Category: Mitt Romney

OMG!!! Obama disses ALL businesses owners everywhere ever!!! EVERYBODY FREAK OUT!!!

OMG!!! Obama disses ALL businesses owners everywhere ever!!! EVERYBODY FREAK OUT!!!

This time he’s gone TOO far!


President Obama has dissed every business owner, alive or dead, EVER!

How? He said this:

“If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

He totally did. I learned about it from a Romney campaign email and, by God, IT’S TRUE!!! OMG!!!

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Republicans are “the party that wants to help the poor”? Oh, puh-LEASE!

Republicans are “the party that wants to help the poor”? Oh, puh-LEASE!

Swing and a miss, Mitt

Mitt Romney attended a high dollar fundraiser at a country club recently and said this:

We’re accused, by the way — in our party — of being the party of the rich. And it’s an awful moniker, because that’s just not true. We’re the party of people who want to get rich. And we’re also the party of people who want to care to help people from getting poor. We want to help the poor.

Can we just back up a minute and take a look at what Republicans really stand for?

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#retroactively is the new Etch-A-Sketch – the Romney campaign takes flip-flopping to a new place

#retroactively is the new Etch-A-Sketch – the Romney campaign takes flip-flopping to a new place

I will gladly change my position Tuesday on an opinion I have today

Back in March, Romney adviser Eric Fehrnstrom made it clear that Mitt Romney was willing to reset his position at any given time, just like shaking an Etch-A-Sketch.

Over the weekend, another Romney adviser made it even more clear that this concept also goes for anything at all that Mitt Romney has ever done, including when he retired from Bain Capital.

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Americans for Prosperity hosts fake grassroots rally with Sarah Palin, pretends to be “non-political” – PHOTOS

Americans for Prosperity hosts fake grassroots rally with Sarah Palin, pretends to be “non-political” – PHOTOS

So much anger, so much hate, so much astroturf

Yesterday, Americans For Prosperity held a fake grassroots rally in Belleville, Michigan near the Detroit Metro Airport. Around 400-500 tea party supporters and Sarah Palin fanatics showed up to bake in the hot sun to witness an event, dubbed “Kochstock” by LOLGOP, bought and paid for by the conservative group that bills itself as a non-political 501(c)(4) nonprofit group. This nonprofit status allows them to hide their donors and to sponsor these types of events around the country as long as they don’t support a candidate.

The result was a several-hour long anti-Obama, anti-Democrat hatefest where not a single Republican candidate got mentioned.

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New Obama ad “Firms” shows just how un-American Mitt Romney has acted

New Obama ad “Firms” shows just how un-American Mitt Romney has acted

You have a strange way of showing your patriotism, Mitt

The Obama campaign has a killer new ad out today that will be running in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. It’s called “Firms” and highlights just how un-American Mitt Romney has behaved as Governor and as the head of Bain Capital.

Watch it after the jump (with bonus tweet that you won’t want to miss.)

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President Obama: Mitt Romney “absolutely” should answer whether or not he was responsible for what happened at Bain Capital

President Obama: Mitt Romney “absolutely” should answer whether or not he was responsible for what happened at Bain Capital

“Harry Truman said the buck stops with you…”

President Obama sat down with Scott Thuman of
WJLA ABC7 in Washington, D.C. for an interview. During that interview, he was asked about Mitt Romney’s Baingate issue. The president again spelled out why it’s relevant and said Romney has questions to answer about whether or not, as chairman, CEO, and president of Bain Capital, he is actually responsible for what that company did.

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Mitt Romney CAPTION CONTEST results!

Mitt Romney CAPTION CONTEST results!

Drumroll…may I have the envelope please?

And the winnner, with 20% of the votes, is…

After the jump.

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Obama campaign continues to hammer Romney on Bain Capital, Bill Clinton weighs in – VIDEOS

Obama campaign continues to hammer Romney on Bain Capital, Bill Clinton weighs in – VIDEOS

This won’t go away soon…

The Obama campaign is continuing to hammer away at Mitt Romney’s apparent lies about his tenure at Bain Capital. To recap, the crux of their argument is that he either lied on his SEC filings or he’s lying to the American voters now.

They released two new ads today which will be rolling out soon.

Those videos and interviews with President Obama and Clinton after the jump.

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Romney campaign tries to bully the Boston Globe, Globe tells them to pound sand

Romney campaign tries to bully the Boston Globe, Globe tells them to pound sand

Well, that didn’t go as planned…

The Romney campaign, smarting from a devastating piece by the Boston Globe this week, decided to pushback and sent them a letter demanding a retraction.

The Globe told them to stuff it.

The emails from the Romney campaign and the Globe after the jump.

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Who Wants Free Stuff?

Who Wants Free Stuff?

So Bain pays you $100,000 to do nothing? Unlike Chris and many other savvy observers, I’m not convinced Mitt Romney went to the NAACP convention to be booed. The Romney campaign reportedly bused in supporters and Mitt couched his speech with a pained attempt to reach out to the audience by leaning on his father’s civil rights record and some […]

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Another bad news cycle for Mitt Romney, even Republicans want him to come clean

Another bad news cycle for Mitt Romney, even Republicans want him to come clean

When was the last time a presidential candidacy imploded this early in the campaign???

If Wednesday was a bad day for Mitt Romney’s campaign (and it was), and if yesterday was an even worse day for Mitt Romney’s campaign (and it was), today isn’t going to be a whole hell of a lot better.

Much more after the jump.

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