Category: Mitt Romney

The International Tour of Shame & Embarrassment continues, Romney says Palestinians are culturally inferior to Israelis

The International Tour of Shame & Embarrassment continues, Romney says Palestinians are culturally inferior to Israelis

Romney: the Anti-Statesman

Well, this is sure to help Israeli/Palestinian negotiations. Mitt Romney basically came out and said Palestinians are culturally inferior to Israelis.

Culture makes all the difference,” Mr. Romney said. “And as I come here and I look out over this city and consider the accomplishments of the people of this nation, I recognize the power of at least culture and a few other things.”

As you come here and you see the G.D.P. per capita, for instance, in Israel which is about $21,000, and compare that with the G.D.P. per capita just across the areas managed by the Palestinian Authority, which is more like $10,000 per capita, you notice such a dramatically stark difference in economic vitality,” he said.

This is offensive at a truly basic level and on several levels. Without even getting into the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, Mitt is clearly suggesting that being culturally superior makes you more successful. Or, perhaps worse, that being less wealthy means you are culturally inferior to others.

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The International Tour of Shame and Embarrassment continues, Romney campaign calls London mayor “eccentric, odd”

The International Tour of Shame and Embarrassment continues, Romney campaign calls London mayor “eccentric, odd”

Keep going, Mitt! You’re doing GREAT!

The Mitt Romney International Tour of Shame and Embarrassment™ continues to provide “interesting” insight into his foreign affairs skills (or utter lackthereof.) The tabloid Daily Mail reports that a Romney campaign official called London mayor Boris Johnson “eccentric, odd”.

The official also said that Romney wasn’t well prepared for a trip of this magnitude. Apparently Mitt Romney needs to be briefed on how not to act like an embarrassing buffoon with the social graces of prep school bully when he’s abroad. His campaign staff need similar briefings, too, it appears.

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Want to know who is giving Mitt Romney foreign policy advice? “These Guys”

Everything old and evil is new and evil again

Not much to say. Just watch the video. It’s short and to the point.

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Romney’s International Tour of Shame and Embarrassment gets off to a rocking start

Romney’s International Tour of Shame and Embarrassment gets off to a rocking start

Wait. WORSE than Sarah Palin???

Mitt Romney is in England this week, presumably to watch his wife’s dancing horse compete to prove his foreign policy bona fides by showing his fluency in Wealthsh.

It’s not going so good.

If fact, it’s going so bad that got an entire hashtag devoted to his his Europefail: #RomneyShambles.

Endless peels of laughter at Mitt’s expense after the jump.

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Michigan GOP Senator Mike Kowall’s hypocrisy on government investment in infrastructure during Romney campaign event

Michigan GOP Senator Mike Kowall’s hypocrisy on government investment in infrastructure during Romney campaign event

Government investment is good! No , it’s BAD! Wait…

Republican state Senator Mike Kowall took to the stage this past week as part of Romney’s Obama Misrepresentation & Distortion Tour™, touting his family business. Though Romney’s OMD Tour barely made a splash in the media, they did get one article in the Oakland Press where Kowall is quoted as saying “We’re the ones who helped pay to put in the sewers, we helped pay to put in water extensions, and promoted a lot of growth in the area. It wasn’t something that was done by government, it wasn’t something that government came by and said they were going to do for us.”

It’s an interesting comment in light of Kowall’s past statement about government investments in infrastructure.

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Romney resorts to Breitbart-style editing in latest attack against Obama (UPDATED x2)

Romney resorts to Breitbart-style editing in latest attack against Obama (UPDATED x2)

Mitt Romney: sinking to new lows every day

Playing off the anger generated by anti-Obama types on the right who took the President’s words out of context to make it sound like he was maligning small businesses, Mitt Romney has now gone full Breitbart in his latest attack ad. Pretty much any journalist with a pulse has written put this one in the “lying his damn ass off category”.

More, including the Obama campaign’s response ad and video after the jump.

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What Would Mitt Romney Do Differently Than George W. Bush?

What Would Mitt Romney Do Differently Than George W. Bush?

Fool us three times? Shame, shame, shame. If you can stand it, try a little experiment: Ask a Republican how Mitt Romney would be different than George W. Bush. I’ll tell you the answer you’ll get later and why it’s a lie. But first, let’s review how Mitt compares to George. THE SAME Advisers According to the Washington Times: Mr. […]

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The Ryan/Romney Plan for Medicare is Crony Capitalism At Its Worst

The Ryan/Romney Plan for Medicare is Crony Capitalism At Its Worst

More welfare for Wall Street The fact that Mitt Romney’s so-called plan to balance the budget includes offering millionaires an average $390,000 tax break should be enough to end any policy debate. But add in the fact that he would pay for wasteful giveaways to the richest Americans is by gutting Medicare and you have to wonder how anyone who […]

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Wha–???! I agree with Rush Limbaugh???!

Wha–???! I agree with Rush Limbaugh???!

Who woulda thunk it?

Earlier this week, Rush Limbaugh suggested that the bad guy in the new Batman movie was somehow intentionally named “Bane” to hurt Mitt Romney. Then, yesterday, he said Romney is more like Batman.

I agree. See why after the jump.

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New Obama campaign video shows how confused people are by “retroactively retired” Mitt Romney

New Obama campaign video shows how confused people are by “retroactively retired” Mitt Romney

It’s Retroactively Retired Man!

A Romney campaign spokesperson recently said that Mitt Romney had “retroactively retired”. But what, exactly does “retroactively retired” really mean?

The Obama campaign asked some folks what they thought it meant. The results are … um … humorous.

Video after the jump.

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Blaming Bush

Blaming Bush

A majority of Americans still blame George W. Bush for what George W. Bush did Did you hear that George W. Bush’s institute just put out a book about the economy? That’s the kind of news that turns everyone into LOLGOP. I said, “Dick Cheney’s book about hunting tips is to follow.” The great Rob Delaney offered: Same publisher as […]

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