Category: Obamacare

Republicans maintain a laser-like focus on Obamacare misinformation campaign

Republicans maintain a laser-like focus on Obamacare misinformation campaign

GOP Congressmen Walberg and Bentivolio are so busy trying to discredit the ACA, how can they have time for anything else? How many Obamacare “horror stories” have to be debunked for people to realize that the GOP spin machine is pedaling so hard it’s about ready to rotate off its axis? Better yet, let’s call it what it is: lying. […]

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Meet a ‘young invincible’ who got covered under Obamacare for $20 a month

Meet a ‘young invincible’ who got covered under Obamacare for $20 a month

At age 31, he already knows how much it costs to go without health insurance. Eddie Mulak couldn’t wait to get covered. He is among the millions of Americans who went from being uninsured to having health insurance on January 1, 2014. And it’s only costing him $20 a month. Unlike many of his fellow young Americans, who are expected […]

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Health Action conference celebrates success while looking forward

Health Action conference celebrates success while looking forward

At a national gathering of healthcare advocates, I saw the heart and soul of healthcare reform. There’s no stopping us now. If you could have seen what I saw at the Health Action conference, you’d be as confident as I am about the future of healthcare in America. Every year, Families USA brings together healthcare advocates and experts at their […]

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Obamacare Friday Update: Private 2.4M, Medicaid/CHIP 4.5M, 10M Total

Full details available at The biggest news since last Friday was Monday’s release of the official HHS Dept. December enrollment numbers. I had the Private QHP Enrollment total as 2.137 million as of 12/31. HHS has the official tally as 2.153M as of 12/28. I love being 99% accurate! :) In any event, the second biggest news as far as enrollments are concerned […]

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Obamacare Derangement Syndrome causes Terri Lynn Land to attack Michigan GOP over Medicaid expansion

Obamacare Derangement Syndrome causes Terri Lynn Land to attack Michigan GOP over Medicaid expansion

Comprehension fail much? The National Republican Senate Committee (NRSC) and Terri Lynn Land are so eager to continue to beat the anti-Affordable Care Act drum that they appear to have lost all ability to distinguish between it and any other discussion about health care. This was made comically clear over the past two days following an appearance by U.S. Department […]

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Many Americans don’t realize how affordable health insurance is now

Many Americans don’t realize how affordable health insurance is now

Educating people about available tax subsidies and Medicaid enrollment are top healthcare reform priorities right now. By the end of December, more than 6 million Americans had enrolled in a health insurance plan under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), either buying private insurance or signing up for Medicaid in a state that agreed to expand the program. We’re now midway […]

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Republican Tim Walberg wants to hear your Obamacare story – but only if you’ve been “harmed”

Republican Tim Walberg wants to hear your Obamacare story – but only if you’ve been “harmed”

Cheering for the failure of something that helps Americans is un-American If you stop by the website of my Congressman, Tim Walberg, these days the first thing you see is a request to “Tell Us Your Story”: If you look at a little closer, the story he wants you to tell is about your experience with the Affordable Care Act. […]

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Obamacare Friday Update: 2.1M Private, 9.5M Total

Obamacare Friday Update: 2.1M Private, 9.5M Total

Every Friday I’m posting the latest enrollment figures for the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) here at Eclectablog. Full details can be viewed daily at I won’t rehash how crazy things have been for me lately. Anyone who’s been following me knows that in the past 10 days I’ve been linked to, cited or featured in stories ranging from Forbes to […]

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Michigan Republicans are costing the state $7 million a day

Michigan Republicans are costing the state $7 million a day

The state is bleeding money because Senate Republicans refused to give Medicaid expansion immediate effect. The Michigan Republican senators who voted against giving Medicaid expansion immediate effect have lost the right to call themselves “fiscal conservatives.” Fiscal cons is more like it, because they only care about Michigan’s financial well-being when it suits their political ideology. Now, courtesy of the […]

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Michigan Medicaid expansion takes a giant step forward with HHS approval

Michigan Medicaid expansion takes a giant step forward with HHS approval

Federal sign-off on the “Healthy Michigan” plan puts start date on target for April 1, 2014. It should have been sooner. It should have been easier. But Medicaid expansion is coming to Michigan. On Monday, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) approved Michigan’s waiver request to expand Medicaid to individuals at 133 percent of the federal poverty […]

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Obamacare Friday Update: 1.83M Private, 5.85M Total, 15M(inutes) of Fame

Obamacare Friday Update: 1.83M Private, 5.85M Total, 15M(inutes) of Fame

Every Friday I’m posting the latest enrollment figures for the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) here at Eclectablog. Full details can be viewed daily at OK, after the insanity of the past few days in terms of both the ever-shifting January enrollment deadline (changing from 12/15 to 12/23 and then 12/24 Federally; ranging from 12/23 to 12/24 to 12/27 […]

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