Category: Michigan

Chelsea/Lyndon Township residents fight intrusive gravel mine with both hands tied behind their backs

Chelsea/Lyndon Township residents fight intrusive gravel mine with both hands tied behind their backs

Historic downtown Chelsea As you look at the photo of downtown Chelsea above, imagine 80 gravel trucks a day, 6 days a week rumbling through the middle of it and then back again after they dumped their load. That’s one truck every 4 minutes during daylight hours and that’s the reality of what will happen if McCoig Gravel, a subsidiary […]

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As Michigan roads disintegrate, Republicans push for tax cuts – Don’t call them potholes, call them “Snyderholes”

As Michigan roads disintegrate, Republicans push for tax cuts – Don’t call them potholes, call them “Snyderholes”

It’s going to take actual leadership to fill all of these Snyderholes Anyone driving in Michigan these days knows that this is an epic year for potholes. The frightening part about it is that the daytime thawing followed by nighttime freezing that is the most significant contributor to potholes is only just now underway. If you think things are bad […]

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Congressman Dan Kildee on Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette’s anti-ACA crusade

Congressman Dan Kildee on Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette’s anti-ACA crusade

I spoke with Rep. Kildee about AG Schuette’s decision to join an anti-ACA lawsuit that could cost Michiganders millions. Last week, the news broke that Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette had signed on to a federal lawsuit that would raise taxes by eliminating tax credits available under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). So far, 86 percent of the Michiganders who […]

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REPOST INTERVIEW: Jayne Rowse & April DeBoer – taking on Michigan’s same-sex marriage ban to protect their family

REPOST INTERVIEW: Jayne Rowse & April DeBoer – taking on Michigan’s same-sex marriage ban to protect their family

The ban on same-sex marriage in Michigan can tear families apart [left to right: April, Nolan, Jacob, Jayne, and Ryanne] Tomorrow the trial of April DeBoer vs. Rick Sndyer begins. This trial has implications not on for our state but for the entire country. Although it started as a suit to give same-sex parents the same sorts of adoption rights […]

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Detroiter gets health insurance for just 22 cents a month

Detroiter gets health insurance for just 22 cents a month

Financial assistance helped this 63-year-old find coverage she can afford. Elsie Brown of Detroit spent nearly 30 years of her life working hard, but when she was laid off she lost her health insurance. After her COBRA ran out, she went nearly two years without health insurance — a risky proposition for someone with high blood pressure and diabetes, both […]

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UPDATED: Karl Rove’s American Crossroads poll says Land up over Peters, Dem strongholds under-represented

UPDATED: Karl Rove’s American Crossroads poll says Land up over Peters, Dem strongholds under-represented

You can’t unskew a poll this skewed up Updated twice below. Karl Rove, the man who was absolutely certain that Mitt Romney was going to pull out an astonishing victory over Barack Obama despite all evidence to the contrary, has commissed a new series of polls that say Republicans are going to take back the Senate. Michigan was among the […]

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Rick Snyder’s record: Michigan is 49th in job growth & has the 4th highest unemployment rate in the USA

Rick Snyder’s record: Michigan is 49th in job growth & has the 4th highest unemployment rate in the USA

49th in job growth, 4th highest unemployment rate We have one job over the next nine months. Repeat this message until it’s branded into the brains of every single Michigan voter: Michigan is 49th in projected job growth and has the 4th highest unemployment rate in the country. Please share this image widely Repeat after me: 49th in job growth, […]

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Rick Snyder’s State of the State address: Takes all of the credit, none of the blame, & shows no leadership

Rick Snyder’s State of the State address: Takes all of the credit, none of the blame, & shows no leadership

Isn’t that convenient? After Rick Snyder finished his State of the State address last night, my wife Anne pointed out that, while his predecessor Jennifer Granholm used her State of the State addresses to highlight all of the things she and her fellow Democrats had actually DONE to make Michigan a better place, Rick Snyder mainly just rattled off a […]

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VIDEO: The REAL State of the State – Big Business benefits from billions in tax breaks at the expense of the middle class

VIDEO: The REAL State of the State – Big Business benefits from billions in tax breaks at the expense of the middle class

Get ready for a snow job Tonight Michigan Governor Rick Snyder to will give his final State of the State address of his first term in office. In it, we’re sure to hear many platitudes about his “relentless positive action” to create “more and better jobs” and ensure that Michigan remains “the Comeback State”. When it comes to marketing, our […]

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Michigan unemployment rate falls for the first time since May, still 2nd worst in the USA

Michigan unemployment rate falls for the first time since May, still 2nd worst in the USA

Comeback state? Ferreals? The Bureau of Labor Statistics released its November unemployment numbers and, for the first time since May, Michigan’s number went down. To 8.8%. Almost 2 points above the national average of 7.0%. Here’s how our numbers have tracked the national average since late 2010 (November data not included): You can play with this graph yourself HERE. The […]

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New driverless car law a perfect metaphor for Republican governance in Michigan

New driverless car law a perfect metaphor for Republican governance in Michigan

Hopefully driverless cars can navigate around potholes Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed legislation last week that will allow driverless cars to be tested on Michigan roads. Snyder released a statement saying that, “By allowing the testing of automated, driverless cars today, [Michigan] will stay at the forefront in automotive technological advances that will make driving safer and more efficient in […]

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