Category: Michigan

Vaginas Take Back the Capitol: INTERACTIVE PANOS from the event + Download a free vagina (poster/collage)

Vaginas Take Back the Capitol: INTERACTIVE PANOS from the event + Download a free vagina (poster/collage)

Signs, signs, everywhere signs

This is a collage of photographs I took during the Vaginas Take Back the Capitol event last week.

Click on “Read Full Story” below to see an interactive image of the poster where you can zoom in on the image to see the signs better or download the large file to print.

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Romney’s “Every Town Counts” tour hits Michigan, apparently only all-male, all-white towns count

Romney’s “Every Town Counts” tour hits Michigan, apparently only all-male, all-white towns count

Every white town counts

Mitt Romney finished up his recent 5-day bus tour in Michigan this week with stops in Frankenmuth, Dewitt and Holland. For those of you who aren’t from Michigan, you’re forgiven if you’ve never heard of those places.

The tour is called the “Every Town Counts” tour and had stops in 13 towns. The Nation magazine calls it the “Some Towns Just Don’t Count” tour and CBS calls it the “Every (Wealthy) Town Counts” tour.

Romney was met by a monstrous crowd of a about 400 mostly white, mostly male supporters. He was also met by a significant number of protesters, including’s “No Millionaire Left Behind Romney Mobile”.

Photos and video after the jump.

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Obama campaign now attacking Romney on two fronts: private & public sector employment record

Obama campaign now attacking Romney on two fronts: private & public sector employment record

How fail is Mitt Romney? Let me count the ways.

We all know how hard it is to pin Mitt Romney down. That’s why, when he’s attacked on his private sector job growth history — and by “growth” I mean “you call that growth?” — he pivots to talking smack about public sector employees.

Rather than trying to keep up with his dancing, weaving and bobbing, the Obama campaign is simply hitting him on both fronts simultaneously.

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The Romney Etch-a-Sketching continues, now he’s revising his position on saving the auto industry

The Romney Etch-a-Sketching continues, now he’s revising his position on saving the auto industry

Shake, shake, shake… In his ongoing effort to obliterate his past and recreate a new vision of himself, Mitt Romney has again revised history. This time, it’s HIS story, the one where he used to say “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt”. In an interview published today in the Detroit News, Romney now says the federal government should have helped the domestic […]

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Obama campaign “goes there” again, calls Karl Rove out on his “BS” – VIDEO

Obama campaign “goes there” again, calls Karl Rove out on his “BS” – VIDEO

Thank you, may I have another?

Earlier this month, OFA deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter released a video in which she calls the lies of President Obama’s opponents “BS”. This week, she did it again.

[Video after the jump.]

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Effort to recall Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder faces opposition – FROM THE LEFT! (Updated)

Effort to recall Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder faces opposition – FROM THE LEFT! (Updated)

With friends like these…

The group working to recall Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, Michigan Rising missed a campaign finance report deadline by a few days this month. Though this isn’t entirely uncommon given the unnecessarily complex and cumbersome reporting methods they use, it was still a black eye to a group trying to prove that it has learned its lesson from the first recall effort and pull off a feat that nearly everyone agrees will be a nearly impossible task.

The group faces stiff opposition in their fight to recall our Republican governor. However, the fight they are getting is not from Republicans, tea partiers, the business community or conservatives.

It’s from a group that describes itself “independent left”.

I’m not kidding.

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Democracy Day in Michigan: MAY 5th! (Caucuses and Snyder recall kick-off)

Democracy Day in Michigan: MAY 5th! (Caucuses and Snyder recall kick-off)

Democracy: use it or lose it

In a perfect confluence of democratic goings-on, I hereby dub May 5th, 2012 Democracy Day in Michigan. Two key events are happening that day. First, from 9 a.m. until noon, Democrats across the state will caucus to choose Barack Obama as their candidate for President of the United States.

Then, starting at 2 p.m., there will be a rally on the grounds of the State Capitol to kick-off the second attempt to gather enough signatures to put the recall on Governor Rick Snyder on the November ballot. If you can’t make it to the rally, it will be live-streamed here at Eclectablog.

[Details about both events after the jump.]

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Some in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula calling for secession from state due to government overreach

Some in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula calling for secession from state due to government overreach

That’s it. We’ve had it. So long.

Michigan’s Upper Peninsula is a magnificent place and really is a world all to its own. Touching three of the Great Lakes, its climate, geography and culture is completely separate in many ways from the rest of the state.

Over the years, there have been at least four different attempts to secede from the state to form the state of “Superior” or “Ontonagon”.

With the massive overreach of the current government of Michigan, some in the Upper Peninsula are renewing the call for secession

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Day 7 – Second quarter fundraiser — grand finale

Day 7 – Second quarter fundraiser — grand finale

Thank you for your support. Hint. Hint. Today is the final day of our quarterly fundraiser and the last time we’ll ask you to pitch in a bit to support the work we do — for a while. As I pointed out before, I was an Eclectablog supporter before I became a contributor. And if you’ve been debating about whether […]

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Day 3: Second quarter fundraising drive – Why LOLGOP supports Eclectablog

Day 3: Second quarter fundraising drive – Why LOLGOP supports Eclectablog

Piss off a Republican. Support bold progressives. Before I started writing for Eclectablog, I contributed a little cash to the effort. Why? Even though we are in an election season where a variety of local, state and national candidates need our support, I see what Eclectablog as an essential progressive voice for three reasons: 1. Chris Savage has gills that […]

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Has Mitt Romney already given up on Michigan? Magic Eight Ball sez “Signs point to yes”

Has Mitt Romney already given up on Michigan? Magic Eight Ball sez “Signs point to yes”

The number you have reached is no longer in service…

That is a picture of the (empty) Romney grassroots organizing office in Michigan, taken by the Michigan Democratic Party this morning. In their recent press release, they had this to say…

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