & intelligent NOTE: This post has been updated HERE with video of Land’s faceplant at the Mackinac Policy Conference. I was pondering Terri Lynn Land’s lack of public appearances recently and knew that she was not going to be able to avoid facing reporters this week at […]

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EXCLUSIVE: Michigan Dems distribute “Mackinac Island Tipsheet” to Mackinac Policy Conference attendees

EXCLUSIVE: Michigan Dems distribute “Mackinac Island Tipsheet” to Mackinac Policy Conference attendees

This week politicians and politicos from around the state gather on Mackinac Island for the Mackinac Policy Conference. This morning, attendees will receive a copy of the newspaper “The Mackinac Island Tipsheet”, a parody publication published by the Michigan Democratic Party. The Tipsheet has articles with titles like, “Rick Snyder’s Economy Not Working”, “Wall Street Execs, Political Cronies Cash In […]

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