Category: Michigan

Operation Rescue exploits memorial for Mich. anti-abortion activist

Cross-posted at the Daily Kos. Ahh…surprise, surprise. The Associate Press reports that a memorial service for slain anti-abortion activist, James Pouillon, will be followed by a large protest outside the local offices of Planned Parenthood in Owosso, Michigan. This clinic does not even perform abortions. Pouillon was shot to death on September 11, 2009 by Harlan Drake who also shot […]

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Mich. Gov. issues significant climate change executive order

In November of 2007, Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm issued an executive order establishing the Michigan Climate Action Council (MCAC). Over the course of the next 16 months, the MCAC, a collection of stakeholders from across the spectrum, developed a 125-page document, the Michigan Climate Action Council Climate Action Plan [.pdf] which contains 53 recommendations for reducing the impacts of climate […]

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Michigan, the Biggest Loser: Nowhere to go but up

Cross-posted at The Daily Kos. RealtyTrac today is reporting that foreclosures in America set a record in April. Foreclosure filings in the U.S. rose to a record for the second consecutive month in April as banks increased efforts to seize homes from delinquent borrowers. A total of 342,038 properties received a default or auction notice or were seized last month, […]

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Michigan GOP Freaking, Dems Petition Tina Fey!

Republicans in Michigan are freaking out. With the McCain campaign all but abandoning Michigan to the Democrats they are resorting to desperate measures. Tim Walberg is running an ad linking his opponent, Mark Schauer, to Michael Moore. Former Republican governor, William Milliken is backing away from McCain. And now the Republicans are petitioning the McPalin campaign to bring Palin back […]

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Taking the Lead in Alternative Energy

Michigan’s forward-thinking Democratic governor, Jennifer Granholm, has shepherded through legislation requiring a doubling in the amount of renewable energy supplied by the major power utilities. By doing this she is blazing a new path to creating markets for green energy that will benefit our ailing state and the country as a whole. It is THIS kind of investment that is […]

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