Category: Obamacare

GOP outraged that program they worked so hard to destroy isn’t working perfectly

GOP outraged that program they worked so hard to destroy isn’t working perfectly

Burning stupid hypocrisy Now that they have performed a near-perfect National Faceplant with the Great Hostage Taking of 2013, the Republican Party has decided to wave the white flag and return to actually helping move the country forward in a spirit of bipartisanship. Hah! Just kidding. In reality, after spending the past three years trying to destroy the Affordable Care […]

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Obamacare enrollment picks up as more Americans are getting covered

Obamacare enrollment picks up as more Americans are getting covered

A few website glitches aren’t stopping people who want and need insurance coverage — including Republicans. Republicans in Washington were willing to put the global economy at risk, not to mention the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of Americans, to cripple Obamacare. They didn’t succeed. In fact, their temper tantrum over the last two weeks seems to have increased the […]

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GOP gives up taking a law enacted 3 1/2 years ago hostage, now it’s laws enacted decades ago: Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security

GOP gives up taking a law enacted 3 1/2 years ago hostage, now it’s laws enacted decades ago: Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security

Wow, you guys are incredible I suppose it’s a good sign that Republicans are finally waving the red flag on repealing the Affordable Care Act as a condition for not putting a bullet in the brain of our national (and possibly the international) economy. For weeks now, that has been their precondition for passing a budget to fund the government […]

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I’m sick and tired of being held hostage by GOP extremists

I’m sick and tired of being held hostage by GOP extremists

Think it’s wrong for a vocal minority to tell the rest of us how to live our lives? Me, too. I’ve had it. Enough is enough. Our country has been held hostage since the 2010 midterm elections by a vocal minority that somehow thinks if they scream loud enough, waving woefully misspelled signs and threatening their puppet-strung representatives with primary […]

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Monday: Michigan Rep. Gretchen Driskell hosts educational event on healthcare

Monday: Michigan Rep. Gretchen Driskell hosts educational event on healthcare

Live or work near Washtenaw County? Drop by for a coffee chat about healthcare in Michigan. Michigan State Representative Gretchen Driskell (D-Saline) will host a coffee hour about healthcare in Michigan on Monday, Oct. 7, from 3-5 p.m. at the Manchester Community Resource Center, 410 City Road in Manchester. The discussion will include the federal Affordable Care Act, Medicaid expansion […]

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OBAMACARE DAY TWO: Some reflections after an historic day

OBAMACARE DAY TWO: Some reflections after an historic day

That was a day we will all remember President Obama signs the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, photo by Congressman Keith Ellison Well, I looked out the window the morning, Day Two of Obamacare, and the sky was still UP and the sun was rising. IN THE WEST! No, wait [turns around] IN THE EAST! Despite warnings of the […]

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OBAMACARE DAY ONE: My hideous experience

OBAMACARE DAY ONE: My hideous experience

So, I got an email from my employer this morning. They went through what I’m assuming is the normal process of having the Department of Labor analyze the health insurance plan they offer to us, their employees. The verdict: “affordable”. I can keep my employer-based insurance. I can keep my doctors. I don’t need to go to to sign […]

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The new affordable health insurance marketplace is here!

The new affordable health insurance marketplace is here!

For millions of people who are uninsured or can’t afford to buy insurance on their own, the day has come: You’re somebody. If you’ve lived without insurance or, like me, pay exorbitant rates because you buy individual insurance or have a pre-existing condition, October 1, 2013, is a day to celebrate. It means you’re no longer a nobody in the […]

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Michigan Senate Democrats push to implement Medicaid expansion by Jan. 1

Michigan Senate Democrats push to implement Medicaid expansion by Jan. 1

The opening of the Obamacare marketplaces isn’t the only news today that’s a BFD. The passage of Medicaid expansion in Michigan last month was a huge victory for the nearly 500,000 uninsured who will gain coverage as a result. But the fact that the Senate passed the bill without “immediate effect” meant delaying the start of the program until 90 […]

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UPDATED: Today is the day House Republicans punch themselves in the face

UPDATED: Today is the day House Republicans punch themselves in the face

“Why won’t you compromise on our refusal to compromise?!” – House Republicans That’s gonna leave a mark So, this is hilarious. After five years of Republicans refusing to compromise on just about everything and doing all they could to impede any initiatives President Obama put forward, including their own, we get these sorts of comments from GOP leadership regarding his […]

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Congressional GOP: Are you willing to give up healthcare benefits and salaries?

Congressional GOP: Are you willing to give up healthcare benefits and salaries?

That’s what you’re trying to force millions of Americans to do. I’ll bet you’re not willing to do the same. I’m angry. Plenty of Americans are. Because we’re sick and tired of being held hostage by last-minute threats and brinksmanship that risks the health of millions of citizens and the strength of our economy. But Republican members of Congress who […]

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