Category: Mitt Romney

Romney promises the USA will be magically energy independent by 2021

Romney promises the USA will be magically energy independent by 2021

You wanna schplain that one to us, Mitt?

Mitt Romney made an astonishing promise today: he told a crowd of coal miners that he will have the USA energy independent from sources outside North America by 2021.

It’s particularly astonishing given that he is against subsidizing renewable energy sources.

So, how is he going to get us off foreign energy sources? That’s a fine question and one that Romney hasn’t really answered.

This, of course, surprises exactly nobody.

Much more after the jump.

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ECLECTAGRAPHIC: Ryan/Romney: America’s Go Back Team

ECLECTAGRAPHIC: Ryan/Romney: America’s Go Back Team

Who’s really in charge here?

Last year, Vice President Dick Cheney said THIS about Paul Ryan:

“I worship the ground the Paul Ryan walks on. I hope he doesn’t run for president because that would ruin a good man who has a lot of work to do.”

That’s high praise from the man most people think was the real President of the United States between 2000 and 2008.

When you look at how much clout Paul Ryan has gotten over the past few years, particularly as the GOP’s budgetary whiz kid, it makes you wonder who will be the brains of a Romney/Ryan White House.

More after the jump including a new Eclectagraphic suitable for sharing.

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Romney flubs VP announcement, already backtracking on Ryan budget plan

Romney flubs VP announcement, already backtracking on Ryan budget plan

And so it begins…

Right out of the chute, Mitt Romney flubbed the announcement of Paul Ryan as his choice for Vice President.

“Join me in welcoming the next President of the United States, Paul Ryan.”

He left the stage, Paul Ryan ran up, then he had to come back up on stage to correct himself.

Two rich white guys, neither of whom ever served in the military, making their major announcement on the deck of a military ship. How typical of the Republicans is that?

In the process, Romney gave the Democrats the best photo op they could hope for:

“Every now and then I’ve been known to make a mistake,” he said, pointing at Paul Ryan.

Screen cap, video and more after the jump.

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10 Reasons Paul Ryan is Worse for Romney than Palin was for McCain

10 Reasons Paul Ryan is Worse for Romney than Palin was for McCain

1. Paul Ryan makes Mitt look weaker. Mitt only picked Ryan out of weakness. He knew he was losing and he knew he needed to get attention off his business career and tax avoidance. Because of this obvious flailing, he was bullied by the far right into picking a running mate he knew would hurt him. Mitt may have finally […]

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Romney values vs. Obama values

Romney values vs. Obama values

It’s not about jealousy or class warfare, it’s about values

Let’s have a conversation about values after the jump, shall we?

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Mitt Romney is a blatant liar and he is running for president of the United States.

Mitt Romney is a blatant liar and he is running for president of the United States.

Mitt Romney is a liar.

Mitt Romney is a blatant liar and he is running for president of the United States.

Let’s look at that again: Mitt Romney is a blatant liar and he is running for president of the United States.

What was once just “flip-flopping” has now become full on, in public, repeated without shame or any concern that anyone will care, lying about President Obama. I’m not talking about the standard fair bending of the truth that we have come to expect from nearly ANY political campaign. I’m talking about make-shit-up, completely fabricated and provably so LYING.

His recent egregiously blatant examples and more after the jump.

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President Obama defines Mitt Romney’s economic plan as “Romney Hood”

President Obama defines Mitt Romney’s economic plan as “Romney Hood”

Romney Hood: stealing from the Middle Class to give to the rich

At a campaign stop in Stamford, Connecticut yesterday, President Obama referring to Mitt Romney’s economic plan, the one that pays for historic tax cuts for the super wealthy by increasing taxes on average Americans, renamed Mitt Romney “Romney Hood”. He’s a reverse Robin Hood, said the president, stealing from Middle Class Americans to give to the very rich in our country.

It was brilliant.

Transcript and more after the jump.

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Yes, Mitt Wants You to Pay for Tax Breaks for Billionaires

Yes, Mitt Wants You to Pay for Tax Breaks for Billionaires

Tea party rock star senator Marco Rubio rose to the floor of the Senate this week to speak on behalf of excluding Olympic athletes from paying taxes on the bonuses they win when they medal in their events. “Athletes representing our nation overseas in the Olympics shouldn’t have to worry about an extra tax bill waiting for them back home.” […]

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The International Tour of Shame & Embarrassment concludes. Welcome back, Mitt!

The International Tour of Shame & Embarrassment concludes. Welcome back, Mitt!

“A gold medal gaffe…”

I don’t know about you, but the “Kiss my ass, show some respect” line from the Romney campaign in Poland this week was the clear gold medal winner on Mitt Romney’s International Tour of Shame & Embarrassment™.

The DNC has put together a nice collection of headlines and news clips from the Tour™. It’s … well, it’s just plain awesome sauce with a side order of HA!

Video after the jump.

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By His Own Standard, Mitt Romney Refuses to Prove He’s Qualified to Be President

By His Own Standard, Mitt Romney Refuses to Prove He’s Qualified to Be President

Honor thy father, Mitt We’ve gotten used to Mitt Romney saying inscrutable things that leave you wondering what operating system he runs and when it was last updated. But he recently served up a bizarre defense of his extreme tax avoidance strategies: I don’t pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally […]

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The International Tour of Shame and Embarrassment continues, Romney’s campaign aides are losing it (UPDATED)

The International Tour of Shame and Embarrassment continues, Romney’s campaign aides are losing it (UPDATED)

R-E-S-P-E-C-T, this is what it means to Romney

The Mitt Romney International Tour of Shame and Embarrassment™ is beginning to take its toll on his campaign staff as it enters the third leg in Poland. Earlier today, his traveling press secretary Rick Gorka told reporters to “kiss my ass, show some respect” as they tried for the skabillionth time to get Romney to answer questions.

Video and transcript after the jump.

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