Category: Mitt Romney

One day left to vote in the Romney CAPTION CONTEST!

One day left to vote in the Romney CAPTION CONTEST!

All the cool kids are doing it

Just a reminder that the caption contest for this photo ends tomorrow:

Poll after the jump.

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The web of Romney lies continues to unravel – he was at Bain Capital long after he said he left

The web of Romney lies continues to unravel – he was at Bain Capital long after he said he left

Did you think we wouldn’t find out or what, Mitt???

There is more evidence out today showing that Mitt Romney has been lying for years about his position at Bain Capital. As I wrote about earlier this week (“Mitt Romney is lying repeatedly to hide his past as a job-killing tax cheat”), Romney’s claims that he left Bain Capital in 1999, before much of the outsourcing and company bankrupting took place, have proven to be false.

Today, the Boston Globe has a devastating new piece out titled “Mitt Romney stayed at Bain 3 years longer than he stated”. In it, they reveal an additional NINE SEC filings

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Romney characterizes supporters of the Affordable Care Act as just “wanting more free stuff” from the government (UPDATED)

Romney characterizes supporters of the Affordable Care Act as just “wanting more free stuff” from the government (UPDATED)

Seriously, Mitt, can’t you go just a couple hours without being a total dick?

After writing not one but TWO pieces about the utter dickishness of Mitt Romney toward African Americans yesterday, I took a few hours off to go to a summer birthday party [Happy 30th, Jesse! Nice party, Jaimie!] “It’s not like he’s going to be more of a dick today after all of that, right?” I thought to myself.

I could not have been more wrong.

Last night, a pool report came out quoting Mitt Romney talking about being booed by the NAACP crowd in Houston and describing supporters of the Affordable Care Act as just “wanting more free stuff” from the government.

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Romney’s NAACP speech was a set-up – he intended to get booed

Romney’s NAACP speech was a set-up – he intended to get booed

Mitt Romney: plumbing new depths in cynical pandering

Earlier today, I wrote about Mitt Romney getting booed during his appearance at the NAACP annual meeting in Houston. In a update, I referenced Steve Benen’s suggestion that he was intentionally provocative.

As it turns out, Benen was right. Proof after the jump.

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Even the Russians are talking about the US presidential election

Сумасшедший американцы* I was contacted yesterday by a writer for Voice of Russia, the Russian government’s official international radio broadcasting service, formerly known as Radio Moscow. I was asked about the ongoing debate regarding extending the Bush tax cuts and Mitt Romney stashing some of his income in offshore tax havens. You can read the piece titled “Obama pulling Romney […]

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Romney talks down to African Americans in address to NAACP, gets booed (UPDATED)

Romney talks down to African Americans in address to NAACP, gets booed (UPDATED)

Dude, what the HELL were you thinking???

Mitt Romney stepped into the lion’s den today to address the annual NAACP conference in Houston, Texas this morning. Not surprisingly, he talked down to them, basically telling them they don’t understand him.

He then went on to talk about repealing the Affordable Care Act and got himself loudly booed.

Video of the booing and much more after the jump.

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Mitt Romney is lying repeatedly to hide his past as a job-killing tax cheat – UPDATED w/video

Mitt Romney is lying repeatedly to hide his past as a job-killing tax cheat – UPDATED w/video

I need a graphic of a Pinocchio nose with on-fire pants hanging from it…

It may be true that all politicians lie at one time or another, or at least exaggerate their points a bit. But things are starting to crash down all around Mitt Romney. I’m not talking about the constantly changing positions depending on the weather, the audience, sunspot cycles, etc.

I’m talking about him lying over and over again to hide his past as a job-killing tax cheat.

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Mitt Romney thinks people in the middle class make over $250,000 a year

Mitt Romney thinks people in the middle class make over $250,000 a year

Can you say “out of touch”? I knew you could.

The Obama campaign has been hammering hard on Mitt Romney’s offshore bank accounts and his absurdly low tax rate and his car elevators and all of the trappings that make him a 0.1 percenter. I’m glad. It’s important that Americans know that Mitt is not a “regular guy”. He’s a massively wealthy millionaire that has always lived a privileged life.

He’s not one of “us”.

But there’s an easier way to learn about how out of touch Mitt Romney is: listen to Mitt Romney.

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Romney CAPTION CONTEST – Time to vote!

Romney CAPTION CONTEST – Time to vote!

So many choices but you only get one

So, a couple of weeks ago, we asked you to caption a photo taken by Anne at Mitt and Ann Romney’s campaign stop in Holland, Michigan in June (our write-up with photos HERE.)

Photo and poll after the jump.

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Mitt Romney Wants to Give Millionaires an Average $390,000 Tax Break

Mitt Romney Wants to Give Millionaires an Average $390,000 Tax Break

Don’t compare me to the almighty, compare me to Mitt Romney Just a quick note to keep in mind as the President makes the case for extending the Bush tax breaks for Americans earning under $250,000 a year. Mitt doesn’t just want to extend the Bush tax breaks for the rich, which gave millionaires on average $140,000 a year. He […]

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Must-see Obama campaign video portrays Romney as the Gordon Gekko he is

Must-see Obama campaign video portrays Romney as the Gordon Gekko he is

Romney’s would be an historic presidency — for all the wrong reasons

Relevations this past week that Mitt Romney is very likely a tax cheat are making major waves. The Obama campaign is, of course, using this to their best advantage.

Today they released an online video by Obama campaign National Press Secretaey Ben LaBolt that, in plain, easy-to-digest language, eviscerates Romney for his hiding of income in offshore accounts in well-known tax havens like Switzerland, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands.

Watch it after the jump.

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