Category: Obamacare

A tale of two Congressmen and healthcare protections for people with pre-existing conditions

A tale of two Congressmen and healthcare protections for people with pre-existing conditions

I’m delighted to share the following essay with you from my friend Mark Schauer. I worked hard to help get Mark elected to Congress representing Michigan’s 7th Congressional District in 2008 and to try to get him elected as governor in 2014. He’s a fierce warrior for the issues and values that are important to progressives and continues to make […]

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Michigan Congressional candidate Dr. Rob Davidson knows what’s good for America’s health

Michigan Congressional candidate Dr. Rob Davidson knows what’s good for America’s health

Davidson sees a clear path to victory in Michigan’s 2nd Congressional District, because he knows how to listen to what people need. Being an emergency room (ER) physician working the night shift is an eye-opening experience, even when you know the ins and outs of the healthcare system. Dr. Rob Davidson has seen enough to know it’s time for a […]

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Organizations send open letter to Oscar Health: Stop transgender exclusions

Organizations send open letter to Oscar Health: Stop transgender exclusions

Oscar claims to be a “new kind of health insurance company” but engages in age-old discriminatory practices. Oscar Health seems to have an identity crisis. On the one hand, it is promoting itself as the kind of insurer that appeals to Millennials and does things differently — and seems to support LGBT equality with Pride Month-related messaging all over social […]

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DOING IT RIGHT: Michigan Families for Economic Prosperity holds Congressmen Fred Upton & Mike Bishop accountable for healthcare repeal & #TrumpTaxScam votes in new ads

DOING IT RIGHT: Michigan Families for Economic Prosperity holds Congressmen Fred Upton & Mike Bishop accountable for healthcare repeal & #TrumpTaxScam votes in new ads

Michigan Families for Economic Prosperity is a coalition of advocacy leaders working to educate and empower Michigan voters about taxes and health care. They have two new ads out that highlight how badly two Michigan Republican members of Congress have betrayed their constituents and our state as a whole. The first, titled “Me”, features actual Michigan voters reading letters they […]

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Health insurance options for transgender people keep improving, despite Trump’s ACA sabotage attempts

Health insurance options for transgender people keep improving, despite Trump’s ACA sabotage attempts

New analysis from Out2Enroll shows that insurers are providing increasingly better coverage for transgender people. President Trump and his cronies have been trying desperately to sabotage Obamacare and trample on the rights of transgender people, belittling both in the process. But their despicable plans are not working. Enrollment in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is going strong. And a new […]

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Act now! Sign up for 2018 health insurance Nov. 1 through Dec. 15

Act now! Sign up for 2018 health insurance Nov. 1 through Dec. 15

Don’t let attempts at sabotage make you miss out. Get smart about getting covered. Donald Trump and company don’t want you to know this, but you can sign up for 2018 health insurance from November 1 through December 15, 2017. Try as they might to sabotage the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or Obamacare (which I wrote about HERE), the fact […]

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Trump is right: There is no such thing as Obamacare anymore. And Trumpcare costs are soaring.

Trump is right: There is no such thing as Obamacare anymore. And Trumpcare costs are soaring.

On October 16th, Donald Trump declared Obamacare dead. “Obamacare is finished,” he proclaimed. “It’s dead. It’s gone. You shouldn’t even mention it. It’s gone. There is no such thing as Obamacare anymore.” And he’s basically right: The Affordable Care Act as it was passed and originally implemented is a thing of the past. It didn’t take the passage of a […]

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State Democrats push for Health Care Bill of Rights to protect Michigan residents

State Democrats push for Health Care Bill of Rights to protect Michigan residents

With Republicans in Washington, D.C., determined to gut healthcare access for millions of Americans, Michigan Democrats want to secure state-level protections. As the push to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act marches forward in the U.S. Senate, there’s one thing most Americans can agree on: They like the protections the ACA enshrined into law (even when you call the […]

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Use personal stories to remind Republicans of the devastating cost of their healthcare bill

Use personal stories to remind Republicans of the devastating cost of their healthcare bill

Fems for Change is using stories to make sure their elected officials understand that the Republican healthcare bill is life-or-death legislation. You can do the same. By all accounts, Republicans just don’t care. They don’t care that their healthcare legislation will leave 22 million Americans without health insurance. They don’t care that people will die. They don’t even seem to […]

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It’s “do or die” time to stop Trumpcare and save healthcare for millions

It’s “do or die” time to stop Trumpcare and save healthcare for millions

Join Democratic Senators in pushing back against the disastrous Republican healthcare bill. It’s coming down to just a few days — and a few votes. That was the message from Democratic Senate Leader Chuck Schumer to a group of healthcare advocates assembled on an emergency call by Families USA today. In fact, he said, “Do or die weekend is this […]

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Three Democratic proposals for improving Obamacare that Republicans refuse to hear

Three Democratic proposals for improving Obamacare that Republicans refuse to hear

Congressman Dan Kildee refutes the lie Republicans keep pedaling in their scheme to shove their terrible healthcare legislation through Congress. A popular Republican talking point is the false notion that Democrats have not offered any suggestions for improving the Affordable Care Act (ACA, or Obamacare). That way, they can claim that the only way to fix the ACA is to repeal […]

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