Category: Polls

POLLS: Michigan tea party Congressmen Walberg, Bentivolio, & Benishek in deep, deep trouble over #GOPshutdown

POLLS: Michigan tea party Congressmen Walberg, Bentivolio, & Benishek in deep, deep trouble over #GOPshutdown

Ruh roh, Raggy The whole “if you’re in a hole, stop digging” thing seems to really be escaping the tea party members in Congress these days. This past week, for example, my Congressman, Tim Walberg, sent out an email hilariously titled “Rep Walberg Works to Reopen Government”, claiming that he “passed four pieces of legislation to fund the entire government”. […]

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New polling commissioned by GOP-led PR firm still shows marriage equality making gains in Michigan

New polling commissioned by GOP-led PR firm still shows marriage equality making gains in Michigan

Even with a Republican skew, public opinion on marriage equality is still gaining ground Lambert, Edwards, & Associates, a PR firm led by Republican Jeff Lambert, released results last week from a poll they commissioned in late July that covered the topic of marriage equality in Michigan. Despite using a questionable data set, the results still show marriage equality making […]

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Site update

Site update

Meta, meta, meta… I just wanted give folks a bit of an update on what’s been happening on the blog lately. First of all, thanks so much to everyone who contributed during our Third Quarter Fundraiser. We had folks contributing via PayPal, by check, and by purchasing a TinyPass. Your donations help pay for the website hosting and upkeep along […]

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PPP poll: Mark Schauer, relatively unknown outside of the 7th District, leads Rick Snyder by 4 points

PPP poll: Mark Schauer, relatively unknown outside of the 7th District, leads Rick Snyder by 4 points

One term nerd, indeed

Public Policy Polling has the first Michigan gubernatorial poll out since Mark Schauer declared his candidacy and the news is very, very bad for incumbent governor Rick Snyder. According to PPP, Mark Schauer leads Snyder by four points, a huge margin for someone who is relatively unknown outside of the 7th Congressional District where he once served as Congressman.

More after the jump.

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Another day, another poll showing that pretty much nobody likes Michigan Governor Rick Snyder

Another day, another poll showing that pretty much nobody likes Michigan Governor Rick Snyder

You know who REALLY likes Rick Snyder? Nobody.

Rick Snyder has given numerous signals that he intends to run for a second term as the Nerd in Chief of Michigan. The problem is that not only do Democrats despise him, he’s wildly unpopular among Republicans, too. He’s especially hated by the far-right tea party element of the GOP.

A Lambert, Edwards & Associates poll out last week conducted by Denno Research tells the tale. Details on that and more after the jump.

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Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s poll numbers continue to sink like a rock

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s poll numbers continue to sink like a rock

Let’s see if we can keep this trend going, shall we?

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder is beginning to pay the true price for his attacks on Michigan families and workers. In an EPIC-MRA poll released this week, the percentage of Michiganders giving him a positive job approval rating has dropped from 51% to a mere 36% and, more importantly, the number giving him a negative job approval rating has jumped 16 points from 32% to 48%.

Details after the jump.

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POLL: Should excess tax revenues be put into Michigan’s “Rainy Day Fund”? If not, what should be done?

POLL: Should excess tax revenues be put into Michigan’s “Rainy Day Fund”? If not, what should be done?

Is it still raining in Michigan?

As I have been telling folks for the past year, Republicans have raised the effective tax rates on more than half of all Michiganders in the past year. You’ll notice when you do your state taxes this year; many folks are already facing the reality that, instead of getting a refund like they always have in the past, they now OWE several hundred dollars to the State of Michigan. Get your checkbooks out, folks. SOMEBODY has to pay for nearly $2 billion in tax cuts for corporations and that somebody is YOU.

Meanwhile, as the tax coffers start to overflow a bit, Republicans are eager to sock some of it away into the Budget Stabilization Fund, otherwise known as the “Rainy Day Fund”. During the financial meltdown during the latter half of the Bush administration, Governor Granholm was forced to use that money to keep the state afloat. The fund now has a half billion dollars in it. The question many are asking is if we should put MORE money in it.

What do YOU think? Take our poll after the jump.

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UPDATED: If women vote in November, Barack Obama will be re-elected. It’s actually that simple.

UPDATED: If women vote in November, Barack Obama will be re-elected. It’s actually that simple.

It’s called “arithmetic”

UPDATED: Check out the excellent OFA Women for Obama video after the graphic.

A new poll out by Quinnipiac has some remarkable numbers for us this week. They have President Obama ahead of Mitt Romney by 4 points among likely voters. But among women voters?

18 percent.

Details after the jump.

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Romney poll numbers get the Ryan Splat, Dems fired up

Romney poll numbers get the Ryan Splat, Dems fired up

So much for charging up the base…

Although the Romney campaign clearly hoped the selection of Super and True Conservative Paul Ryan as his running mate would fire up his base and, more importantly, fire up his polling numbers, the truth is, it hasn’t.

Reuters reports that only 26 percent of people they polled view Romney more favorably after his choice of Ryan for Vice President. Gallup polling shows that his support number went from 46% to 47% among registered voters after the VP announcement.


So much for that.

Much more after the jump.

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