Affordable Care Act facts vs. tea party lies — the gulf between
Medical professionals’ knowledge vs. tea party hallucinations about Obamacare
I get an absolutely ridiculous amount of email every day and a goodly amount of it comes from folks recommending things for me to write about or from one of the various organizations that I subscribe to. I also subscribe to some right wing groups, just so I can get a pulse on what they are going on about at any given time.
This past week I received two emails that were essentially about the same thing. One pointed me to an amazing interview of two medical professionals by my dear friend Betsy de Parry. In it, they talk about the Affordable Care Act (ACA or “Obamacare”) and what it really means to Americans.
The other was yet another freakout passel of lies and fabrications about the ACA from the Tea Party of West Michigan.
The two emails could not have been in starker contrast. More after the jump.
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