Category: Politics

The Electoral College Makes Things Interesting

The Electoral College Makes Things Interesting

48 states plus Washington, D.C. are winner take all. So, you could have all of them by winning each one by one vote. That’s 49 votes. Maine and Nebraska have two and three Congressional districts, respectively. Their system is that there’s one electoral vote for each district and two more for the overall winner of the state so you’d need […]

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The Ann Arbor News Endorses NOBODY!!!

I heard this today at our canvass headquarters but I couldn’t believe it until I actually read it. But yes, it’s true: FOR PRESIDENT: FLAWED CANDIDATES, NO ENDORSEMENTby the Ann Arbor News. That’s right. The Ann Arbor News. For the past week the News has been endorsing Democrats of all kinds. Carl Levin for U.S. Senate. Mark Schauer for the […]

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Smear Tactics Confuzzle the Proof Readers

It all started with Sarah Palin’s first declaration that Senator Obama was “paling around with terrorists”. But wait. May he was “palling around with terrorists.” No, that doesn’t look right. Dang it. She’s gone and taken a noun and made a verb out of it and now nobody knows how to spell it. The AP says it’s “palling”. So does […]

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Obama Phonebanks in Missouri

This is the coolest Obama YouTube yet. He stopped by a Campaign for Change office in Missouri and spent time talking to voters on the phone. Amazing. I’m just sayin’…

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My Election Prediction

My Election Prediction

Okay, going-out-on-a-limb time. Here’s the electoral map that I believe we’ll see on Wednesday, November 5th, 2008. Yes, I believe that Indiana and Missouri are going blue this year. It’s unbelievable but true. Uhh…I think. Bonus prediction: Senate will be 59:41 Democrats:Republicans. They may actually get their filibuster-proof 60 but I am having a hard time being that optimistic. I’m […]

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Campaign Integrity – It’s the Little Things

It’s not easy keeping your campaign on the good side of decent. But I have been amazed by how the Campaign for Change has gone out of their way to keep their message positive. As Matt Damon said in an interview yesterday regarding his decision not to criticize the McCain/Palin ticket, “The Obama campaign has decided to focus on the […]

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Gotta Love the (Blue) Midwest

Gotta Love the (Blue) Midwest

Great graphic, nicked from The Daily Kos. (Data from Me likes. Me likes a LOT. I’m just smilin’…

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David Sedaris on “Undecided Voters”

THIS is perfect. I look at these people and can’t quite believe that they exist. Are they professional actors? I wonder. Or are they simply laymen who want a lot of attention? To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside […]

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Yard Sign Vandalism: The Cause, The Response & The Poll

Yard Sign Vandalism: The Cause, The Response & The Poll

There’s an artist in Ann Arbor. She loves Senator Obama but she hates knocking on doors, making phone calls and entering data. So she took it upon herself to raise several hundred dollars in donations and then made dozens of LARGE yard signs for the Obama Campaign for Change. For free. We were lucky enough to score one of these […]

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McCain’s MUST-WIN State

McCain’s MUST-WIN State

There’s no reasonable path to a McCain presidency that doesn’t include a win in both Pennsylvania and Florida. Here’s what Pennsylvania looks like today: Good luck with that, d00d… I’m just sayin’…

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Huffington Post Piece

I commend your attention to this piece at the Huffington Post: Escape to Europe, Our Election Follows. I know the guy that wrote it ;) I’m just sayin’…

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