Category: Michigan

How Severely Conservative is Mitt Romney?

How Severely Conservative is Mitt Romney?

If you have to ask… Mitt Romney is so severely conservative that he apologized to Dick Cheney BEFORE he asked the former VP to shoot him in the face. He asks the Catholic Church for permission before he neuters his dog (but not before he puts his dog on the roof of his car). Mitt Romney is so severely conservative […]

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Rick Santorum positively SURGING in Michigan – UPDATED

Rick Santorum positively SURGING in Michigan – UPDATED

Spreading Santorum across the nation Welly, well. Looks like Michigan-born Mitt Romney is up to his keester in Santorum. Via Steve Benen at the Maddow Blog: Public Policy Polling just released these resultsfrom the state of Michigan. Rick Santorum’s taken a large lead in Michigan’s upcoming Republican primary. He’s at 39% to 24% for Mitt Romney, 12% for Ron Paul, […]

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Job opportunities in Michigan – MichAGAIN & the MiVirtualCareerFair

Michigan’s back, Jack This is a guest post from my Daily Kos friend dkmich. It talks about a couple of new economic development initiatives working to bring jobs to Michigan. Take a look: “Osama bin Laden’s dead & GM is alive”The Great Recession gave a knock out punch to an already struggling auto industry and thousands of Michigan engineers and […]

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Governor Rick Snyder disses President Obama during his visit to Michigan

Governor Rick Snyder disses President Obama during his visit to Michigan

President schmesident Michigan Governor Rick Snyder snubbed President Obama during his visit to Michigan last Friday. Instead of attending the speech at the University of Michigan, Governor Snyder instead gave a speech in Grand Rapids at the Michigan Press Association (MPA) convention. He also didn’t greet the President when he arrived in Michigan on Thursday night. [W]hen he got the […]

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Michigan is 175 years old today! Why we fight for this beautiful state.

Michigan is 175 years old today! Why we fight for this beautiful state.

Happy Birfday! Today is Michigan’s 175th birthday. As a proud, lifelong Michigander, I am so happy to wish my beautiful state a glorious happy birthday. It’s because this state is so beautiful, has so much spirit and is full of so many amazing people that I and so many others will never give up the fight against the powers that […]

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Mitt Romney’s “Michigan Problem”

Mitt Romney’s “Michigan Problem”

Regrets, I’ve had a few… Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney has a problem. A Michigan Problem. It’s not just that he penned an op-ed for the New York Times calling for the bankruptcy of our domestic vehicle manufacturers. It’s not just that he then doubled down on that statement in one of the presidential debates. It’s not just that, as […]

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Suttons Bay school district fights back against imposition of an Emergency Manager

Suttons Bay school district fights back against imposition of an Emergency Manager

Emergency Managers: Not just for black cities anymore As I wrote last week, tiny Suttons Bay in the “Pinky” of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula is facing the imposition of an Emergency Manager for their school district. This past week they held a community budget forum to discuss the issue. Here is video of the 90+ minute forum: You can see the […]

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Some GOOD photos from today’s protest march to Gov. Rick Snyder’s home

Some GOOD photos from today’s protest march to Gov. Rick Snyder’s home

Here are a smattering of photos taken by my wife Anne C. Savage at today’s protest march and rally at the gate of Rick Snyder’s private enclave/gated community. Click the photo for the full Monty at Anne’s website. My liveblog complete with crappy pictures and video is HERE.

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LIVEBLOG: MLK Day march on home of Mich Governor Rick Snyder

LIVEBLOG: MLK Day march on home of Mich Governor Rick Snyder

This afternoon is an anti-Emergency Manager law march on the home of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder. Stop back regularly for photos and updates. Rick Snyder recall group Michigan Rising on the scene (along with media). Buses starting to roll in. Lots of ominous-looking black SUVs along the march route. Weird. 3:55 pm – The crowd gathers. Several hundred and its […]

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Wisconsin Solidarity Singers show solidarity with Michigan Snyder recall supporters

My friend Bruce Fealk, Michigan Rising Communications Director, got the ball rolling on this one: Today, January 13, 2012, is the last day for signatures for the recall of Governor Scott Walker in Wisconsin. For 260 days, the Solidarity singers have been singing in the Rotunda and outside the Capitol in Madison, WI. Today I asked Chris Reed, the leader […]

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Think Emergency Managers are only for “black” schools & cities? Think again Part 2.

This morning I wrote about Perry schools being threatened with a state takeover, a city in a county with only 0.5% African Americans. They aren’t the only ones. Suttons Bay is in the “Pinky” of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula. The Suttons Bay school district is facing an Emergency Manager, as well. Superintendent Mike Murray says the district planned to get state […]

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