Category: President Obama

Mitt Romney writes off Michigan and most of the Rust Belt at last night’s debate

Mitt Romney writes off Michigan and most of the Rust Belt at last night’s debate

It’s not like Mitt Romney was counting on Michigan for any sort of support already. As I said before, if Mitt Romney wins the GOP nomination, he should probably just skip Michigan after his New York Times editorial called “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt” back in 2008: It will be interesting to see if Romney dares to show his face in […]

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President Obama is winning the war of public opinion

President Obama is winning the war of public opinion

Yesterday, I wrote about how President Obama is surging in the latest PPP poll (favorability rating up 11 points, job approval rating up 6 points) and how the Republicans are completely tanking (down 15 points.) This, right here, is the major reason why: That’s the front page of The Cinncinnati Enquirer this morning with the blaring headline: “GOP kills jobs […]

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President Obama positively SURGES in most recent PPP poll

President Obama positively SURGES in most recent PPP poll

Welly, well, well, well. Who whoulda thunk it? Favorability rating: UP 11 points Job approval rating: UP 6 points Congressional Republicans: DOWN a whopping 15 points! Poor David Nir at Daily Kos just can’t explain it. “I can tell you what changed in our cross-tabs,” he says, “but I can’t tell you why things changed.” It’s a complete mystery why […]

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Singer Pat Boone has proof Barack Obama was born in Kenya

Singer Pat Boone has proof Barack Obama was born in Kenya

Singer Pat Boone now has solid proof that President Barack Obama was born in Kenya. What’s his proof? He went to Kenya a while ago and some people there told him so. President Barack Obama may have released his birth certificate this spring to debunk rumors that he was born outside the United States, but old school crooner Pat Boone […]

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The progressive left didn’t push Obama to the left, he’s been waiting for America to join him there

The progressive left didn’t push Obama to the left, he’s been waiting for America to join him there

President Obama’s new-found populist voice has reinvigorated liberals across the country and across the blogosphere. This week, for example, you would hardly recognize the Daily Kos vaunted Recommended List. Former Obama-bashers are thrilled that the president is coming on strong, naming names and shaming the shameful in his fight to get his new jobs bill passed. Example after example of […]

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President Obama using new media like a boss!

President Obama using new media like a boss!

This ad just came up on my iPhone Pandora app: It was complete with the President’s voice exhorting me to call Congress to urge them to pass his jobs bill. “Learn about it, fight for it!” That’s how you use social media/new media, kids. That’s how you win the future. FTW. (P.S., it’s paid for by the Democratic National Committee. […]

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BREAKING: President Obama won’t throw elderly and poor under the bus

BREAKING: President Obama won’t throw elderly and poor under the bus

My, my. Who woulda thunk it? After a summer of “Obama is throwing seniors and poor people under the BUS!!!” coming from the left, it turns out, HE ISN’T. According to the New York Times and others, President Obama is proposing cutting the deficit by $3.6 tillion over the next ten years and paying for at least half of it […]

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The quiet diplomacy of Barack Obama

An event took place this past week that didn’t get much attention but shows us that a lot happens in the White House that we never hear about. Efraim Halevy, an Israeli intelligence expert and former head of the Mossad spoke in New York about the recent uprisings in Cairo, Egypt. He tells the story of three Israelis who were […]

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Interactive panoramic image from President Obama’s speech in Detroit, Labor Day 2011

You can use your mouse to spin the image around and you can also zoom in and out using the scroll button on your mouse. Enjoy. [This image is by Anne C. Savage. Please do not use without permission. Visit her blog for many more photos.]

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President Obama in Detroit on Labor Day defies the laughable myth that his “base” has deserted him

President Obama in Detroit on Labor Day defies the laughable myth that his “base” has deserted him

Detroit’s a special place. On Labor Day, it doesn’t just have one labor union parade. It has two. Yes, in Detroit both the building trades union and the AFL-CIO both held simultaneous parades to celebrate workers in general and union membership specifically. The theme of the day was “Labor and Community: We are One”. Thousands of union members walked along […]

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Crowd waiting for Pres. Obama in Detroit on Labor Day 2011

Think President Obama’s popularity is slipping among his “base”? Don’t tell that to Detroitans Michigan union members.

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