Category: Mitt Romney

Santorum campaign protest rally outside Mich GOP HQ for that ONE delegate draws three. People.

Santorum campaign protest rally outside Mich GOP HQ for that ONE delegate draws three. People.

The never-ending Clown Show™ As I wrote about yesterday, Rick Santorum is fighting tooth and nail for that one Michigan delegate that they believe was inappropriately awarded to Mitt Romney. So, they staged a protest rally outside the headquarters of the Michigan Republican Party (MRP) headquarters. It drew three. Not three busloads. Not three dozen. Three. People. These Republicans could […]

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Santorum continues fight for that one Michigan delegate – UPDATED

Santorum continues fight for that one Michigan delegate – UPDATED

Dele-gate Honestly, I never thought that Michigan GOP Primary Clown Show™ would still be the gift to Democrats that keeps on giving a week later but, well, it is. Though the state’s primary was almost a week ago, the Rick Santorum campaign is continuing to dispute the primary’s results. The campaign has taken their fight over the way the Michigan […]

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How Drudge Saves Mitt

How Drudge Saves Mitt

How Mitt Romney hides his Mitt Romney-ness Imagine clicking on the DrudgeReport and seeing this: MITT ROMNEY SUPPORTED INDIVIDUAL MANDATE FOR OBAMACARE It would be the end of Mitt Romney’s campaign. Why? Last year, as pundits wondered how the man who implemented an universal health care plan nearly identical to Obamacare could win the GOP nomination, Mitt Romney had an […]

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Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney expose their hypocrisy on use of government money

Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney expose their hypocrisy on use of government money

Hypocrisy, thy name is ‘Santorum’. Wait. It’s ‘Romney’. No, it’s BOTH! Both Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney rant and rave about the use of government funds for all sorts of things. However, neither has much of a leg to stand on in this regard. Rick Santorum took federal funds to home school his kids. As he presses for the conservative […]

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Rick Santorum accuses Romney campaign of “political thuggery” in Michigan GOP primary

Rick Santorum accuses Romney campaign of “political thuggery” in Michigan GOP primary

Bwahahahahaaa!!! Honestly, the Michigan Republican Primary is the gift to Democrats that just keeps on giving. They are referring to the decision by the Michigan Republican Party to award two at-large delegates to Mitt Romney. As memiller writes at Blogging for Michigan, Santorum’s camp thought they should have split the two delegates and the decision goes against the MRP’s own […]

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The GOP clownshow continues – Michigan edition

The GOP clownshow continues – Michigan edition

You call that “winning”? Although Mitt Romney is crowing about his big win in Michigan this past Tuesday, it appears that he split the Michigan delegates evenly with Rick Santorum. Comically, though, the Romney camp is saying that’s not true. Santorum, campaigning in Tennessee, one of 10 states with contests on Super Tuesday next week, said he and Romney have […]

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Mitt Romney Sets a New Flip Flop Record

Mitt Romney Sets a New Flip Flop Record

We used to call it lying This afternoon, I was alarmed to learn that Mitt Romney had taken a sensible position. He said that he opposed the so-called Blunt Amendment the US Senate Amendment. This amendment allows any employer to deny birth control to his employees based on religious beliefs. If Republicans spoke to their wives (or smart women like […]

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Mitt Romney pays $10.40 for every Michigan GOP primary vote

Mitt Romney pays $10.40 for every Michigan GOP primary vote

The best nomination money can buy Yesterday, GOP Presidential candidate Mitt Romney squeeked out a win over his opponent Rick Santorum by a mere three percentage points. He got 410,517 votes across the state to Santorum’s 378,124. Romney and his supporting PAC (Restore Our Future) outspent Santorum and his supportive PACs (Red White and Blue Fund & Susan B. Anthony […]

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Liveblog: Michigan (and Maybe a Little Arizona) GOP Primary

Liveblog: Michigan (and Maybe a Little Arizona) GOP Primary

Basically, Mitt Romney has already lost Michigan. In 2008, Mitt Romney won the GOP primary in the state where he was born—the state where his father was governor for three terms—easily. And as of last night’s polls, Mitt was losing to Santorum by a point, knowing that Rick Santorum has outperformed polls consistently in this primary. Despite any mischief and […]

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The GOP Can’t Deny Its Extremism (Anymore)

The GOP Can’t Deny Its Extremism (Anymore)

America just isn’t that into the 1 percent We let the GOP pretend they’re for small government, even though they don’t believe in the separation of uterus and state. We let them say they’re conservative, when they want to pre-emptively start new wars. We let them say that they care about the American Dream, as they try to destroy the […]

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LIVEBLOG: Americans for Prosperity forum in Troy, Michigan 2/25/12

LIVEBLOG: Americans for Prosperity forum in Troy, Michigan 2/25/12

Bring on the conservatives! LOLGOP and I are liveblogging and live tweeting the Americans for Prosperity forum in Troy, Michigan today. Be sure to check out his Twitter feed as well as checking back here throughout the day. On tap today: GOP front runners Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum, former candidate Herman Cain, Michelle Malkin, Andrew Breitbart, conservative radio show […]

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