Category: Obamacare

Michigan Senate passes Medicaid expansion 20-18

Michigan Senate passes Medicaid expansion 20-18

This is a victory for hard-working, low-income Michiganders, and everyone who advocated on their behalf. It would be tempting to gloat, just imagining the tears of the zealots who fought so hard to deprive nearly 500,000 Michigan residents of access to health insurance. But instead, I’ll just say THANK YOU. To every organization, citizen and legislator who took action to […]

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Michigan Senator Patrick Colbeck holds Medicaid expansion hostage

Michigan Senator Patrick Colbeck holds Medicaid expansion hostage

He must be on one heck of a power trip, fueled by hot air and tea bags. Michiganders who support Medicaid expansion — and that’s a majority, by most accounts — have been waiting all day for a vote in the Senate on Medicaid expansion. As of this writing, they’re still waiting. After hours of deliberation, one vote went down […]

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ACTION: Speak now in support of Michigan Medicaid expansion

ACTION: Speak now in support of Michigan Medicaid expansion

Or forever hold your peace. I know, I know … there’s been talk of a vote in the Michigan Senate on Medicaid expansion for months. But this time, it’s possible it could actually happen this week. Which means everyone who supports Michigan Medicaid expansion needs to tell their Senators how they feel. Tea Party groups in Michigan have been screaming […]

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Americans are bigger fans of Obamacare than you might think

Americans are bigger fans of Obamacare than you might think

When asked about individual elements of healthcare reform, a majority of people from both parties like many key benefits. Maybe we should just stop calling it “Obamacare.” Because when you ask average Americans — both Democrats and Republicans — they support many of the benefits of healthcare reform. For those who oppose the law, maybe they just don’t like President […]

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Citizens rally for Michigan Medicaid expansion

Citizens rally for Michigan Medicaid expansion

Volunteers gather to protest Tea Party Republicans’ opposition to healthy legislation. Protesters rallied in support of Medicaid expansion in Michigan on Monday. They met at the GOP Victory Center in Livonia — which, not surprisingly, was closed. But they were undaunted, with three speakers making their voices heard on the importance of Medicaid expansion as a crowd, including two local […]

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When it comes to Obamacare, the Heritage Foundation can’t handle the truth

When it comes to Obamacare, the Heritage Foundation can’t handle the truth

The conservative Heritage Foundation is campaigning against Obamacare. But their arguments are unsubstantiated lies. Do Republicans really think they can just willfully spread lies about the Affordable Care Act and get away with it? Sure they do, because their rabidly extremist supporters will believe anything they’re told by their spin masters. They’d like you to believe that Obamacare is the […]

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The president almost becomes his own anger translator over GOP Obamacare sabotage

The president almost becomes his own anger translator over GOP Obamacare sabotage

It’s almost as if getting 30 million Americans health insurance is worth fighting for. Hopefully you know Luther, President Obama’s anger translator from Comedy Central’s fantastic Key & Peele show. He helps the president communicate subtext too subtle for many Americans: In his weekly address, President Obama veered slightly toward Luther when discussing Republican attempts to sabotage the Affordable Care […]

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Michigan Senate Republicans to go on retreat to discuss Medicaid expansion

Michigan Senate Republicans to go on retreat to discuss Medicaid expansion

How much more time can they possibly need? Oh, and didn’t they claim they were working on this while they’re on vacation this month? This is getting ridiculous. After gaveling in and out of session in just 10 seconds earlier this week, Michigan Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville said Senate Republicans are going on a retreat “in a week or […]

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The GOP has one health care solution: Thousands more dying and millions going bankrupt as we all pay more

The GOP has one health care solution: Thousands more dying and millions going bankrupt as we all pay more

We already pay for each other’s health care in the dumbest possible way Republicans are debating right now about which scheme the should use to try to destroy Obamacare before the most compelling benefits of the law and taxes on the rich and corporations kick in on January 1, 2014. Defund or delay. The “defund” people think that Republicans should […]

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ACTION: Contact your Senator in support of Michigan Medicaid expansion

ACTION: Contact your Senator in support of Michigan Medicaid expansion

This is your weekly reminder. Senate Republicans need to hear from you now. As I wrote here last week, Tea Party groups are asking their members to call their Senators every single day, urging them to vote no on Medicaid expansion. Putting aside my curiosity about how these folks have so much spare time (and, if they don’t work, how […]

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Fight the falsehoods: Get the facts about Obamacare

Fight the falsehoods: Get the facts about Obamacare

Truth is stronger than fiction. It just needs to speak louder than the absurd. Obamacare’s opponents will say anything — no matter how ridiculously untrue — in an effort to sabotage the law. Worse yet, plenty of people believe the lies. The scare tactics aren’t going to stop the law from being implemented. But they may prevent people from signing […]

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