Category: Mitt Romney

Is Mitt Romney finally paying the cost for repeating debunked lies?

Is Mitt Romney finally paying the cost for repeating debunked lies?

How Mitt’s constant falsehoods help make the “bully” label stick For weeks Rachel Maddow, Steve Benen, Greg Sargent and various other people with ears have been wondering if Mitt Romney would ever pay a price for repeating lies that had been debunked, again and again. It seems to finally have happened. But not the way anyone expected. By focusing on […]

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Break up the big banks, now

Break up the big banks, now

Ask not who the banks will screw; ask if this is still our country If a law repealing stop signs resulted in streets clogged with totaled cars, you’d think they might bring back the stop signs. And that’s what I thought would happen when in 2008—less than ten years after the repeal of the New Deal era law Glass-Steagall—we saw […]

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Can a guy like Mitt Romney ever understand what it’s like to be the kid being held down?

Can a guy like Mitt Romney ever understand what it’s like to be the kid being held down?

His hair wasn’t the right height Yesterday, America took a trip to Mitt Romney’s adolescence and I think I’m the only one who doesn’t want to come back. Around eight AM Thursday morning, news broke about a disturbing incident that took place at the Cranbrook School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan while Mitt was a student there in the mid 1960s. Romney’s […]

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Why President Obama’s support of marriage equality is a BFD

Why President Obama’s support of marriage equality is a BFD

Nobody puts Barack in a corner Yesterday I wrote that the issue of same-sex marriage was coming to a crisis for the President, even though he’s running against an opponent who could not be worse on gay marriage — unless he were literally Rick Santorum. Mitt Romney has called himself “one of the nation’s leading advocates of traditional marriage” and […]

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The utter lametude of the Romney campaign’s (attempted) slam on President Obama’s first campaign rally

Seriously? That’s all you have?

On Saturday, Romney campaign spokesman Ryan Williams tweeted this:

View from floor during @BarackObama speech. Not the “overflow” crowd he promised #not2008anymore…— Ryan Williams (@RyanGOP) May 5, 2012

The photo was clearly taken before President Obama’s first campaign rally got underway. The empty section you see on either side of the tunnel coming out onto the main floor was directly behind the media stand so nobody was seated there intentionally. You can see this in the panoramic image my wife, Anne C. Savage, took while she was there. Go fullscreen with the pano and zoom in on the section in question and

When that’s all you have, you are in BIG trouble.


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It is impossible to be worse on the issue of marriage equality than Mitt Romney

It is impossible to be worse on the issue of marriage equality than Mitt Romney

He’s the Las Vegas of anti-gay equality Here are the facts about the President’s record on gay rights: No President has hired more openly gay or lesbian Americans for high profile positions than Barack Obama. Ending “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was a historic achievement for equality. By refusing to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, the President makes the constitutional […]

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5 reasons we can never let Mitt Romney become President of the United States

5 reasons we can never let Mitt Romney become President of the United States

Just For Men isn’t just Mitt’s favorite hair product, it’s his campaign slogan I have only one prediction about the rest of 2012: It will be confusing. 827,000 private sector jobs have already been created since January 1, 2012. And apparently, we’re supposed to believe this is bad—compared to the 600,000+ were we losing a month when the President took […]

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I do believe that George W. Bush & the GOP just got Barack-blocked

I do believe that George W. Bush & the GOP just got Barack-blocked

And his dad got to watch It’s a rather striking coincidence that Barack Obama ordered Osama bin Laden killed almost exactly 8 years to the day that George W. Bush strapped on a codpiece and landed on an aircraft carrier looking like the soldier he never was, the warrior he always wanted to be but was too busy getting wasted […]

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Lilly Ledbetter on the GOP War on Women: “Romney should understand this…is about families and economic security”

Lilly Ledbetter on the GOP War on Women: “Romney should understand this…is about families and economic security”

A veteran in the War on Women sets Mitt Romney straight

I was on a conference call today with DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Lilly Ledbetter, the namesake of the now-famous Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. The two women were speaking to reporters about the War on Women as Mitt Romney tours Pennsylvania and Virginia in this first week of the general election.

Ms. Ledbetter, a woman who has been through some of the major battles in the War on Women, has a few things she’d like to say to Mitt Romney.

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How the Death of Osama bin Laden Sent the GOP Chasing Its Tail

How the Death of Osama bin Laden Sent the GOP Chasing Its Tail

Politicizing 9/11 is terrible. But using it as a premise to invade the wrong country is cool. Hi. I’m one of those death penalty hating, rule-of-law loving American progressives who cheered the death of Osama bin Laden a year ago today. Without a trial, the personification of Al Qaeda was summarily killed and dumped into the Indian Ocean. And I, […]

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Projection Alert! Romney says “The Obama campaign is like one of those gyrating, intermittent lawn sprinklers”

Projection Alert! Romney says “The Obama campaign is like one of those gyrating, intermittent lawn sprinklers”

Mirror, mirror on the wall…

In one of the snidest, most nasty press releases I have ever read, the Romney campaign engaged in a round of psychological projection that is truly transcendent. It’s clearly an effort to take Mitt Romney’s Achilles Heel and then attempt to smear President Obama with the same tar brush.

The result is so comically laughable that even those on the right have to be giggling about it…

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