Category: Michigan

Two Ann Arbor teens help to create legislative change on Michigan’s “License to Bully” bill – UPDATED x2

Last week, I wrote about the so-called “anti”-bullying bill passed by the Michigan Senate a couple of weeks ago that is not only not anti-bullying but, in fact, is generally known as “The License to Bully Bill”. In my article, I mentioned two Ann Arbor teenagers who stepped up to respond in a powerful way. Two Ann Arbor-area students, Katy […]

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Jennifer Granholm asks “What if Mitt Romney had been President in 2009?”

This is a worthy question for Michiganders to be asking tonight as we host the clown show that is the Republican primary debate in our fair state: “What if Mitt Romney had been President in 2009?” When the candidates seeking the Republican nomination for president stand onstage in Michigan tonight to debate the future of this country, they will be […]

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Ann Arbor Obama campaign office opens with 100+ activists in attendance

Ann Arbor Obama campaign office opens with 100+ activists in attendance

After several years of hearing how Democrats are demoralized and unwilling to get involved in politics and elections, an event in Ann Arbor showed that the so-called “enthusiasm gap” is slimming and not just by a little bit. On Sunday, Obama for America (OFA), the official campaign of the Obama reelection drive, opened their campaign office in Ann Arbor. Despite […]

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Rick Snyder takes credit for Jennifer Granholm’s investments and their economic payoff, says he isn’t

During her time as governor, Jennifer Granholm made significant investments in diversifying and expanding Michigan’s economy. These things take time to have their impact but, according to a new study, they are. Michigan is second in the nation in recovering from the recession. Michigan’s economy is recovering from the recession at the second-fastest pace in the U.S., lifted by reviving […]

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Michigan Senate Republicans pass “License-to-Bully Bill”, a “Blueprint for bullying”

Michigan Senate Republicans pass “License-to-Bully Bill”, a “Blueprint for bullying”

In one of the sickest and most vile acts of irony yet seen in Michigan under the current Republican regime, Michigan Republicans yesterday passed a bill that lays out specific pathways for legalized bullying in our schools. It is effectively a “Blueprint for Bullying”. The bill passed 26-11 along party lines. It now goes to the House of Representatives. Legislation […]

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Protesters meet Eric Cantor in Ann Arbor on Halloween, hold a “Funeral for the Middle Class”

Protesters meet Eric Cantor in Ann Arbor on Halloween, hold a “Funeral for the Middle Class”

On Halloween 2011, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor arrived on the campus of the University of Michigan to deliver a speech that was snowed out in February. When he arrived, roughly 200 protesters were there to greet him. A large banner reading “Cantor works for the 1%, Who will work for the 99%?” was surrounded by gravestones representing the death […]

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More details on the “Death of the Middle Class” Eric Cantor protest in Ann Arbor

More details on the “Death of the Middle Class” Eric Cantor protest in Ann Arbor

As I reported last week, Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is giving a speech on Monday to the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. >> NOTE: the event itself is at the Michigan League Building, not the Ford School. <<>> Also, please note the new start time of NOON. << In honor of his Halloween visit, a protest […]

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First Lady Michelle Obama in Detroit – October 25, 2011 – PHOTOS!

First Lady Michelle Obama in Detroit – October 25, 2011 – PHOTOS!

First Lady Michelle Obama made a stop in Detroit today for a Democratic fundraiser. Appearing at the elegant Book Cadillac Hotel, she was met by an enthusiastic crowd. First Lady Michelle Obama [NOTE: All photos by Anne C. Savage. Please do not use without permission. We’re serious about that. Please ask first.] Before the event, she met with a group […]

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Rick Snyder offers a non-response to a constituent regarding impending No-Fault insurance reform

Rick Snyder offers a non-response to a constituent regarding impending No-Fault insurance reform

One of the many people who are working to ensure that Republicans do not hand a gift to insurance companies by “reforming” our state’s auto insurance laws wrote to Governor Rick Snyder. They asked him to veto any changes to our current law that would remove the requirement for lifetime benefits in the event of catastrophic injuries sustained in a […]

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Emergency Manager Joe Harris to leave Benton Harbor soon

In a clear sign that Benton Harbor Emergency Manager Joe Harris will soon be departing his position, job postings have begun appearing for a new City Manager. Benton Harbor has begun advertising for a city manager, a signal that the city’s state-appointed emergency manager, Joseph Harris, could be leaving the city soon. Before Harris can go, he said the city […]

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Yet another Mich city faces imposition of a Gov-appointed chancellor …errr .. Emergency Manager

Next up: Inkster: State officials are reviewing the finances of the city of Inkster — the first step on a path that could lead to appointment of an emergency manager. The 30-day review under the state’s toughened emergency manager law for local governments and school districts began last week, said Terry Stanton, a spokesman for the Treasury Department. ~SNIP~ Inkster […]

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