Category: President Obama

Mitt Romney checked: turns out he supports equal pay for women (sorta)

Mitt Romney checked: turns out he supports equal pay for women (sorta)

Sam, we’ll get back to you on that Yesterday, when asked if Mitt Romney supports equal pay for men and women doing the same job, his campaign team didn’t have an answer. They had to check to see if he actually support women’s rights or not. The shocking thing about this is not that they weren’t sure. It’s probably hard […]

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Super PACs turn their attention from supporting candidates to destroying President Obama

Super PACs turn their attention from supporting candidates to destroying President Obama

Get ready, this is about to get VERY ugly

The opening salvos in the involvement of Super PACs in the 2012 presidential race happened in the past week. There are two very obvious examples and they should give us all a taste of the bitterness we’re going to see over the next seven months.

First, American Crossroads, Karl Rove’s privately-funded group, announced…

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Mitt Romney gets a public spanking by Obama’s foreign policy advisors

Mitt Romney gets a public spanking by Obama’s foreign policy advisors

That’s gonna leave a mark It’s not rare these days to hear Mitt Romney lying his ass off about President Obama and all the things President Romney would do to make things better. However, it IS rare to see as thorough and effective a response as the one from President Obama’s foreign policy team this week in Foreign Policy magazine. […]

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President Obama gets pair of personalized New Balance running shoes

President Obama gets pair of personalized New Balance running shoes

Democrat Mike Michaud urges military to outfit troops in USA-made gear Democratic Congressman Mike Michaud from Maine has introduced legislation requiring the U.S. military to outfit our troops in gear that is 100% USA-made. To bring attention to his effort, he had New Balance, a footwear manufacturer in his district and one of the last remaining domestic shoe companies, manufacture […]

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Wall Street has its best 1st quarter since 1998

Wall Street has its best 1st quarter since 1998

Lookin’ good, lookin’ good… This bodes well for the Obama re-election campaign. The Republicans are counting on a tanking economy and for corporate interests to come running to their rescue. And then comes this: Wall Street had its best first quarter since … wait for it … 1998! Despite falling six out of the last nine sessions, the S&P 500 […]

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Romney believes Obama may be conspiring to “sell out the country’s interests after the election is over”

Romney believes Obama may be conspiring to “sell out the country’s interests after the election is over”

Derp. I was reading an article in the National Journal about how the Obama campaign is asking Mitt Romney to release more of his tax records. It appears that he may have gamed the system in the past to pump up the value of his IRA into the tens of millions of dollars. Then I came across this bit of […]

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Obama administration announces Great Lakes offshore wind consortium

Obama administration announces Great Lakes offshore wind consortium

This will blow your mind…err…wind turbine

In an effort to jump start a recently-announced $180 million initiative to spur the development of offshore wind energy projects, the Obama administration and the Department of Energy today announced the formation of 5-state, 15-agency consortium in the Great Lakes region to cut through red tape and shorten the licensing period for new offshore developments. (I have written about the various types of offshore wind turbines HERE.)

More after the jump…

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Obama tries to end Big Oil subsidies. Will the GOP let him?

Obama tries to end Big Oil subsidies. Will the GOP let him?

Subsidizing hugely profitable companies is a good idea why again? President Obama is leading the charge on ending taxpayer subsidies to the massively profitable oil companies. This week, the Senate voted in a procedural vote on Senate bill 2204, the Repeal Big Oil Subsidies Act, to do just that. The vote was a lopsided 92-4 but that’s not because Senate […]

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GOP releases latest budget proposal. Surprise: it cuts Medicare, Medicaid, & Social Security to pay for tax cuts for the rich

GOP releases latest budget proposal. Surprise: it cuts Medicare, Medicaid, & Social Security to pay for tax cuts for the rich

It’s deja vu all over again Paul Ryan and his GOP pals released their latest budget proposal today. While it aims to eliminate the deficit by 2040. How do they hope to do this. No surprise: it cuts Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP and Social Security, leaves military spending alone and cuts taxes on the wealthy. The New Ryan Plan leaves the […]

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Michigan Energy & Environment for Obama Team kicks off in Ann Arbor

Michigan Energy & Environment for Obama Team kicks off in Ann Arbor

And they’re off! Last night the Michigan Energy & Environment for Obama Team kicked off its effort to reelect President Obama at the Arbor Brewing Company in Ann Arbor. Environmental luminaries from around the state were in attendance in cluding Ken Berlin, the Director of the National Energy & Environment Team. Berlin told us that the team formed 18 months […]

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GOP primary candidates: “Obama wants high gas prices because…um…”

GOP primary candidates: “Obama wants high gas prices because…um…”

Dude, that doesn’t even make any sense Mitt Romney claimed this week that the Obama administration wants gas prices to be high: [Romney] called for President Barack Obama to fire what he called the “gas hike trio” of Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson. “These three, this trio of his energy […]

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