Category: Mitt Romney

Romney’s Bain Capital owned overseas outsourcing specialists that helped companies export jobs for profit

Romney’s Bain Capital owned overseas outsourcing specialists that helped companies export jobs for profit

GOPocrisy, thy name is Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney has been talking a lot on the campaign trail about stemming the tide of jobs moving overseas to places like China. As it turns out, his company Bain Capital, the one he says gives him the job creating experience that he needs to be the President of the United States, owned companies that were specialists in outsourcing jobs overseas and helped other companies to do so more efficiently and profitably.

More after the jump.

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Romney’s “Every Town Counts” tour hits Michigan, apparently only all-male, all-white towns count

Romney’s “Every Town Counts” tour hits Michigan, apparently only all-male, all-white towns count

Every white town counts

Mitt Romney finished up his recent 5-day bus tour in Michigan this week with stops in Frankenmuth, Dewitt and Holland. For those of you who aren’t from Michigan, you’re forgiven if you’ve never heard of those places.

The tour is called the “Every Town Counts” tour and had stops in 13 towns. The Nation magazine calls it the “Some Towns Just Don’t Count” tour and CBS calls it the “Every (Wealthy) Town Counts” tour.

Romney was met by a monstrous crowd of a about 400 mostly white, mostly male supporters. He was also met by a significant number of protesters, including’s “No Millionaire Left Behind Romney Mobile”.

Photos and video after the jump.

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Struggling in America? Try applying to be Ann Romney’s horse. It’s doing better than you. – UPDATED: Maybe not.

Struggling in America? Try applying to be Ann Romney’s horse. It’s doing better than you. – UPDATED: Maybe not.

Of course, of course.

Times are tough for you, you say? Having a hard time paying your bills, getting healthcare, and clothing your kids, you say?

Maybe you should apply to be Ann Romney’s horse.

Why? Because her Olympics-bound dressage horse Rafalca is very likely doing WAY better than you.

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Romney campaign urges Florida governor to quit bragging about his state’s recovery

Romney campaign urges Florida governor to quit bragging about his state’s recovery

Quit SAYING that! People will think things are getting better.

The Romney campaign wants Florida Governor Rick Scott to quit talking about how great the economy is in Florida right now. Knowing that an improved economic picture kills Romney’s only talking point in this election, they simply can NOT have that kind of talk.

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Surprise, surprise: Ryan plan that Romney supports taxes the middle class, gives tax breaks to the rich (updated)

Surprise, surprise: Ryan plan that Romney supports taxes the middle class, gives tax breaks to the rich (updated)

Government by the wealthy, for the wealthy I realize that this is going to come as a huge shock to many of you. Perhaps you’d like to sit down for this: The budget plan put forth by Paul Ryan will raise taxes on the middle class and give huge tax breaks to the super wealthy. That’s the plan that Mitt […]

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Mitt Romney’s 3rd grade campaign team brings their “most excellent race” to Cleveland, Ohio

Mitt Romney’s 3rd grade campaign team brings their “most excellent race” to Cleveland, Ohio

Kids will be kids…

As wrote about earlier today, the third graders that are in charge of Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign used the time-honored and highly professional campaign tactic of driving around their opponent’s campaign rally honking the horn on their bus.

My wife, Anne, caught up with their bus parked strategically under an incredibly ironic billboard.

Photo after the jump.

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Mitt Romney’s campaign appears to be run by third grade brats

Mitt Romney’s campaign appears to be run by third grade brats

Stop it. Adults are trying to run for president.

Late last month, Mitt Romney sent staffers to disrupt an Obama campaign event where David Axelrod appeared and had them shout, scream, and (I’m not kidding about this) blow bubbles to interrupt Axelrod’s speech.

Today, they are at it again.

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The Immorality of What Mitt Romney is Selling

The Immorality of What Mitt Romney is Selling

We’re all in this together When will we face the fact that no one will ever cost us more jobs than Wall Street did in 2008-2010 and that no one will ever kill more Americans than the 45,000 who die every year for lack of insurance? Our enemies are corporate greed and those pretend that such greed is patriotism. It’s […]

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What Mitt Romney is Hiding

What Mitt Romney is Hiding

If you don’t stand for anything, you’ll fall for Mitt Romney Some late Friday afternoon, probably in late July or early August, Mitt Romney will release his tax return for 2011. Though he’s been running for President for nearly a decade, he filed for an extension that is already months past the deadline most Americans abide by. He’s clearly taking […]

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Obama campaign now attacking Romney on two fronts: private & public sector employment record

Obama campaign now attacking Romney on two fronts: private & public sector employment record

How fail is Mitt Romney? Let me count the ways.

We all know how hard it is to pin Mitt Romney down. That’s why, when he’s attacked on his private sector job growth history — and by “growth” I mean “you call that growth?” — he pivots to talking smack about public sector employees.

Rather than trying to keep up with his dancing, weaving and bobbing, the Obama campaign is simply hitting him on both fronts simultaneously.

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Mitt Gives Up On Michigan

Mitt Gives Up On Michigan

What’s the opposite of a victory lap? Why would Mitt Romney think he has any chance of winning Michigan? It’s hard to remember this now, but Mitt Romney only won the Michigan GOP primary by a margin of 3%. Rick Santorum basically gave Mitt the Michigan primary and the nomination by saying JFK made him “want to puke.” Mitt, the […]

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