Category: Mitt Romney

BELIEVE THIS: Romney and the GOP Will Gut Medicare and Education to Pay for Tax Breaks for the Rich

BELIEVE THIS: Romney and the GOP Will Gut Medicare and Education to Pay for Tax Breaks for the Rich

Mitt didn’t take his Medicare but he wants yours If you take Mitt Romney at his word, he will gut Medicare, financial aid for college and nearly every federal program that helps working people in order to give millionaires more huge tax breaks. The problem is: No one seems to take Mitt Romney at his word. Last year allies of […]

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Mitt Romney: American tax cheat

Mitt Romney: American tax cheat

Freedom isn’t free, Mitt. So, pay your damned taxes!

Two explosive acts of real journalism this week have the Romney campaign rocked back on their heels. The wealthy Romneys, already struggling to connect with average Americans, are now revealed to have offshore bank accounts and investments that allow them to avoid paying substantial taxes to the U.S. government.

All the gory details after the jump.

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Which is Scarier? What We Know About Mitt Romney, Or What We Don’t?

Which is Scarier? What We Know About Mitt Romney, Or What We Don’t?

Or both The other day, I made a list of the things that scare me about Mitt Romney’s stated policies: • He wants tax breaks for the rich larger than George W. Bush’s breaks • He feels the president can attack Iran any time for any reason • He wants to overturn Roe v. Wade and defund Planned Parenthood taking […]

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GOPocrisy ALERT: Romney spokesperson whines about Obama going negative when that’s ALL their campaign does

GOPocrisy ALERT: Romney spokesperson whines about Obama going negative when that’s ALL their campaign does

Oh, THAT’S rich

Today, the Obama campaign did a full-court press on Romney’s offshore tax havens where he hides money to reduce his taxes significantly. We’ll have more to say about that in upcoming posts but, in an act of utter GOPocrisy, Romney campaign spokesperson Andrea Saul went on a whining spree about the Obama campaign going negative.

This, from a campaign that has done NOTHING but negative attacks on the president.

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How You Know Mitt Romney is Losing It

How You Know Mitt Romney is Losing It

Why stop flip-flopping now?

Obama vs. Romney now resembling Bush vs. Kerry — if John Kerry had been the main architect of the Iraq War.

— Eric Kleefeld (@EricKleefeld) July 2, 2012

Mitt Romney has two big problems.

First, he’s facing a team of ninja strategists who have already taken his two greatest accomplishments in life—getting filthy rich as a businessman and passing a universal health care plan as governor—and turned them into his greatest weaknesses.

Second, he is a right-wing extremist running for president after eight years when right-wing extremist tortured American values and cost us millions of jobs.

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YES, Romney Can Repeal ObamaCare

YES, Romney Can Repeal ObamaCare

With 50 Republican senators and President Mitt, kiss life-saving health care reform goodbye I occasionally disagree with Ezra Klein but I can’t really think of a time when he’s been wrong. (If you can, I’m sure you’ll correct me in the comments.) In a simple way that even a clown like LOLGOP can understand, he explains how politics actually works—whether […]

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Supreme Court rules to uphold Obamacare, the right goes completely freaking nuts

Supreme Court rules to uphold Obamacare, the right goes completely freaking nuts

Going off of the rails on the crazy train…

It’s hard to believe that it’s been over two years since the Affordable Care Act, our beloved Obamacare, was signed into law. After all, the sky is still up, right?

Today’s Supreme Court ruling upholding the constitutionality of Obamacare is exactly what happens when the right challenges the constitutionality of a law that was supported, endorsed, and championed by a president who is a constitutional scholar: they get their asses handed to them. The result has been predictable, even if the SCOTUS ruling was not.

Much more after the jump.

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Romney’s past says everything you need to know about how he’d govern & who he’d represent as president

Romney’s past says everything you need to know about how he’d govern & who he’d represent as president

Not just the past — the past WEEK

It hasn’t been a good week or two for Mitt Romney. His past, which he seems to think nobody will look at, think about, or care about, is beginning to catch up with him.

Between his record as a failed job-creator as a governor and a successful jobs-destroyer as a businessman as well as a rare glimpse at just who he will be beholden to if he is elected, Mitt Romney has a severe and awesome image problem to overcome.

One I doubt that he will.

Much, much more after the jump.

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Please Allow Me to Introduce Mitt Romney

Please Allow Me to Introduce Mitt Romney

What Democrats learned from 2004 Here’s the bad news: While the American economy is still doing better than the most of the industrialized world, it’s still a bummer. You know the private sector is doing quite well compared to the public sector. If the GOP hadn’t forced layoffs of more than 600,000 workers in the public sector, the unemployment rate […]

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3 Things to Tell Anyone Considering Voting for Mitt Romney

3 Things to Tell Anyone Considering Voting for Mitt Romney

I know it’s hard to believe but Romney voters are out there. The key thing is to not argue with them. Arguing often makes people defend a position they don’t actually have. So I suggest you just say this: Well, things are much better off now than they were when Bush left them. 27 months of creating jobs. We’re out […]

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Romney responds to WaPo article about Bain Capital’s shipping jobs overseas. Well, sorta.

Romney responds to WaPo article about Bain Capital’s shipping jobs overseas. Well, sorta.

Maybe you’d be better off just shutting up, Mitt

Mitt Romney responded today to the well-researched Washington Post article that described how Bain Capital was an investor/owner of companies that were “pioneers in the practice of shipping work from the United States…overseas”.

I’m not sure that it helped.

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