Category: Obamacare

NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by Hart Research Associates (D) and Public Opinion Strategies (R). April 23-27, 2014. N=1,000 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.1."Now as you may know, Barack Obama's health care plan was passed by Congress and signed into law in 2010. From what you have heard about the new health care law, do you think it is a good idea or a bad idea? If you do not have an opinion either way, please just say so

Good news hasn’t sold the public on Obamacare. Here’s why. And how to fix it.

Focus on values and make the other side defend

There has been lots of great Obamacare news over the last few weeks. But public opinion of the law hasn’t improved. The Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll has been tracking this issue since 2009, before the bill passed. Their most recent poll, conducted at the end of April, found 36% saying the law is a good idea, consistent with the range in the mid to high 30s that they have seen the whole time (link is PDF).

Other pollsters, asking somewhat different questions, show higher or lower support for the law, but the same consistency over time. Why so little movement?

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Obamacare success stories keep coming, with a rosy forecast for 2015

Obamacare success stories keep coming, with a rosy forecast for 2015

Karen is just one of 272,500 Michiganders who signed up for coverage through, where a strong finish to 2014 enrollment bodes well for next year. So much good news, it’s hard to know where to begin. On Thursday, Obama administration officials predicted health insurance premiums would be stable in 2015, thanks to a large and varied pool of insured […]

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Obamacare ‘horror stories’ are harder and harder for Republicans to find

Obamacare ‘horror stories’ are harder and harder for Republicans to find

They keep trying to dig them up, but Americans are responding with success stories instead.

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UPDATED: Tim Walberg organizes anti-Obamacare town hall then admits it is helping people

UPDATED: Tim Walberg organizes anti-Obamacare town hall then admits it is helping people

Congressman Tim “the original tea partier” Walberg held a town hall meeting in Saline recently to malign the Affordable Care Act. He lined up a bunch of people, including some business owners, who claim the ACA has harmed them. During the question and answer session, Milan resident Bill Worzel explained how he now has the ability to start a new […]

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Republicans don’t just have a demographic problem — they have a brand problem

Republicans don’t just have a demographic problem — they have a brand problem

And the obsession with repealing Obamacare is making it worse It’s no secret. The next generation of new voters is far more diverse and minorities are rejecting the Republican Party at historically high rates. Demographics are not destiny — but even The Washington Post‘s Chris Cillizza sees how this ends for the GOP: The concentration of young minority population in […]

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Why the super rich hate Obamacare and will never let the debate die

Why the super rich hate Obamacare and will never let the debate die

Republicans will keep fighting this law the way they fight Medicare, Social Security and ‘myths’ like climate change, evolution and the female orgasm Conservatives combusted all over America on Thursday when President Obama punctuated his announcement that 8 million people had signed up through coverage in health care exchanges created by the Affordable Care Act by saying that the Obamacare […]

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If you want to save the government and taxpayers money, support Obamacare

If you want to save the government and taxpayers money, support Obamacare

New projections from the Congressional Budget Office show just how well the Affordable Care Act is working. In news that’s certain to have Obamacare’s opponents sputtering with outrage, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released updated estimates on Monday on the cost of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to the federal government — and to individuals. The verdict? It’s going […]

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“The Affordable Care Act was a refuge in my time of need,” says City of Detroit retiree

“The Affordable Care Act was a refuge in my time of need,” says City of Detroit retiree

People continue being helped by Obamacare — and it’s a winning issue. Politicians and pundits, take note. When City of Detroit retiree Cora Dolley learned that she’d no longer be receiving health insurance coverage from the City, she was worried. For 10 years, $150 had been deducted from her pension check to cover hospitalization expenses and provide other healthcare services […]

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This is a fantastic pro-Obamacare ad — why aren’t there a thousand like it?

This is a fantastic pro-Obamacare ad — why aren’t there a thousand like it?

BREAKING: 14 to 20.3 million Americans gaining health insurance may be a good thing Since news broke that enrollments in the Obamacare exchanges had broken 7 million, there has been a steady stream of positive indications for the law. Signups in the exchanges continue at impressive pace as the deadline to complete applications nears. Medicaid expansion is taking off in […]

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Enroll Michigan connects consumers with coverage through Medicaid expansion

Enroll Michigan connects consumers with coverage through Medicaid expansion

Enrollment started April 1 and it’s going gangbusters. There’s no deadline to enroll, but why wait? Experts are standing by. Open enrollment for 2014 coverage through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace ended March 31, but the people and organizations dedicated to helping people get health insurance haven’t slowed down. This is especially true in Michigan, where you might say […]

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Please reward Charles Gaba for his INCREDIBLE work at

Please reward Charles Gaba for his INCREDIBLE work at

Crowdsourcing for a cause. A GOOD cause. Eclectablog webhost and occasional contributor Charles Gaba has been on what can only be described as in incredible one-man mission to make sure the truth gets out about how successful the Affordable Care Act has been. He’s been tracking people signing up for health insurance through the ACA at his site ACASignUps.netfor several […]

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