Category: Politics

Gen. Powell Gives GOP Permission to Jump Ship

In Washtenaw county, home of Ann Arbor, Michigan, one of the most active community leaders in Senator Obama’s Campaign for Change voted for John McCain in the Michigan primary. He soon became disenchanted by a man who seemed not to care how long our young men and women remain in Iraq and this life-long Republican jumped ship and began working […]

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Michigan GOP Freaking, Dems Petition Tina Fey!

Republicans in Michigan are freaking out. With the McCain campaign all but abandoning Michigan to the Democrats they are resorting to desperate measures. Tim Walberg is running an ad linking his opponent, Mark Schauer, to Michael Moore. Former Republican governor, William Milliken is backing away from McCain. And now the Republicans are petitioning the McPalin campaign to bring Palin back […]

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‘Osama’ Appears on Absentee Ballots

It’s bad enough that someone did this in the first place but to then to just brush it off like it’s nothing really takes the cake. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s last name is spelled “Osama” on some 300 absentee ballots mailed out this week to voters in Rensselaer County hilltowns. Is it a Freudian slip, intentional gaffe or a […]

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What’s So Funny ‘Bout Inspiration?

I admit it: I am unabashedly inspired by Barack Obama. I’m inspired by his speeches. I’m inspired by his written words. I’m inspired by the way he has and is running his campaign. And I’m inspired by his life story. Although I live in the liberal Ann Arbor area, I work in a VERY conservative town. Almost daily I listen […]

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A bunch of stuff on my list this this morning. 1. Negative Campaigning: Obama vs. McCainI’ve said recently to my conservative friend, Aielman, that comparing Obama’s lies and McCain’s lies on the campaign trail is like comparing a guy with a blister on his finger to a guy with a broken arm because they’re both “injured”. It’s a matter of […]

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I’m So Voting For “That One”

I’m So Voting For “That One”

Are you fucking kidding me??? Logo courtesy of Andrew Sullivan. I’m just sayin’…

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Solving the Federal Deficit

Solving the Federal Deficit

Here’s how John McCain is going to close the budget gap that’s creating the gigantic federal deficit. He’s going to eliminate earmarks. Earmarks, as part of our overall budget, are that little sliver of red in the pie chart below: Via Oh, yeah, he’s also going to cut taxes for the uber-wealthy. Good luck with all of that. Straight […]

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Desperation’s Crocodile

Desperation’s Crocodile

As Sarah Palin scans her morning coffee cup for words of inspiration and wisdom, one wonders if, in light of their campaign’s recent turn toward the Dark Side, this quote appeared to her: “In life you need either inspiration or desperation.”– Anthony Robbins And THIS is enough to make anyone desperate: Pollster data from 10/6/2008 This is Desperation’s Crocodile. At […]

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Spinning Obama’s Victory Already?

Rich Lowry at the National Review is already spinning Obama’s victory over McCain. While I agree that the economic crisis has impacted McCain’s campaign harder, there’s a good reason for that: his party’s approach for the past eight years (and his actions in Congress) have done NOTHING to mitigate the financial meltdown we’re seeing. The fact that Obama has been […]

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Well, Day-um

Joe Klein at Time’s Swampland blog bars no holds: Referring to the McPalin attempts to cast aspersions on Barack Obama’s character As I said, I’m of two minds about this. I don’t want to give currency to this sewage, so it will remain below the fold. And I’ll try to devote the lion’s share of my time to the issues–the […]

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William Ayers THIS, Bitch!

Today, the Obama campaign releases a 13-minute “ad” that discusses John McCain’s ties to the Keating Five scandal. Apropos, methinks, in light of all the financial unrest that’s grabbed this country by the throat. Here’s the teaser. That’s fine, Mr. McCain. You bring up William Ayers all you want. Barack Obama’s ties to him are so tenuous as to be […]

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